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Lord Fellatio Nelson

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Everything posted by Lord Fellatio Nelson

  1. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    The dead of 2016

    I believe anything under the BBC Sport section is fair game? As far as I know, regional stories are only excluded if it's under the UK section. That doesn't seem fair if it's the case. I'm not saying this shouldn't count for Farren. I'm saying that if it does, then a report under the Norn Iron section of BBC News should count too, (As should England, Scotland & Wales as well) Its all made up as it goes along anyway.
  2. Lord Fellatio Nelson


    Blackjack Mulligan hospitalised again. http://www.wrestlezone.com/news/669541-wwe-hall-of-famer-hospitalized-bray-wyatt-and-bo-dallas-leave-wwe-raw-tonight-to-be-at-his-side Bray Wyatt and Bo Dallas have left RAW to be at his side. His condition is unknown at this time. I remember Black Jack Mulligan when his was BRITISH and wrestling in the town halls all over the UK, many televised on World of Sport. Another example of the Yanks trying to take over the fucking World...................................................
  3. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Read Any Good Books Lately?

    One step at a time kid, one step at a time....
  4. Not all scroungers sitting in front of computers. It's just you, I think. Oh so he thinks all the world's problems trace back to one guy then. Okay. Much more respectable and sane... Go back to frigging yourself off to ISIS beheading videos plox Do us all a favour, can you take a selfie? I don't think any of us have actually seen a boy drown in his own cum before.
  5. You can call me whatever gives you a hard on.
  6. To be fair, the average suicide bomber finances their own chemicals, explosives, back packs and guns. Its not like our taxes are keeping them at home and sitting on their arses every day fucking about infront of a computer logged into DL. I don't think I've ever received a single penny of your or anyone else's taxes you fucking rapidly burgeoning Alf Garnett clone. Or very little. Wait, I think that's unfair, even that guy or "Steptoe" or whoever wouldn't have been more outraged about "the unemployed" than terrorism.. At the rate you and Phantom are going you should just be glad there's someone here who doesn't have the opinions of someone who had to have their walking stick confiscated so they couldn't thwack the people who change their clothes for them with it. Yeah.............
  7. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Marianne Faithfull

    I went to see Marianne last night at the Roundhouse and she was pretty much as Book describes. Walking very painfully with a stick, having to sit down frequently, lots of tea (well, that's what she said it was) and smokes. She was terrific though. I was prepared to be disappointed, but she can still sing and interpret a song powerfully. She was also quite hilarious. She did, I think, just 13 songs but was on stage for over 90 minutes. Clearly very tiring for her though. No encore. The gig was being filmed for something so you may have a chance to study the form yourselves at some point. Personally I hope she's around for a long time yet, she's a great character. Bit like the audience then
  8. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    The EU Referendum Hokey Cokey

    Totally disagree with the thrust of your argument for remaining but I respect your point of view.
  9. To be fair, the average suicide bomber finances their own chemicals, explosives, back packs and guns. Its not like our taxes are keeping them at home and sitting on their arses every day fucking about infront of a computer logged into DL.
  10. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    The EU Referendum Hokey Cokey

    That would be fine if it were to happen but it wont, will it. A European Parliament is the ultimate image of interference, incompetence and meddling. You can use a whole plethora of phrases and words to describe the EU and precious few will be positive ones. I understood the original concept but nobody actually requested that it become somesort of Superstate where individual National Governments would end up as nothing more than local authorities that had to toe the line. Im actually heartened to see that the Dutch, like us, still retain our own style of car number plates. Now that would seem to be a trivial point but its not really, it sort of, demonstrates that there are at least two European countries who are still prepared to do things their way instead of meekly complying and becoming something like a Country version of a Stepford Wife.
  11. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Lord Lucan - The Big Question

    I only caught the end of the Sky transmission from outside the court but, Im assuming, the son of the murdered nanny Sandra Rivett is not overly joyous at the decision? Its taken 42 years to declare him officially dead. Reggie Perrin was declared dead in only one series. Our legal system does like to drag its fucking heels a bit, doesn't it.
  12. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    The EU Referendum Hokey Cokey

    Now that's the kind of statement that boils my piss. As it is, we cannot go out and sign trade agreements with countries willy nilly without the EU giving us the nod. What the fucking hell is that all about????? Europe NEEDS to trade with us and we NEED to trade with Europe. The idea that us being out of the EU will have the Eurozone sticking import duties on our exported goods as and when is stupid. The way that some people talk you would think we are Greece not one of the most powerful economic nations in the World. We would have to reciprocate, it would make Europe very uncompetitive in the UK and we are a big fuck off fish, make no mistake. The only people crying about leaving are the big industries but there are thousands of small businesses that would welcome us coming out. Its that gravy train, big business leaders all cosying up to each other and kissing arses. Fundamentally, our country, our decision making, fuck the EU. This whole scenario makes me side with Charon and his pro Scottish independence bollocks. If they want to be free of the rest of the UK good luck to them. We need to be free of Europe too.
  13. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Joey Feek

    Eight pages EIGHT pages about somebody 85% have never heard of, 10% pretend they have heard of and the remaining 5% have because they did a bit of line dancing in 2011.
  14. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    The EU Referendum Hokey Cokey

    That works for me to.
  15. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    The EU Referendum Hokey Cokey

    That's just fucking brilliant RA, a sort of sublime genius or summat!
  16. From that article: I'm not Nestle, but my comment would be: fuck off. also from that article In some ways she has a point, but a lifetime supply is a bit extreme. 'Lifetime' is subjective though. She may be strapping on the backpack for visiting Dr Z , so it might have only been a weeks worth.
  17. No dafter than other attempts from people trying to sue companies in the past https://www.legalzoom.com/articles/top-ten-frivolous-lawsuits All American. Her legal action wouldn't have anybody in the States batting an eye lid, maybe.
  18. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Room 101

    Fucking hell, Imran Khan has many strings to his bow, doesn't he!!
  19. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Rolf Harris

    'Thank Heavens for Little Girls' 'Hey Little Girl' 'Don't Push it Don't Force It' 'Young Girl' ........and many more
  20. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Jimmy Savile

    Ive never been in my right mind, id believe!!! He's supposed to have upset her when they hosted Eurovision together by implying her ancestors were Nazis and getting people to place Swastikas in her dressing her room. See, ridiculous. You are a deffo DL legend Handy, you come up with stories so wild, so obscure, so brilliant!!
  21. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Jimmy Savile

    Ive never been in my right mind, id believe!!! Will they place his wig on top of the coffin, y'know - the way a Moto GP rider would have his helmet on top? Ive spent the afternoon with that mental image Mary, infact I shall never again be able to think of Wogan any other way.
  22. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Jimmy Savile

    Ok, Im thick, PM me the details fella!!
  23. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Drunk? Bored?? Psychopath???

    You know that this belongs in the "may I perchance rant" thread Please for the love of all that is fucking holy tell me you're taking the piss. Otherwise I hope you're future children are all flushed down the loo in kleenex rags. Twat Not even directed at you you self-conscious fucker. I know it wasn't which makes you an even bigger twat.
  24. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Jimmy Savile

    Ive never been in my right mind, id believe!!!

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