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Everything posted by YoungWillz

  1. YoungWillz

    A Night To Remember

    According to IMDB, the late Richard Beale played an uncredited role as Harbor [sic] Pilot in this film. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0063671/?ref_=ttfc_fc_cl_t56
  2. YoungWillz

    British Science Fiction Series

    Herald Obituary: http://www.heraldscotland.com/opinion/15300208.Obituary___Richard_Beale__actor_who_starred_in_EastEnders/
  3. Jezza meantime is shooting himself in the foot. He's actually welcomed the U-Turn! And the press and the Tories going after him on failing to condemn the IRA. I'm sure even Tezza would condemn Nazi Germany, despite following their policies...
  4. Easy. There will be an income tax rise, alongside the earlier announced NI increase which is coming. And it will get worse when Tezza announces transitional arrangements that will keep us in the EU (and paying for it) until 2028.
  5. Fair dos, probably, but this smacks of economic incompetence along the lines of the NI increase. If there's a cap and we don't know what that is, we also don't know the size of the hole blown in Tory figures by any limit, who will pay for that, etc? Still doesn't get away from the problem of discouraging a property owning democracy. Why not include Northern Ireland?
  6. U-turn announced on social care policy by Tezza! There will now be a cap on how much people will pay, only Tezza can't tell us what that will be. Only forgot to put that in the manifesto - and is still massively going to hit people who are looked after in their own homes. The woman who forgot Gibraltar. The woman who won't tell us what she is going to negotiate on. What kind of a deal will she come back with? What and who will be forgotten about? Good grief woman!
  7. YoungWillz

    George Bush Senior

    And somewhere in the middle, Sean Spicer is among them...
  8. YoungWillz

    Derby Dead Pool 2017

    I take the view that a hit is a hit, whether it is non-scoring or scoring. Just because someone hasn't had a QO doesn't detract from the fact that someone has correctly predicted a demise. But hey, that's just me, scoreboards are for people who care about winning.
  9. YoungWillz

    2017 Ddp Salvage Lot

    Instantly thought "Obama's birth certificate" when I read that!
  10. YoungWillz

    The B B C

    Cacophony: a harsh discordant mixture of sounds. This is how Sean on the BBC News Channel described the forthcoming Scottish Leaders' Debate. Now, I'll readily admit that Nicola and Kezia aren't the most pleasant of voices to listen to, even for us in Scotland, but this really is an ill-advised way of discussing a programme on your own channel. "Never mind the policies, listen to that horrible non-Home Counties pronunciation, totally unrecognisable, has anyone thought of subtitling it for us?" is the way it comes across. How about properly describing the UK-wide debates? "And talking utter bollocks tonight will be...."
  11. YoungWillz


    Former LA Dodgers man and DDP favourite Tommy Lasorda hospitalised: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-people-lasorda-idUSKCN18G0YW
  12. YoungWillz

    A A Gill

    My thoughts exactly. But it's satisfying to know.
  13. YoungWillz

    A A Gill

    And the inheritance results are in. Amber Rudd gets nothing. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4524230/Restaurant-critic-AA-Gill-leaves-3-4m-children.html
  14. YoungWillz

    Ooo's Ddp Farewell List

    Tim Price is another one, been no update since he was jailed.
  15. YoungWillz

    World War II Veterans

    Overton a shoo-in for Daily Mail imo.
  16. YoungWillz

    Ooo's Ddp Farewell List

    I'll update, cheers. I searched for Foran repeatedly and came up with nowt.
  17. Theresa says Jezza cannot be trusted with the defence of the nation. She's right. On Trident, Thornberry says one thing, Griffith says something else and Jezza has a third way. Maybe that's why it's called Tri-dent. But can Theresa and crew be trusted? If Trump says launch, the Tories say we will launch. Without consultation. Without thought. Without regard to the people of the nation or whether it's in UK interests rather than America's interest. That's your choice on defence. So technically it's not an issue at the election.
  18. YoungWillz

    The Hare's Death Pool

    Future looking better for ImNotHades now Jacque Fresco is no more. First hit, well done. Now only Widows Peak can steal msc's record for the longest wait for a hit.
  19. YoungWillz

    The 100 Club

    Futurist with no future Jacque Fresco has died aged 101. https://www.thevenusproject.com/ Obituary straight from the source. Edit: Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacque_Fresco IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0294347/
  20. YoungWillz

    World War II Veterans

    Richard Arvine Overton is in hospital with pneumonia: http://keyetv.com/news/local/oldest-living-veteran-austinite-hospitalized With Nabeel Qureshi and Rayya Elias both ailing, looks like Sir Creep might be gaining hundreds of points on the Hare's Pool. I'm sure Joey Russ is praying for them all in his jammies tonight....
  21. YoungWillz

    The Hare's Death Pool

    I'm not really a "fun stats" person, but hey ho. Ok, round about the same time last year, which was a vintage year as we all recall, we had 17 teams scoring thus: 4 teams had 500+ points (2017 - 1 team) 2 teams had 400+ points (2017 - 1 team) 6 teams had 300+ points (2017 - 2 teams) 2 teams had 200+ points (2017 - 8 teams) 2 teams had 100+ points (2017 - 7 teams) 1 team had 1+ points (2017 - 3 teams) All teams had scored in 2016 - still 2 non-scoring teams this year. gcreptile as the eventual winner with a record score was doing relatively poorly, with 6 hits but only falling in the 200+ points category. Sir Creep was top of the tree this time in 2016, but had a bad second half and only jumped up to second place with a very late hit. Also there was a fair spread of scoring with distance between each player for the most part. This year, as you can see, there are tight bunches where each player is only separated by a point or two. What does this say about the second half of 2017? Absolutely nothing! Edit: Although it won't be exact, I'll do an individual comparison in the next update to show how each player is doing relative to last year, assuming they entered.
  22. YoungWillz

    The Hare's Death Pool

    When I saw everyone's teams, my tip was Grim Up North. Time will tell. I'll have a check back, fwiw. Back in a mo....
  23. YoungWillz

    The Hare's Death Pool

    Nice to see me gaining ground. Still nothing in it really. We are one update (assuming enough deaths) before the halfway point of the year. The second half as always will be crucial when the chunkier points are picked up, so there is hope for everyone in this game. Keep the faith!
  24. YoungWillz

    The Hare's Death Pool

    Eighth Leaderboard 2017: (*=Joker) 1st: JoeyRuss - 559 Points [7/25] (Snuka; *Wetton; Westhuizen; Langhorne; Morano; Pirsig; Bayldon) 2nd: Sir Creep - 443 Points [7/25] (Soares; McGiffin; Wetton; Skellern; Morano; Lakovic; Carey) 3rd: gcreptile - 378 Points [7/25] (Hollingworth; Youguang; Snuka; Mohren; Rockefeller; Morano; Kaiser) 4th: msc - 349 Points [8/25] (Snuka; B. Simpson; McGill; Wetton; Coward; Skellern; Hewlett; Lakovic) 5th: Deathers - 272 Points [4/25] (Westhuizen; Kaufman; Berry; Morano) 6th: Grim Up North - 259 Points [5/25] (Wetton; Westhuizen; Coward; Skellern; Morano) 7th: Death Impends - 251 Points [7/25] (Youguang; Nakamura; Hale; D. Carrington; Corey; Skellern; Rockefeller) 8th: The Dead Cow - 225 Points [5/25] (Sarstedt; D. Carrington; Westhuizen; Skellern; Morano) 9th: Rockhopper penguin - 223 Points [3/25] (Westhuizen; Berry; Dreyfus) 10th: Whoaml - 222 Points [5/25] (Sarstedt; Hale; Westhuizen; Berry; Rockefeller) 11th: Toast - 213 Points [5/25] (Sims; Westhuizen; Sumner; Coward; McGuinness) 12th: drol - 204 Points [4/25] (Soares; *Snuka; Bossom; Clifton James) 13th: Bibliogryphon - 195 Points [3/25] (Dalyell; McCowen; *Freeman) 14th: RadGuy - 178 Points [4/25] (Snuka; Tyler-Moore; Westhuizen; Morano) 15th: YoungWillz - 157 Points [2/25] (*Snuka; Bayldon) 16th: Captain Chorizo - 156 Points [3/25] (Hollingworth; Suzuki; Morano) 17th: JiroemonKimura - 123 Points [4/25] (*Snuka; Cordero; Mohren; Skellern) 18th: Pedro67 - 122 Points [2/25] (Skellern; Walcott) 19th: Shaun Of The Dead - 112 Points [3/25] (Hollingworth; Skellern; Kaufman) 20th: Rotten Ali - 54 Points [2/25] (Hurt; Wetton) 21st: Book - 31 Points [2/25] (Sarstedt; Tyler-Moore) 22nd: The Unknown Man - 30 Points [1/25] (Wetton) =23rd: ImNotHades - 0 Points [0/25] =23rd: Widows Peak - 0 Points [0/25]
  25. YoungWillz

    Last Word

    Wish I'd had a tenner on that - totally predictable for once.

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