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Sir Creep

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Everything posted by Sir Creep

  1. Sir Creep


    So he pitched a total of 2 big league innings? Doesn't take much to get an obit posted here. I'm not blaming you, Wildstorm, I'm blaming the entire world and everything in it. SC
  2. Sir Creep

    Political Frailty

    Zambia’s former First Lady, Thandiwe Banda, has been diagnosed with cancer, her husband former president Rupiah Banda has confirmed. Mrs Banda has been in a South African hospital for more than two months undergoing chemotherapy treatment. SC http://www.panapress.com/Zambia--Zambia-s-former-first-lady-Thandiwe-Banda-diagnosed-with-cancer--15-630409346-29-lang2-index.html
  3. Sir Creep

    David Bowie

    Joan fucking Rivers are you kidding me? You got Lauren Becall and Mickey Rooney and Shirley Temple Black dying and you hand me Joan obnoxious Rivers!?!??? SC
  4. Sir Creep

    Rugby Players

    St George Dragons premiership-winning fullback Brian Johnson dies from Alzheimer's at the age of only 59. SC http://www.couriermail.com.au/sport/nrl/st-george-dragons-great-brian-johnson-dies-aged-59-after-long-battle-with-alzheimers/news-story/048b109c28af31bdacb9d67a80d6e3d3
  5. Sir Creep

    Death Anniversary Thread

    Jan 12: Agatha Christie - 40 years. And if animals allowed, the last horse to win the Triple Crown (until this year), Affirmed - 15 years.
  6. Sir Creep

    Derby Dead Pool 2016

    That's fine but in my DP that has a rule about not being famous solely for the fact you're dying, I'm getting grief for Andrew Smith--so much so I punted him rather than fight it and have people quit my league (a few threatened). He doesn't have a wiki page. I'd suggest many athletes don't. So what say you--is he not eligible under your rules of stardom? I think the wiki thing is an obtuse thought. We all know what 'celebrity' is. It's like pornography--I can't define it but I know it when I see it. SC
  7. Sir Creep

    The Hare's Death Pool

    So do people who didn't die count as 366 points each? Otherwise I'd just pick 25 people I know would live and score zero and win. Clearly I've assumed getting a bad early hit is better than no hit at all (see Harrington (HIT) and Feek on my team). Shoulda asked clarification beforehand I reckon. SC
  8. As good as my getting the nomination. Sir Creep
  9. Sir Creep

    Tommy Chong

    Prostate cancer---this was an asinine selection. Drop 40 anyone? He's my Joker. And to think Patrick Harrington Jr could have had this slot. Did the sodding Committee not hear of him? SC
  10. Sir Creep

    Stairway To Heaven/ Highway To Hell

    Well done. Combined with my post as per gcreptile's comment, that batch of names 1941-48 we are going to hear from 3-4 more unexpectedly this year. I would definitely call those prior to 1938 or so 'outliers' as most musicians don't see 76 years old. So that begs the question: which 3-4 names from those born 1941-48 are next up? Peter Sarstedt, David Crosby, Henry McCullough, Meatloaf, John McVie are all probably on DDP teams already! Sarstedt is on mine, McCullough on my Shadow list. SC
  11. Sir Creep

    Foreign Personalities, From Stage, Screen, Politics And Life

    Current status of Gunnel Vallquist - dead. https://translate.google.co.uk/translate?hl=en&sl=de&u=http://www.nzz.ch/feuilleton/aelteste-literaturnobelpreis-jurorin-gunnell-vallquist-gestorben-1.18675439&prev=search Gunnel is a GIRL'S name? Boy that's some sexy shit right there....​SC It's an outdated name here, very few women below 60 years old have that name. The male equivalent is Gunnar. Ahh yes I see. We have a few like Gertrude or Mabel or Erma or Inez. Hortense and Dierdre are a couple winners too. Emma was on that list 30 years are ago but has made an incredibly strong and fresh comeback. 'Twas my grandmother's name and was highly considered for my daughter, so much so we called her that about a week whilst she was womb-bound. SC
  12. Sir Creep

    Derby Dead Pool 2016

    TMIB, I spelled David Bowie's name a little oddly, 'T-o-n-y A-d-a-m-o-w-I-c-z' which is how I pronounce it. So points should be coming then? SC
  13. Sir Creep

    Hugh Hefner

    You can now purchase Hefner. SC
  14. Sir Creep

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2017

    Blimey. I know, right, they mention him, then BOOM!, dead. That happened to me with The Ultimate Warrior in 2014. Of course, the difference was it took like two weeks for Warrior to die and Bowie was a bit less camp. That happened to me on my own DP with Detroit Tigers Gates Brown. I mentioned him in an article about random 'original black Detroit Tigers from the 1960s' about 10am and by 2pm his death was announced. Creepy. SC
  15. Sir Creep

    David Bowie

    2015 was my focus. Johnny Winter 70 2014.
  16. Sir Creep

    Foreign Personalities, From Stage, Screen, Politics And Life

    Current status of Gunnel Vallquist - dead. https://translate.google.co.uk/translate?hl=en&sl=de&u=http://www.nzz.ch/feuilleton/aelteste-literaturnobelpreis-jurorin-gunnell-vallquist-gestorben-1.18675439&prev=search Gunnel is a GIRL'S name? Boy that's some sexy shit right there.... ​SC
  17. Sir Creep

    Nancy Reagan

    Sure she will, the cost of home heating oil is down. SC
  18. Sir Creep

    David Bowie

    I thought about him, Iggy has been extremely quiet thus far. To be fair it's a good friend, so maybe time is needed. ​We also lost Steve Strange last year, in reference to the Ashes to Ashes song/video. You're certainly on to something, gcreptile... ​Chris Squire was 67 I believe. Froese as stated 68. Lemmy 70; Steve Mackay (Stooges sax player) 66; Gary Richrath almost 66; Lynn Anderson 67; Errol Brown 71; Jack Eli 71; Ron Ford 67; Jimmy Greenspoon 67; Lesley Gore 68; Wendell Holmes 71; Andrea Crouch 72; Ortheia Barnes-Kennerly 70; Chris Rainbow 68; Dieter Moebius 71; Cilla Black 72; PF Sloan 70; Cynthia Robinson 71; Stevei Wright 68; even Percy Sledge and William Guest (74 each) didn't escape too far from 70. Even a few others I didn't list like U2s road manager (68) and a few lesser known/studio musicians. Maybe it's life on the road wears you down? Last year was bad, this year may be worse. SC
  19. Sir Creep

    David Bowie

    Got my vote
  20. Sir Creep

    David Bowie

    Dude lives in NYC not UK. So far BBC and a couple sources like Hollywood Reporter running with story. Where the hell are a major American news source (NYTimes seeing as he lives there)? Anyway surely it's a lost legend if true. Biggest death of 2016 perhaps and we've just gotten started. SC Edit: The Times has spoken. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/12/arts/music/david-bowie-dies-at-69.html
  21. Sir Creep

    David Bowie

    Stop it you hoax eating morons SC
  22. Sir Creep

    Not Really Famous, But What A Moniker!

    Queen Jetsun Pema is gonna 'Wangchuck' tonight. Hell, every night! SC
  23. Whichever candidate appeals to a 4th grade level mentality. Here's a fine article about the anti-intellectualism that is America. ​SC
  24. Sir Creep

    Derby Dead Pool 2016

    Ok if so it (cancer etc) didn't pop up whilst Googling around. Only medical anything I found was 1993 lol. I figure there's a reason...but I didn't see it.SC Edit: if you mean this: https://www.gofundme.com/pc62tqxk then let's hope whoever Kathy Kerley (unverified by FB) is legit, as it's the sole mention of Halpin's 'cancer' on the Web. Spade looking good seeing as Kerley's funding page in 3 months has only netted $1100 of the $25000 needed to save his life! Kathy Kerlin is friends with Halpin on Facebook, so I'm pretty confident the GoFundMe is legit. I may not be the best pure deadpooler out there, but my research game is second to none. Hey where is some love for my dolphin photo? That's the funniest thing posted here in..... well 2016. Oh well, tough crowd. ​You da man, Spade! That's all there is to it. SC
  25. Sir Creep

    The dead of 2016

    Why would we have the Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba from 2004-2009 on the list? Not only did former Manitoba Lieutenant Governor John Harvard die on January 9, 2016, but on January 7, 2016 former New Brunswick Lieutenant Governor Gilbert Finn died! ​SC

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