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Everything posted by Toast

  1. Toast

    Life In Prison

    Not sure why it's posted here, what with plenty of other options. The most he is facing is 15 years and he will certainly outlive his sentence. This thread is for Lifers unless it's another *wink wink nudge nudge* title not to be taken too literally. SC It's posted here because that's where I wanted to post it and he's been discussed in this thread previously. Anyway, the thread is about people in prison, not specifically those serving life sentences. Ronnie Biggs, mentioned in the opening post, was not a lifer.
  2. Toast

    Life In Prison

    1. I've always found him quite repellent for some reason. 2. Nah. He's a narcissist. 3. I saw The Wurzels live last year
  3. Toast

    Room Lovely, Look You.

    That feeling when you've just finished mowing the lawn. Multiplied a hundredfold after you've helplessly watched it turn into a jungle through a wet November, dreading what it's going to be like by March THEN SUDDENLY you get a nice breezy day with no dew or rain and you discover that the grass is just about dry enough to cut before it gets dark
  4. Toast

    Life In Prison

    Not sure why it's posted here, what with plenty of other options. The most he is facing is 15 years and he will certainly outlive his sentence. This thread is for Lifers unless it's another *wink wink nudge nudge* title not to be taken too literally. SC Isn't 15 years the minimum sentence?
  5. Toast

    (Return Of) The Celebrity Split List

    I'm still surprised that Carla Bruni stuck beside Nicolas Sarkozy after he lost the presidency. Maybe she is counting on him getting it back. Or maybe he's got a massive cock. You might be on to something. Maybe it looks that way because his body is disproportionally short. Sarah Brightman married Andrew Lloyd-Webber because 'he's got the biggest willy'. I think she meant to say 'wallet'. That's about the size of it, yes.
  6. Toast

    The Weather

    .......that's way better than being on the...... Edit: The style of writing bears a striking resemblance to dear old (not literally) C.A. Is this an 'across the pond' style of scripture or summat? I think I could handle The Game. As for my vernacular I'm not sure might be a west coast thing. Yeah, my vernaculars hang to the west too. I was just thinking that Random Guest hadn't really grasped your vernacular, LFN.
  7. Toast

    28 Years Of The Deathlist!

    Most people only remember him from being on double-glazing adverts, but before that he was one of those people that always used to turn up on panel games on the radio, Any Questions and that sort of thing. No idea why.
  8. Toast

    I Need A Tv Series To Start Watching

    I love the film. Is this a spin-off?
  9. Toast

    Art For Death's Sake

    Drowning your sorrows, I assume.
  10. Toast

    Death In The Family

    Sad for you, Shaun. What a rough year you're having. Always remember: This too shall pass.
  11. Toast

    Lone Rhinoceros

    The Pistorius family, I think.
  12. Toast

    The Weather

    Eh? Clarkson lives(d) in Oxfordshire. Yeah, but so do thousands of other people. Anyway, I will disclose that I don't live in the Cotswolds. Yeah, but so dont thousands of other people. Clarkson does, though, or so it says on the internet But lots of famous people live in these lovely counties. I was just chatting to one in the pub Was it Alex James out of Blur? I'm just nearly finished reading his second book, and I must say, I thought he was quite a cool geezer until I discovered the names of his five kids - Sable, Beatrix, Artemis, Geronimo and Galileo. What the fuck is wrong with some people? No, not a musician. I quite like Beatrix. You could call her Beer for short.
  13. Toast

    African Leaders - Despots and Democratic

    Yahya Jammeh? Surely that's one for the 'what a monicker' thread.
  14. Toast

    The Weather

    Eh? Clarkson lives(d) in Oxfordshire. Yeah, but so do thousands of other people. Anyway, I will disclose that I don't live in the Cotswolds. Yeah, but so dont thousands of other people. Clarkson does, though, or so it says on the internet But lots of famous people live in these lovely counties. I was just chatting to one in the pub
  15. Toast

    The Weather

    Eh? Clarkson lives(d) in Oxfordshire. Yeah, but so do thousands of other people. Anyway, I will disclose that I don't live in the Cotswolds.
  16. Toast

    The Weather

    Aha, I know what happened there. You were looking at the proper historic counties of England, as they were before they fiddled about with them in the 1970s. Berkshire used to have a longer border with Wiltshire because the old county border was the Thames. But they hacked off a large bit of Berkshire, and gave it to Oxfordshire. At the same time they kindly donated Slough to Berkshire, so a bit of a crap deal for Berkshire all round.
  17. You might enjoy this quiz, Cat. http://www.sporcle.com/games/mkkd/awsome-borders
  18. I have lived in BC my entire life and I had no idea this even existed. All I could find is that you must have ID and/or immigration papers on you at all times. So is this unique in your experience of U.S. and Canadian border etiquette? There are warning signs between Delta and Point Roberts. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@49.0022042,-123.0396553,3a,90y,187.44h,78.7t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sgP16S7-HiJ_jU6JsBnUKCQ!2e0!6s%2F%2Fgeo0.ggpht.com%2Fcbk%3Fpanoid%3DgP16S7-HiJ_jU6JsBnUKCQ%26output%3Dthumbnail%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26thumb%3D2%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D68.412216%26pitch%3D0!7i13312!8i6656 https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@49.0021955,-123.0887567,3a,90y,180.06h,77.76t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sgKVLQf_CGtwfMbDY5ZAtog!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 As a Detroiter, we lived across the bridge and/or tunnel from Canada and what with drinking age being 19 vs 21 and fully nude dancers and our dollars worth 1.4 loonies and they with far better beer and smokes, well it was heaven for a 19-20 year old Yank, and we went often.All my life the only thing you had to do was show a driver's license at the country of entry and answer how many were in the car, your purpose for coming, and how long you'd be. About 6 months after 9-11 they instituted that you HAD to have a passport to cross. Well that's $100 and so far fewer folks went. I happen to have one but my daughter doesn't and now thanks to these fucked up overzealous laws I can't let her stand in another country for a lousy hour and brag to her friends in Louisiana years from now. So yes if their REALLY being assholes now and saying keep papers on you at all times like its some border with Syria or something, then it's totally new and outrageous. Driver's license should suffice. SirC I thought your daughter was only, like, 5. She doesn't have a driving licence, surely?
  19. Toast

    Derby Dead Pool 2015

    You mean our computers know whether we're in the DDP? That's scary.
  20. Toast

    The Weather

    Well that narrows it down, High St China. Show us a pic of your fingers Toastie, I reckon I can guess which county by the type of webbing between em. No! Right number of fingers too! Our village was on the main road, so there were plenty of blow-ins.
  21. Toast

    Read Any Good Books Lately?

    I am reading "A Knight Of The Seven Kingdoms" by George R.R. Martin, which is quite a fun read if you enjoy the Game Of Thrones world. Next up are Bill Bryson's sequel to "Notes From A Small Island", the title of which escapes me for now; and Stephen King's latest collection of stories "The Bazaar Of Bad Dreams". All of which I had the foresight to reserve at the library because I am a tight-fisted bitch it is a fine service which we should all support.

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