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About SandyBeaches

  • Rank
    Hatchet man

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    Martial arts. Rescue Staffies. Heavy rock music.

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  1. SandyBeaches

    Prince Philip Duke Of Edinburgh

    True, sorry, I went slightly off topic there. I was thinking of the what if scenario of them dying together through his bad driving!
  2. SandyBeaches

    Prince Philip Duke Of Edinburgh

    I may be wrong, but doesn't parliament shut down when the Queen dies, and only very important world news shared? It will be a strange time.
  3. SandyBeaches

    Prince Philip Duke Of Edinburgh

    That would be great, just think how many days off work people in the UK would get?
  4. SandyBeaches

    Prince Philip Duke Of Edinburgh

    Just seen a photo in the news and it seems he is already back behind the wheel and driving alone again! Good for Deathlist, but bad for other motorists! Stupid old codger should really quit driving and do something else like dying quietly in his armchair!
  5. SandyBeaches

    Ideas and Possibilities for 2019

    Haha! Good point maryportfuncity!
  6. SandyBeaches

    Ideas and Possibilities for 2019

    Barbara Windson looking very frail lately, just had a pacemaker fitted. People with Altzheimers seem to go downhill quickly, so she's a posibility for 2019?
  7. SandyBeaches

    George Bush Senior

    He reminds me of long dead Jeremy Bentham, who gets dragged out of his cabinet for special occasions, the expression and tanned skin looks very similar!
  8. SandyBeaches

    Ideas and Possibilities for 2019

    Sorry Thatcher, missed your post, but totally agree with you! Until now Lipman seems to have been in great health?
  9. SandyBeaches

    Ideas and Possibilities for 2019

    Maureen Lipman collapsed live on stage in the West End yesterday. Probably nothing serious, but you never know?
  10. SandyBeaches

    Ideas and Possibilities for 2019

    Sean - I was thinking of Daniella Westbrook as being a possibility for next year too. Seems her cheek bones are now disintegrating and she will be having some ribs removed to replace them. Future is not looking great for her?
  11. SandyBeaches

    Ideas and Possibilities for 2019

    Saw Phil Collins looking very ill and frail in the press today, walking with a stick. Perhaps he's a good candidate for next year's list?
  12. SandyBeaches

    Prince Philip Duke Of Edinburgh

    Doubt he'll be walking by May? Surely if it was a planned operation, it would have been organized better? Needs a few months physio? Ah well, might be funny seeing the old codger stumble, and watching the look on the guests faces?
  13. SandyBeaches

    Robert Mugabe

    I just love the way he presides over everything from a comfy armchair, and has to be prodded awake. Bless him, he's just an old man, wouldn't harm a fly!
  14. SandyBeaches

    George Bush Senior

    "Come on George - we are routing for you! You know you want to!"
  15. SandyBeaches

    George Bush Senior

    How selfish of George Bush Sr and Barbara Bush taking attention away from Friday's inauguration! Two for the price of one here - the Bush family are going to be busy! "Come on George - be our first of 2017 - you can do it!"

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