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Lord Fellatio Nelson

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Everything posted by Lord Fellatio Nelson

  1. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Zsa Zsa Gabor

    She has probably been dead for years. Thing is hubby is still able to toddle off to the Post Office every Wednesday, Zsa Zsas pension book in hand.............................
  2. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Zsa Zsa Gabor

    Well, people can live for a very long time as (practically) vegetables. Ariel Sharon was in a Permanent Vegetative State after a massive stroke from 2006 until his death in 2014. Terry Schiavo was in a PVS for 15 years (and could have lived even longer if her life support wasn't discontinued in 2005), Sunny von Bülow lived in a PVS for 28 years (until her death at 76). Basically, what you need is a feeding tube, some nurses and some luck. Of course, it would be harder to notice if the patient had other serious diseases (since they wouldn't be able to tell you about their symptoms), but they could go on for years. Just like Sharon, Zsa Zsa had at least two strokes a decade ago and she is old enough to suffer from several age-related illnesses that would adversely affect her cognitive capabilities (dementia, Alzheimer's). When she was a bit younger, she was always craving for attention and even now it'd seem likely that she'd occasionally give interviews. Of course, we know that von Anhalt had blocked visitors from her but now that he lost his conservatorship, he wouldn't be able to deny access to her if she was able to talk to people. Thank fuck for that!! We have Dr Hilary Jones on here!!!!
  3. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    I Miss Badegg

    Dunno but that was a fucking good name! Yes, Im glad I wasn't the only one that thought that, loved the avatar too, all round nice guy or so he seemed.
  4. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    I Miss Badegg

    Whatever happened to Dead O'Gonner? I remember he got hounded a bit but was he just another one of the regulars with more than one account or was he a REAL, ya know, PERSON?????
  5. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Darwin Awards

    It makes you wonder what goes through peoples' minds. The public safety videos were enough to scare me to not mess around with fireworks. Well in the first story, a big fuck off firework!!
  6. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Kirk Douglas

    Kirk Douglas was last married to her in 1951!!!!! Not like they had any recent history, is it..........
  7. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Robert Mugabe

    Interesting, there's also mention of a cabinet post that might have gone to Grace Mugabe but now someone else gets it. The succession fights are starting. Id be surprised if there wasn't a military coup when the old bastard dies.
  8. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Darwin Awards

    http://www.deathlist.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=1637&p=230983 Kathleen Staples, mother of Devon Staples, wants stricter laws regarding who can buy and use fireworks following her son's death. http://news.yahoo.com/mom-man-died-fireworks-accident-says-rules-too-205543867.html FFS, he was TWENTY TWO!!!!!!! As terrible as it is her son was a cockwand.
  9. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    The Hartlepool Deadlypool

    Aye, you and me both, mebbe be comparing late charger notes over a pint at the DLCon, or summat. Well if, where and when and all that, yeah I haven't attended one for a good few years so it sounds like a good idea.
  10. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    The Hartlepool Deadlypool

    Ive got a few corkers lined up, I reckon, mebee, by October, I shall be charging up da rails or summat.
  11. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Toupee or not Toupee....that is the question

    That's sounds like a sexually transmitted disease. Personally its a BK every time over a Maccy D and, at my age, even a BJ. Mind you, given the choice, I fucking LOVE KFC, I can eat them until they are coming out of every orifice.
  12. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Somewhere Over The Rainbow

    Handy, there are times when you come out with stuff on here, some titbit of info or summat, and I think 'fucking hell! All good Handy, keep up the good work!
  13. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Somewhere Over The Rainbow

    A unique pick bonus could be heading Handrejka's way - Holly Woodlawn is very unwell, suffering from 'lesions' on the lungs and brain. This site is raising cash for her nursing care...and funeral I won't ask how anyone would have known of her, much less her. Crazy. I've no business being on the same Web page. SC Handy is no ORDINARY DLer like most of us.....
  14. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Toupee or not Toupee....that is the question

    Erm, his hair is his own, albeit, thin and backcombed to make it look healthy.
  15. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Sir Nicholas Winton

    Well it would have been deeply disrespectful to have said so while he was alive but, perhaps, now it can be said. Didn't he have absolutely fucking HUGE ears!!!!!!!!!!! If we didn't know better we would have assumed that his mother had been given a good rogering by Dumbo.
  16. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Toupee or not Toupee....that is the question

    You would say that, you eat enough of his fucking burgers!
  17. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Plane, Train And Automobile Crashes

    It's looking like a repeat of Kegworth; no.2 engine failed and no. 1 was shut down in error. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/B9JarHTIAAAgAy3.jpg:large Official report confirms this 'Wow' is hardly the term I would have used. 'Oh Jesus fucking Christ' would have been a bit more appropriate, eh.
  18. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Bruce Forsyth

    I really do think that there should be a state funeral, when the day finally comes, for his toupee which, to be fair, has been a legend or summat.
  19. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Who is here?

    Hale & Pace The only one of us that looks anything like them is Lardy as she has the same moustache as Gareth Hale............. You are simply jealous that I have more hair on my face than you have on your head. Quite true, life is a bitch, aint it!!
  20. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Who is here?

    Hale & Pace The only one of us that looks anything like them is Lardy as she has the same moustache as Gareth Hale.............
  21. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Joni Mitchell

    Not speaking to him or just not speaking in general? Theoretically, it could be sort of both, because as far as we know, Joni Mitchell is suffering from something psychosomatic, something that we have no proof of existing. Maybe she detests David Crosby so much, that she really cannot speak to him anymore because her brain shuts down whenever she thinks about it. Maybe she hates all kinds of things... Helmut Kohl's first wife had a "light allergy", meaning her skin inflamed with sunlight so she had to live in total darkness. The psychological explanation for this was that she really hated the publicity her husband received, the part she had to play and his abandonment of his family in favor of politics. (Someone said about him that he was basically married to his party, not his wife...) Maybe the world irks Joni Mitchell so much - and she is a fragile, sensitive singer/songwriter soul - that simply because she doesn't want to speak anymore, she actually can't. Sometimes, reasons are far simpler.
  22. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Who is here?

    I suppose you must have long arms then. At your age, your nipples must be clanging against your ankles. FUCK OFF CHINESE HAMSTER COCK. Thanks for shouting, im going deaf...................
  23. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Who is here?

    I suppose you must have long arms then. At your age, your nipples must be clanging against your ankles.
  24. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Al Molinaro

    Reasons to doubt it’s the REAL Al Molinaro... The person in the picture is wearing glasses. As far as I’m concerned, Al Molinaro never wore any glasses. Look at the environment in which the photo is taken in. Hardly the type place that one would expect from an retired, experienced Hollywood actor with considerable wealth. Stars prefer luxurious surroundings, regardless of their age! It’s quite hard for a heavy guy to stand up at age 96. The previous hoax photo was more realistic in that aspect. The person in this image is obviously a younger man, i.e. Giovanni, 76. Normally, when you upload pictures of yourselves online, you don’t put fancy photo frames around them like Scott did here. What exactly is the frame trying to cover up from the original picture? Hmm. If there is a clue there then it will be in determining whether Scott Baio in 2015 looks like the Scott Baio in that picture and, from what ive seen, he does. Where the pic was taken isn't relevant, they could be at the opening to something or anything, Al Molinaro is a successful businessman in his own right but it doesn't mean that he will necessarily flaunt his wealth. The frame around the pic could have been added by a third party and proves nowt. So it could be Al in 2015..................or it could be 1998 or summat.
  25. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Who is here?

    I Fondle Nipples?

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