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  1. Shroud

    Nancy Reagan

    If u have to deal with a president Cruz or Trump, good luck with that, "mates."
  2. Shroud

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2017

    Sancturay seller, I mean that we Americans don't have to explain ourselves to anybody, your sorry ass or anybody else -- I know about how Churchill was here every month, at least, trying to get the US into WW 2, though I'm sure this is told far differently over there. He knew you clowns were beaten without us, and that is the end-all of it. In retrospect, it would have been better had we not gotten into the first World War, and the Central Powers eventually won out. Would have spared a lot of American blood being spilled on behalf of people who hate us. I used to think that this claim of being hated so badly was only so much right-wing propaganda, but I suppose they do know what they're talking about every once in awhile. As far as I am concerned, you haven't gotten what is coming to you just yet, and I only hope I last long enough to see the full comeuppance take place. It would like fine to see the flag of the Russian Federation waving over London, Paris, and the rest of western Europe, I must say. No skin off of our noses, after all. The again, if Putin is open to splitting Europe 50/50, I suppose I could live with that easily enough. I imagine the European women would appreciate having American men a great deal over what they have to chose from presently. Take a flying leap, why don't you?
  3. Shroud

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2017

    I must say I am somewhat confused at some of the comments directed either at myself, or the US generally. Many of yo have seemed to say our help wasn't needed in the WW 2 years, while Biblio berates us for not getting involved sooner. On really can't have it both ways, you know. Anyhow, the Korean conflict involved the UN generally as well as the US, so many other countries were involved there besides the US on the South's side. Hopefully, this will be the final comments on the subject. I really feel no need to have to explain my positions or defend the US on any of it, really, in the end.
  4. Shroud

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2017

    I see some of your point, Biblio, although our Founders advised strongly future generations not to become involved in European wars in particular given the bloody history Europe has had, and etc al. I only went back to this subject due to someone's remarks on Jane Fonda which tried to imply that I am some right wing fanatic, which is most certainly not the case. I think you will find Ms. Clinton much more aggressive a leader than M,. Obama has for the record assuming she wins. Given her personality and other problems, that's not a given at all. I am a progressive, but obviously there are major cultural differences between US progressives sometimes, and UK ones. If the Falklands affair wasn't a war, then what was it? I believe we provided(quietly) intelligence support to Thatcher during it. For the record, I would rather Bin Laden had been taken alive and tried for his crimes as well. Veterans of Vietnam and those really on the far-right are ones who detest Jane Fonda, and from the veterans perspective, I can understand why they still do so. As far as provinces or territories go, if I owned the Mojave desert, I still wouldn't fall all over myself to go live there, people. That one of the points I was making on the Falkands also. Instead of insulting Americans because of a bad leader like Bushie jr, why not check into people like Audie Murphy whom I mentioned before? It would be time better spent than arguing back and forth like this,,certainly. I believe, also, charon, some of your more over-the-tip posts have been removed also, "mate." I tend to think Vietnam might have gone much differently had not Robert Kennedy been killed, but that's something no one can ever know now. I think I have made my point well enough, however, as it seems the best many of you can do in response if hurl vulgarities and insults to my position.
  5. Shroud

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2017

    Your comments on patriotism and the Falklands, etc., al, are rather ironic, Jolly Green... To an American it seems Britain wants to hang on to near-useless territories like the Falklands out of a curious stubborn stupidity, a desperate need to retain shreds of long-faded glories, perhaps. Maybe someone needs extra space for sheep to graze, I don't know. I seem to have read somewhere that a Dutch ship first sighted these rocks prior to either UK or Spanish vessels if that is to be a consideration as to who has a greater claim over them. It seems there are some other cold, windswept wastes in the same general area further south which the UK claims, but said claims are not recognized even by ourselves, apparently. From some research I have done myself, it would appear that Spain meant for them to go to Argentina when Argentina became independent. I suppose it is a bitter pill to swallow after one's nation controlled half the world or so for several hundred years, and now primarily has near-worthless places like this left in the kingdom, or occupied places like Northern Ireland (which I suspect most in the US view N. Ireland as) which are nothing but a constant source of trouble you would be better off to be well rid-of. I don't believe anybody in the States during the 1940's was planning on becoming "king of the hill" once the dust settled, but history is fickle as all here should know. Does anybody honestly believe "Uncle" Joe Stalin would have stopped with eastern Europe had the US not been there to counter-balance the Soviets? I think it unlikely (to put it very mildlly) the UK, France, etc., could have held the Soviets back w/o our aid. Thinking otherwise is an exercise in self-deception, Biblio... and I most definitely did not support the Iraq War. Going after Bin laden was an entirely different matter, of course.
  6. Shroud

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2017

    Given the debate recently concerning WW 2 and the US's contributions to that, and various other conflicts, there were several US allies in the Vietnam war including the above-mentioned South Korea - Australia and New Zealand contributed troops as well, incurring losses during the war's progression. It seems that troops for South Korea were responsible for a number of the atrocities committed during the war which were unjustly laid at the feet of the US. These facts aren't difficult to research Cat... and others; check into them for yourselves rather than just making wise-acre remarks.
  7. Just heard that former US Senator Rick Santorum has quit the Republican race; down to 8 candidates for them now, I believe. Be 2, 3 more knocked-out next week, I imagine. On some of the people mentioned here, if Bush Sr. expires, it might garner some sympathy votes for Jeb, but he has fallen so far back now, it would be too little, too late, I believe. If he doesn't win a state somewhere in the next two or three weeks, which is quite unlikely at this point, he's just as well to toss his towel in also. If Nancy departs in '16, probably not a huge factor one way or the other, really, at this point. Ronnie has been gone over a decade, now,and her own influence has waned some as time has passed.
  8. Shroud

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2017

    Jane Fonda has apologized several times in more recent years for allowing herself to be used for propaganda purposes. by the North Vietnam, Assassin. Regardless of one's feelings about that conflict, it was an incredible case of poor judgement on her part - her, and dad Henry Fonda stayed "on the outs" over it until almost the end of his life, actually. Probably a good idea for her to stay well away from any Vietnam veterans, though, as I'm sure she knows. Just can't get past the idea Americans can be progressives and patriots, can you? Is patriotism that unpopular for Britishers? In any case, for the record, the US - and allies, as there were some, including South Korea, won every major military engagement in the war. President Truman introduced the idea of "limited warfare" in the Korean War, something which simply isn't workable. They could have gone through the north any time had Presidents Johnson or Nixon allowed them to do so. Equally amazing that Britain was able to defeat even Argentina with the attitudes I have seen displayed here. Wow.
  9. Shroud

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2017

    Jane Fonda had surgery for breast cancer several years ago, although she does look healthy presently. One cannot always go by looks, of course, if the cliche' will be pardoned. No, I don't think becoming a Starchild counts as dying btw Happy reaper. I would say it definitely goes in the other direction a great deal. Did anyone have Frank Finlay who passed a few days ago? He received some notice here for his roles in films like Lifeforce and the 1970's pair of "Musketeers" films as Porthos, among others.
  10. Well, a 3rd candidate has been eliminated in the US Presidential election, and the 2nd Republican, Senator Rand Paul dropped out today. I think that leaves them with yet 8 or 9, but after New Hampshire next week, some more will fall out. Probably Governor Chris Christie will be one of them, which is too bad in ways. he seems to have more emapthy for people than most conservatives. Just hope Ted Crux doesn't wind up elected somehow; nobody has seen fascism in the US until/unless HE gets into office, for the guy would make Dick Cheney and Co. look like avid progressives. Don't Count Senator Sanders out yet either. he'll win some states, and make Hillary have to earn the nomination, I think.
  11. Well, Ted Cruz has surprised some people although I think he is much too extreme to win the general US election come November. I think Trump will still be a factor - how much, we'll see. Hillary needs to be careful at the same time; Sanders will win it, and a few other states as well. If she angers his supporters badly enough, they probably simply won't vote for her. There's a chance Sanders will run an Indi campaign also I think, & I fully expect Trump to as well regardless of what he has said in the past. One Republican has dropped out after Iowa, and Democrat Martin o'Malley threw the towel in wisely. One or two more candidates may withdraw before New Hampshire votes on the 9th. A number of the lower tier Republicans will pull out after New Hampshire I fully expect, so it all remains quite interesting. I do suggest those here who think Trump is the fanatic, though, to heck into Cruz more closely, then decide who would be the worst to possibly end up President.
  12. Actually, since Jimmy Carter won Iowa back in 1976, it's been an important state to win - it was the start of the end for Hillary in 2008, remember. If Trump or Sanders do win it, it will be an earthquake in US politics. On Nancy herself, she might well pass on in 2016 - she does look frail. Jolly Green Gnat, yes, Chris Christie is the most moderate of the Republicans running, and seems a fairly-decent sort, but I doubt he gets much farther than the first few states. On people frustrated with the system here, the more likely thing is many voters simply won't vote come November, or else will vote for some 3rd-party independent candidate. Much as I hate to admit it, the Clinton's ties to Wall Street are hardly a huge secret, after all. Chelsea Clinton and Ivanka)or whatever his daughter's name is exactly) Trump are best pals also for the curious - make of that what you will, and u can maybe see why many are so angry at the US political system as it has become. Many US states have the requirement that a Democrat, saym, can only vote for the Demorcratic primary (or whatever) candidates. Independents cannot vote in some state's primaries at all unless some laws have been changed in recent years, which I don't think many have on that.
  13. Shroud

    World War II Veterans

    In discussing lines from nuclear war type films, 'I hope you like Vodka.." from Wargames (1983) although that isn't quite a war film per-se. I daresay, thouygh, Davy Jones, charon, etc, al., that if the US withdraws from NATO someday, and the Bear comes west, the white flag will go up quickly once you see we aren't going to do your fighting for you any longer. Surrendering seems one of the better things the British Army does when faced with a serious challenge, and the Frenchies as well, for that matter. What was it in WW 2 for France? They threw in the towel within 6 weeks or so wasn't it? I' mot sure w/o checking, but I believe Poland held out longer than France did which probably speaks volumes.
  14. That wasn't bad, Assassin - I detest Russian script btw. I know it.s called something else actually, but I forget exactly what. Anyhow, if you have paid much attention to what's going on in the east, the Bear is coming out of hibernation- ask the Urkanians. I think I spelled that wrong, but you get my point. My unpleasantness, Toast? Have you checked any of your own postings. Talk about the being thick-skulled.
  15. Hope your Russian is up-to-date, people. Odds are the day may come when you'll need to learn it if not. Cheers.

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