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Everything posted by drol

  1. drol

    The EU Referendum Hokey Cokey

    The trailer shouted "Britain First" just before the crash.
  2. drol

    Political Frailty

    Old Italian politicians: Giorgio Napolitano (1925), former President of Italian Republic and Communist despot Carlo Azeglio Ciampi (1920) same as the previous, but shorter Arnaldo Forlani (1925) wererabbit Aldo Tortorella (1926) communist Alfredo Reichlin (1925) communist Silvio Berlusconi (1936) legend Giovanni Pieraccini (1918) communist Vincenzo Scotti (1933) smart man indeed Toni Negri (1933) communist Lamberto Dini (1931) freemason Romano Prodi (1939) mortadella Virginio Rognoni (1924) DC Ciriaco de Mita (1929) mafia DC Stefano Rodotà (1933) Arbereshe
  3. drol

    Political Frailty

    Well, you are quite right. Luckily we colonized the United States, so we are an important country now.
  4. drol

    Political Frailty

    Edgard Pisani is dead at 97. https://translate.google.co.uk/translate?hl=en&sl=fr&u=http://www.lemonde.fr/disparitions/article/2016/06/21/mort-d-edgard-pisani-resistant-et-ancien-ministre-de-de-gaulle-et-mitterrand_4955079_3382.html&prev=search Dunno how you are keeping up with your list otherwise. Finally a deth notice. These days literally no one is dying (except Mr. Yelchin).
  5. drol

    The dead of 2016

    Seems he was pinned between his (?) car and a brick post box according to TMZ.http://www.justjared.com/2016/06/19/alpha-dog-star-anton-yelchin-dead-after-freak-accident/ 27 Club member. Only applies to musicians. Anton wasn't a musician No, he wasn't. I think he was Russian. It's a joke, guys. No facepalms, eh.
  6. drol

    Political Frailty

    Ernesto Maceda, former President of Filipino Senate, is dead at 81. http://www.mb.com.ph/ex-sen-maceda-81-dies-at-858-p-m-from-multiple-organ-failure/ If he's still on life support, doesn't mind, he will die.
  7. drol

    Death Wishlist 2016

    An important religious leader, whose name I won't tell.
  8. drol


    Domino, as in Deuce & Domino? That one? No, Cliff Compton is alive and well.
  9. drol

    The dead of 2016

    Giuseppe Spagnulo, minor Italian sculptor but famous in the USA (so says the Italia press, on which you can never rely on), died on 15th June aged 79. http://www.artribune.com/2016/06/morto-giuseppe-spagnulo-scultore/
  10. drol

    Political Frailty

    Romanian General and Former Defense Minister Victor A. Stanculescu, who overthrew Nicolae Ceasescu's dictatorship in 1989, died yesterday aged 88. http://www.hotnews.ro/stiri-esential-21092917-fostul-general-victor-atanasie-stanculescu-condamnat-pentru-reprimarea-revolutiei-timisoara-murit-varsta-88-ani.htm?nomobile= Quite a big death for history.
  11. drol

    The dead of 2016

    Loretto Petrucci, Italian road cyclist, died on June the 17th aged 86. http://www.repubblica.it/sport/ciclismo/2016/06/17/news/morto_loretto_petrucci-142256387/
  12. drol

    Time Added

    Ludek Macela, former Czech football player and coach, died on 16th June aged 65. https://www.sport.cz/fotbal/reprezentace/clanek/785729-fotbal-drzi-smutek-zemrel-ludek-macela-kapitan-olympijskych-vitezu-z-moskvy.html
  13. drol

    The dead of 2016

    Vittorio Merloni, former president of Indesit and Confindustria, died on 18th June, aged 83, after a suspected heart attack. http://www.ansa.it/sito/notizie/economia/2016/06/18/morto-vittorio-merloni-ex-presidente-indesit_df236904-b9b6-4c36-a09e-840f2867f618.html
  14. drol

    The dead of 2016

    These days were quite boring. I'm expecting a big death coming soon. This post is dedicated to Spade Cooley because it contains literally nothing.
  15. drol

    Muhammad Ali

    Well, I got the month wrong but the day is right!
  16. Before Jo Cox's murder: Leave 93% Remain 7% After: Remain 50% Do it for Jo! 49% Leave 1% (brother of Thomas Mair)
  17. drol

    Dem Bones Dem Bones .....................

    Well, I was referring to Anthony Heald (1944 - 2023). The calembour is irresistible.
  18. drol

    Dem Bones Dem Bones .....................

    Agnes Moorehead (or Motorhead), Alfred North Whitehead, J. H. C. Whitehead and Anthony Head who was in the Silence of the Limbs.
  19. drol

    Hollywood Possibilities

    I know he was very fat. Too much cholesterol probably damaged his health.
  20. drol

    Meat Loaf

    But Hell does not wait....
  21. drol

    Political Frailty

    Shut up, please.
  22. drol

    Political Frailty

    Italian news agencies were disgusting. They say he's shouted Britain First as a matter of fact, while it's probably false and they compare this to Halibut shooting and Britain First to Allah Akbar. I know they are EU side and love fake democracy, but this is just too much. Zorders (and you all), try to read this article (in Italian). You will need the toilet... http://www.ansa.it/sito/notizie/mondo/2016/06/16/gb-deputata-labour-accoltellata-a-comizio-e-grave_7da03c60-6e57-4c8c-a0bf-b06069ac82c1.html

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