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Everything posted by maryportfuncity

  1. maryportfuncity


    recently appeared on You Tube, edited highlights from May 8th 1999, 'St Jimmy's Day' as it is known in some parts of Cumbria.
  2. maryportfuncity


    Yeah, but if we post like f**k on this thread and apply a little Chaos Theory we might destabilise world electric supplies to the point that his hospital suffers a power cut!
  3. maryportfuncity

    Derby Dead Pool 2008

    Aye top pick, respect to the Winged Devil Monkeys Speaking of Monkeys, did any get awarded for 2007?
  4. Deja Vu tour movie of their last US tour, due to premier at Sundance. Whether it'll be their epitaph, we can't say.
  5. maryportfuncity


    Look at what he's putting us through with all this waiting. I mean does he care about our human rights, or what?
  6. maryportfuncity

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2009

    Reg 'Rehab' Hollings. I have a sneaking suspicion he'll recover to the point he could sell a story to a newspaper and make a tv return in an 'ironic' sylee like 'Fat Barry' from Eastenders in 'Extras.'
  7. maryportfuncity

    Pressing The Self-destruct Button

    Who'd 'ave thunk it about Andy Kershaw eh? Alcohol problems and his show currently off air. Mebbe he should - like - start seeing Britney Spears, or summat.
  8. maryportfuncity

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2009

    Sally Clark might be a useful case study. Those that aren't full-on suicidal often find readjusting so hard they damage themselves recklessly, drinking and the rest.
  9. maryportfuncity

    People I Was Surprised To Find Are Still Alive

    I was surprised to find a few people still alive. Bloody elated when you started posting again BB. The difference is I'm willing you to thrive, I'm cruising the rest of this thread for potential scoring picks.
  10. maryportfuncity

    1. Jimmy Carter

    Great tradition but there simply aren't enough candidates to sustain it long into the future, even if the three 80 somethings played along we run out pretty quickly after that since the Clintons and younger Bush family both stayed put for two terms. Of course, if you throw in senior cabinet members like vice-presidents and the likes of Henry Kissenger......
  11. maryportfuncity

    Betty Ford

    Yeah, but there but for the grace of God lies a fair chunk of the human race, or summat.
  12. maryportfuncity

    People I Was Surprised To Find Are Still Alive

    Viscount Montgomery, in other words David, son of Bernard 'Monty' Montgomery. 80 this year and still - sort of - active in the House of Lords.
  13. maryportfuncity

    From Cleric To Relic

    Ian Cundy's home page includes a link to the press release about his health and the information that the post of secretary to the bishop is currently vacant. One to watch closely. Unless a DL'er in the area fancies enquiring about that secretary's job!
  14. maryportfuncity

    From Cleric To Relic

    Crowd pleasers the Greek media eh? Not like their tight lipped colleagues in Cuba last year.
  15. maryportfuncity


    Nah, just some dedicated doctors. He's in very poor health, worse than Sharon and it IS only a matter of a short time now. His improvement in this case is relative to his previous lingering at the door of death. Put it this way; none of us on here would be well advised to swap health with him.
  16. maryportfuncity

    The Canadian Paul Deadpool

    We're getting there CP, all my candidates look like Landpirates when I click on them but apart from that it's now possible to follow the riveting competition and feel morose at my theme team's pathetic standings, 'C'mon Suharto....deliver you bastard!!'
  17. maryportfuncity

    The Dead Of 2008

    Let's round up a few of our picks and take them climbing in the Lake District.
  18. maryportfuncity

    The Dead Of 2008

    The People's Republic of West Cumbria is in mourning........NOT!
  19. maryportfuncity

    Things To Do While Waiting For Death... 2008

    Whatever you do, don't blow up in front of the kids.
  20. maryportfuncity

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2009

    Aye but it doesn't show their DL rank in our top 50. I can see yer man above's point.
  21. maryportfuncity

    Derby Dead Pool 2008

    Yeah, I wouldn't panic yet Handy, she was a cult heroine fairly widely known and also the sort who would be known to entertainment journos and the like so it may be that the Wiki page is currently being pillaged as the papers get onto the case for Monday. She was a hideous sight many years ago, missing part of her gum when interviewed about James Dean so it had never occured to me - and I guess many others - that she might still be alive. You may have an inspired pick there.
  22. maryportfuncity

    Norman Wisdom

    I was discussing deadpooling and the various candidates with the Voice of Young Maryport this afternoon when I stuck on the telly in search of news of Carlisle's progress at Doncaster. BBC 2 were showing a 1965 opus featuring the great Norman, TVOYM lasted about thirty seconds before wondering out loud why people ever bothered paying money to watch such shite.
  23. maryportfuncity

    The Dead Of 2008

    Rod Allen I know Phantom posted this yesterday but was his condition reported widely before this? He'd have been a popular pick if more of us had known.
  24. maryportfuncity

    Norman Wisdom

    Lengthy Guardian article on his children caring for him, ahead of a programme on BBC 2 this Wednesday. The end of the article makes it plain he's going down quickly - at least in terms of his mind. And it's only January.....
  25. maryportfuncity

    From Cleric To Relic

    This is agony, I mean, he's number one on my HPDP team.

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