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Everything posted by maryportfuncity

  1. maryportfuncity

    Heather Mills

    Mounting legal bills and further hints of meltdown. Keep it up Heather!!
  2. maryportfuncity

    Ideas and possibilities for 2008

    Looking good for us, there's bound to be coverage of their fractious relationship and even if the tabloids didn't go wild on the day she died the DDP/HPDP qualifiers of 'an article mentioning....' would doubtless be supported by discussions of how this death impacted on her son. The only downer being the 'crying wolf' aspect of some of her previous utterances to the press. On the sketchy evidence here she could make it to 2009.
  3. maryportfuncity

    Reg Gutteridge

    Re the tin leg there's a great story about Sonny Liston and Reg. Liston complained that his 'the bear' nickname was stupid because black men have less body hair than white men. Reg bet him that Sonny had more hair on his leg than he did. Sonny took the bet and when they rolled up their trousers Reg - of course - won the bet. Liston apparently almost doubled up with laughter. Lost that there leg to a German mine whilst storming a beach didn't he? Wiki page is a bit sketchy, just says b 1924, nowt on his current health.
  4. maryportfuncity

    Queen Elizabeth II

    Oldest ever UK monarch. So, respect for that achievement and all, but I'd bet this site will last long enough to see some of our membership score points on a pick of her madge.
  5. maryportfuncity

    Read Any Good Books Lately?

    The Mothman Prophecies saw the movie ages ago but hadn't appreciated until I started to read it how good a book it is. Kinda relevant since the author may well make fleeting appearances - like Mothman - in a variety of DP teams next year. Assuming he lives another 12 days that is.
  6. maryportfuncity

    Ian Huntley

    A certain Jon Morecroft departed Facebook after the 'Get Huntly Off....' group on the same site rounded on him and grew to 85,000 members. Anyone know for sure, was Jon really the overweight, suicidal scumbag? Be nice if he reflected on the tonnage of hatred unleashed on him and decided to do himself in at - say - one minute past midnight on Jan 1st.
  7. I'd seen the same report, it's worth noting Nash says: So next year it'll be them all holding on for his recovery, neatly timed with the end of Neil Young's European tour before the four of them clean up with another massive US tour, or summat.
  8. maryportfuncity

    Amy Winehouse

    No worries, her good lawyer sez: 'She's obviously a f*****g junky and she was so blasted the whole time she hasn't a clue who did what.'
  9. maryportfuncity

    The Dead - 2007

    Jackson Browne and a load of others get all maudline about the late Dan Fogelberg. Very touching and all but those people claiming he was the best gig they ever saw......they should get out more!
  10. maryportfuncity

    Famous With HIV

    One pill a day from now on. Unlikely to be that helpful to the likes of Greg Louganis who is - probably - too far gone already. The progress highlighted by this development does suggest the likes of Lara Roxx might have it easier and healthier long into the future.
  11. maryportfuncity

    Ideas and possibilities for 2008

    I only know one actuary and I'm convinced he's an Aspergers case, allegedly the best actuary his employers have ever seen, though his wife mutters darkly about divorce; not to me, but she's known to mutter. My point being that what you 'think' as an actuary might not be thinking as some of the rest of us would experience it. Such a person would be a great deadpooler, but would be perplexed beyond help in the face of a BS post.
  12. maryportfuncity

    Ideas and possibilities for 2008

    Fair point Godot though another way of looking at it is that the range of deadpools out there is something of a leveller to those of us thinking we're skilled. It strikes me that DDP is like the singles charts where any bit of frothy novelty can have a value for a fleeting moment, WDP is more like the album chart and when it comes to high performing on the HPDP you're trying to make something as robust as a classic album so you need more than good ideas, you need a sense of structure. Mind, entering DDP these days is like wandering into a crowded bar and wondering if your friends are somewhere in that vast crowd. I'll readily confess that I'm amazed at sitting in the top five at the moment where DDP is concerned. More accident than design. I'm expecting to pick a bunch of well chosen obscurities for 2008, enter with confidence and get massacred inside a year when a team of people I never considered drops dead.
  13. maryportfuncity

    Ideas and possibilities for 2008

    So with this: on the thread he looks a good pick. Older than Christo - the joker - doulus mind.
  14. Some of RNS - Pocahontas, Ride my Llama & Sail Away - isn't live. Powerfinger on that album is - I think - live in the studio. It certainly isn't the same as the version on Live Rust.
  15. maryportfuncity

    Ideas and possibilities for 2008

    Sometimes, yeah. Though as the long-timers around here know I'm more partial to hurtling along on my collection of bikes(as in mountain and racing, not motor). A habit that's landed me in hospital before now.
  16. maryportfuncity

    Ideas and possibilities for 2008

    Re the DDP, what are his chances of high(ish) profile US obits?
  17. maryportfuncity


    Great idea. Good luck with the real life stuff. I'm picking Christodoulus for that May start. Incidentally, I was wondering about 'any one from the Legends of Carlisle United' That means any of the guys in the famous team photo of the 74-75 First Division squad. All the backroom staff are dead and 2 of the 23 players - Alan Ross and Chris Balderstone - are dead. Of the others the oldest is Hughie McIlmoyle - 68 and a regular at United game to this day, very active. The youngest are in their fifties. For good measure I'd like to add Eddie Prudham, signed after the photo but a member of the legends team. Meaning it's any one from 22 former footballers aged 55(ish) to 68. If any die the local papers in Cumbria will doubtless report it, or the message boards on the CUFC sites. Okay?
  18. maryportfuncity

    Derby Dead Pool 2008

    C'mon Maryport, the world and his bleeding wife knows about Christodoulos! I've actually had a re-think about my joker and will take my chance on someone else.... Are you telling me every married woman on Earth is having a period at this moment!! I mean, sometimes my Aspergers gets the better of me and I struggle to understand stuff, but that can't be true, surely.
  19. Got myself, Mrs MPFC and The Voice of Young Maryport booked to see Neil Young in March next year. Great reports of the gigs in the States so I'm hoping for good things. Obviously, I'll report on how close to death he seems after I've seen the gig.
  20. maryportfuncity


    The obvious question really........POD 08, yes or no?
  21. maryportfuncity

    Martin O'Neill

    Indeed Dr S, thanks for pointing it out. I wonder if the guest Irishman could tell us if there was any truth in the rumours that Ulster lesbians fought long and hard for possession of the odd stray rubber bullet.
  22. maryportfuncity

    Derby Dead Pool 2008

    What, you've picked Christodoulus too, I was hoping to extend my joker points with a unique pick bonus where he was concerned!
  23. maryportfuncity

    Kate And Gerry

    Home by Christmas! A distinct possibility according to the private detectives. Whaddya reckon gang? I'm a mite skeptical meself, like.
  24. maryportfuncity

    The Dead - 2007

    Just seen that Colin Pearson has gone to pot.
  25. maryportfuncity

    Derby Dead Pool 2008

    Aye, I'm looking to file between Christmas and the New Year meself. Got to whittle them forty odd names down to summat manageable.

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