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Everything posted by Bentrovato

  1. Bentrovato

    Peter Falk Is Suffering From Alzheimer's Disease

    12. Or maybe it was a different number. Can I see that ashtray....
  2. Bentrovato

    Interesting Ways To Die...

    Just for the headline. California man 'kills fellow Covid patient with oxygen tank' - BBC News
  3. Bentrovato

    Brian Blessed

    A thread on who?
  4. Bentrovato

    Sickest game in the world (parts 1&2)

    I do wish people would die in accordance to government policy. But while they do not, Friday 621
  5. Bentrovato

    Billy Connolly

    So what can gather from this, is that if the big yin can get in a queue somewhere with a bunch of lorry drivers, shit himself ad infinitum, blame it on the food and not his very rapid deterioration due to other reasons, he should be okay for a decade or two. Marvellos. Scratch him off the list.
  6. Bentrovato

    Billy Connolly

    Depends how regular the shitting is. It could be he is just out on the lash day in day out with a few kormas. Or his psycho wife has told him that shitting is a way to overcome his abuse as a child and this is his expression of that.
  7. Bentrovato

    Queen Elizabeth II

    Really? How nicely quaint.
  8. Bentrovato

    Queen Elizabeth II

    If this turns out to be even halfway realistic then we will never be told if she dies. They will just roll out TV reports with the deepfake version meeting the plebs. No point in putting her or her hubby on the deathlist. Deepfake queen to deliver Channel 4 Christmas message - BBC News
  9. Bentrovato

    Billy Connolly

    Apparently he thinks a lot about death according to this brief interview excerpt. Sir Billy Connolly doesn't think he's got long to live (msn.com)
  10. Bentrovato

    Sickest game in the world (parts 1&2)

    (change of mind) Thursday 812
  11. Bentrovato

    Ideas and Possibilities for 2021

    Speak for yourself. I look fucking gorgeous whatever time I roll out of bed.
  12. Bentrovato

    Ask A Deathlister

    Is there a thread for predicting the death of someone famous on Xmas Day itself? Just wondering, as a few years ago a neighbour in my village pegged it on Xmas Day and he is forever remembered at this time of year. Great way to go if you are a celeb seeking immortality.
  13. Bentrovato

    Sickest game in the world (parts 1&2)

    Wednesday is the beast's day 666
  14. Bentrovato

    COVID 19 - Second Wave

    Don't bother isolating during this wave. It will not work. Man is too stupid to make it work. We have just managed to infect Antarctica with Covid. Next stop the space station and then the moon presumably. Covid-19 has infected every continent on Earth as cases found in research base on Antarctica | Evening Standard
  15. Good luck and all the best. I hope it all goes well.
  16. Bentrovato

    Sickest game in the world (parts 1&2)

    Tuesday 625
  17. Bentrovato

    Captain Tom Moore

    Yet another bleedin' award. How much longer can this be milked? Captain Sir Tom Moore wins Helen Rollason Award at Sports Personality of the Year 2020 - BBC Sport
  18. Bentrovato

    Sickest game in the world (parts 1&2)

    Monday 276
  19. Bentrovato

    Sickest game in the world (parts 1&2)

    Sunday 531
  20. Bentrovato

    Most Significant Death Of Each Month

    Bernard v Bryant. Benrard all day.
  21. Bentrovato

    Celebrity vaccination.

    492 weeks later, at the current rate, we will all be vaccinated. Good fucking luck. Let us not fantasize. The aussies have now got a USA strain etc etc. We are working too slow.
  22. Bentrovato

    Celebrity vaccination.

    The same applies to heroin if you are careful.
  23. Bentrovato

    Cricket Thread. Only Mad Dogs And Englishmen

    I thought the commentators were going to have shock induced heart attacks after that display. Defibrillators on standby for Maxwell and Chappell and the rest. Ruined my early morning cricket for the weekend. So inconsiderate.
  24. Bentrovato

    Sickest game in the world (parts 1&2)

    saturday 501
  25. Bentrovato

    Life In Prison

    Smurfette was cute, but really......

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