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Everything posted by Boudicca

  1. Boudicca

    Dear Abby...

    Dear Mr Hopkins, I seem to remember a similar thread but I can't find it anywhere! Can you help?
  2. Minipops! That was bloody brilliant, but very very wrong. I went out with the (now grown) boy who did Elvis and Shakin Stevens (so he told me) a few years ago. He looked like a better built Darius Danesh then, but unless he's off the vodka and gak, I suspect he resembles Pete Doherty these days.
  3. And you might want to clear your message folder out a bit again
  4. So much to celebrate! Happy belated birthday Hein. Have a good day, HCW, and CONGRATULATIONS T4H! Themed balloons all round
  5. Boudicca

    Docter Docter!

    Thank you very much for the shameless piss-taking support and sympathy.
  6. Boudicca

    The Queen's Affair

    Sorry. Had to bump this. It's my favourite post! The Good Ol' Days, eh?
  7. Boudicca

    Docter Docter!

    Can't say I do. I was slaughtered at mine. All that nerve-strengthening free Champagne beforehand. I was very sober on New Year's Eve 1999 - 2000 because I was pregnant. That was quite fun until I got into a fight with a (male) "well - wisher" who said, "You're really nice. I hope you have a boy. You deserve it!" Good luck for the weekend anyways, TLC. Be sure to take your camera!
  8. Boudicca

    Ariel Sharon

    A male bonding weekend, perhaps?
  9. Boudicca

    Ariel Sharon

    Christ Almighty, Windsor, chill out!
  10. Boudicca

    Not Exactly Famous...

    Why the posting as a guest, iain? I miss your bespeckaled monkey! Have you been banned AGAIN, you naughty boy?
  11. Boudicca

    Docter Docter!

    My latest escapade, related to my cousin's wedding has left me with several U.P.I s. Among them are cracked ribs and cheekbone. Bruising which is still at the swollen and painful stage, and will look much worse a week from now, especially around my jaw, has yet to appear fully. (Unfortunate incident with a very shiny wood floor and great dance tracks) Add a split lip to the mix and I'm going to look LOVELY in the Wedding Photos!
  12. Have a wonderful day! (I can't seem to find the other one. Perhaps Mrs Josco has been up to her old tricks )
  13. Will you be going out and talking to real people? Happy Birthday, Mr Crossed! Is this what you'll be doing tonight by any chance? Have fun!
  14. This game has been driving* me mad all day. I can't do it at all! * No pun intended. Honest.
  15. Read funny chat logs. http://www.bash.org/ One seems to involve a DL member? Logging on as a moderator? *** Topic in #doghouse is 'Our hearts are extended to the 17 victims of the recent internet fraud' * Anubis has joined #doghouse <Anubis> what fraud? <Kadmium> You haven't heard about it? <Anubis> no? <Kadmium> You can read the full story at http://www.tubgirl.com <Anubis> omg wtf! *** Kadmium changes topic to 'Our hearts are extended to the 18 victims of the recent internet fraud' Anubis was that you? I never can tell?
  16. Boudicca

    Roger Taylor

    No, some are old, a few are terminally ill and others are living the time of their life. oh and a few are dead Far as I know, only DLO is dead. Can't say I'm feeling nauseous either. Thanks for stopping by though, Mr Guest. Toodle Pip!
  17. Boudicca

    Read Any Good Books Lately?

    M.C Grammar v Txt spk: Just re-read "Beach Music", by Pat Conroy. Fantastic book. He also wrote "The Prince of Tides". Another great story, unfortunately butchered by Hollywood and Barbra Streisand "The Lords of Discipline" is pretty good, too.
  18. Boudicca

    Dino De Laurentiis

    I was very bored, OoO
  19. Boudicca

    Room 101

    I spend hours during the bloody U.K summer lying in wait for people who do that. I'm their worst f****n' nightmare. As for you, Banshees, you may be on to something
  20. Boudicca

    When Your Lovers Gone

    Change the bedclothes as he's jumping out of the window This bloke is old, rich, and newly single LD / Six:
  21. Happy Birthday Yogi! Here's to many more days stilt-walking up and down Scotland's majestic hills!
  22. Boudicca

    Deathlist Comedy

    How long before this is merged with the Meinhardt Raabe thread, I wonder
  23. This thread had my name on it once, so anything goes as far as I'm concerned. I had my CT scan results today. All clear and I'm celebrating! Anyone up for karaoke before the fighting? Bruno and I could do, "I Will Survive"
  24. It's pretty accurate for your avatar, Windsor. P.S Glad to see you've started those driving lessons.

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