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Everything posted by YoungWillz

  1. YoungWillz

    The Dead Of 2015

    Also diabetes related, sigh....
  2. YoungWillz

    The Dead Of 2015

    A unique hit, pending nowt, for MSC in the Deathrace. Found one http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/ap/article-2962688/Nissan-executive-known-father-Z-dies-105.html
  3. YoungWillz

    Robert Mugabe

    It's his birthday, can you choke on elephant? Depends which part I guess....
  4. YoungWillz


    Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore's first PM in intensive care. http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/7aec806a-b9c2-11e4-933f-00144feab7de.html#axzz3SQItrDDU
  5. YoungWillz

    The Dead Of 2015

    Yutaka Katayama, former Nissan executive dies at 105 (years, not hours) and a unique hit, pending UK obit, for The Coffin Dodgers on DDP. http://www.starherald.com/news/business/nissan-executive-known-as-father-of-the-z-dies-at/article_98529667-2a4b-5771-8571-3490a90f070a.html
  6. YoungWillz

    The Dead Of 2015

    Bruce Sinofsky, director, dies. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/bruce-sinofsky-oscar-nominated-director-775901
  7. YoungWillz

    Vagrants, Tramps, Homeless Eccentrics And Hermits

    June Fairchild, bit part actress who fell on hard times has died. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/june-fairchild-dead-up-smoke-775240
  8. YoungWillz

    Dead Pop Stars

    Bruce Dickinson of Iron Maiden treated for cancer. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-31534635
  9. YoungWillz

    Dead Pop Stars

    Not wishing to add much to the off topic debate, here's a story about a woman who was chromosomally part male. Ah, life... http://www.nature.com/news/sex-redefined-1.16943
  10. YoungWillz

    The Dead Of 2015

    Character actor and rentaghost stalwart Jeffrey Segal passed away Feb 5. http://www.thestage.co.uk/people/obituaries/2015/02/obituary-jeffrey-segal/
  11. YoungWillz

    DDP Team Name Rejects

    Ex-Men: Oranges - Former Protestant leaders.
  12. YoungWillz

    End Times - The Rapture

    Fairly standard end times (could have drawn this up in my bedroom in 5 minutes), but was interested to note that the last item was "the unknown" with the folks calling for research into "the unknown". Almost name on a coke bottle stuff! http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/the-12-terrifying-ways-researchers-think-human-civilisation-is-most-likely-to-end-10046945.html
  13. YoungWillz

    Eighties TV

    Merrill Grant, producer on Kate & Allie, reported deceased. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/merrill-grant-dead-kate-allie-773475
  14. YoungWillz

    UFOs, Space Aliens and the like

    What do you mean? Next year there will be a DDP team called The Entire Human Race By the time they've worked through the adult sites....
  15. YoungWillz

    DDP Team Name Rejects

    Mouldy Old Doh! - voice actors on The Simpsons.
  16. YoungWillz

    UFOs, Space Aliens and the like

    This chap has decided that now is the time to send out a message to the aliens. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-31442952 I particularly enjoyed this part: "My personal preference is to send the internet - send it all because if you send a lot of information then there's some chance that they'll work it out". Assuming Sky haven't automatically used their family friendly filtering, I assume it may be some considerable time before we hear from out there....
  17. YoungWillz

    The Stars Of B-cinema

    Layne Tom Jr., who played Charlie Chan's son dies at 87. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/layne-tom-jr-dead-charlie-772544
  18. YoungWillz

    Dead Pop Stars

    Just posted this over on Dead of 2015 too, belt n braces. Peace.
  19. YoungWillz

    The Dead Of 2015

    Steve Strange becomes estranged from this mortal coil. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-31449838
  20. YoungWillz

    DDP Team Name Rejects

    A Scalington In The Cupboard - mountaineers.
  21. YoungWillz

    Nancy Reagan

    Call for help Nancy, some of us aren't listening now. http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/feb/03/nancy-reagan-refused-help-dying-rock-hudson-get-aids-treatment
  22. YoungWillz


    Diamond Dallas Page in the hospital, shame so soon after the Royal Rumble (which was mostly awful) http://www.wrestlinginc.com/wi/news/2015/0207/589261/diamond-dallas-page-currently-hospitalized-with-serious-throat/
  23. YoungWillz

    Comedians & Comedy Writers

    Ah, one of my DDP receives a lifetime achievement award (or as I like to call it, fast tracking fatalness). http://www.scotsman.com/lifestyle/arts/news/stanley-baxter-lands-lifetime-achievement-award-1-3677055
  24. YoungWillz

    Fidel Castro

    They would say that, but he seems to be ok, despite them picking out his tomb site. http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/01/28/us-cuba-castro-idUSKBN0L12SA20150128
  25. YoungWillz

    DDP Team Name Rejects

    Back In Your Box (People who have technically "died", been resuscitated, and spend the rest of their existence going on and on and on about the glory of heaven yada yada) Hanging's To Good For 'Em (Those who should die horribly) One Direction - Down! (Boy band members who should meet Satan) The Rights Are Going Out Across Europe (European right wing extremists). Peace, YW.

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