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Everything posted by Boudicca

  1. Boudicca

    Pope John Paul

    Is the pope dead? Or George W. Bush? Harmless ol' "err on the side of life" -r that he is.
  2. Boudicca

    Pope John Paul

    The original post about advocating the birth of innocent people confused me. It was subsequently changed to "murder". That is all
  3. Boudicca

    Pope John Paul

    Gun-owning "Christian"...Pro-Death penalty? Ooh...Nice edit
  4. Boudicca

    Pope John Paul

    I've had another drink and it still doesn't make sense.
  5. Boudicca

    New Here and saying Hi.

    I've been all over this forum since a google search for "Josco's Little Man" went horribly wrong. Welcome!
  6. Boudicca

    Pope John Paul

    Personally? Who'd have thought he had it in him!
  7. Boudicca

    Pope John Paul

    Articulate sort of chap, too...
  8. Boudicca

    Pope John Paul

    G.W.B was an American student, I'll have you know! And look how bright he is
  9. Boudicca

    Prince Rainier

    I think back when Dudley Moore and Milton Berle died in 2002 that was the same day. Anyway DeathList doesn't have both Rainier and the Pope! Told you it was lame
  10. Boudicca

    Pope John Paul

    According to Sky, (I know ), the Pope is responding when addressed by aides. I wonder if he's telling them to stop with the hammer?
  11. Boudicca

    Pope John Paul

    These italics? I just highlighted the word and hit the button. The HTML tag should show up in the preview box. That's damn scary about your website coming up. I'd panic too!
  12. Boudicca

    Pope John Paul

    Are you suggesting that The Vatican can be somewhat secretive on occasion?
  13. Boudicca

    Pope John Paul

    I've always said Pick 'n' Mix was as addictive as crack...
  14. Boudicca

    Prince Rainier

    Two deaths for one person would be a first for anyone that's for sure. Do you enjoy making these snide remarks all the time? Yes I think I got off quite lightly, all things* considered *lame post.
  15. Boudicca

    Grand Duchess Josephine-charlotte(luxembourg's Qm)

    My coffee! My keyboard!
  16. Boudicca


    Agreed. Guess I picked the wrong day to quit smoking crack.
  17. Boudicca


    Was your Uncle called "Ernie" by any chance?
  18. Boudicca

    Jerry Falwell

    And your point is...? Are you making the assumption that everyone thinks Mel Gibson is "cool"?
  19. Boudicca

    I Love Josco's Little Man

    Round of applause for Boudicca please everyone! I'm very excited about it! I will attempt to get it up and running this evening.... £165 is a bloody lot of money isn't it? Thieving git. Still gotta get my Dad to come and take Corey to the VW garage, so the poor little thing is sat on the road looking very sorry for himself at the moment. Still, where there's life there's hope and he still starts... Spots are (here's the vile bit) drying up at the moment. I'd say (whispering this bit) that I think they might be on the way out .... I'm hoping so anyway. I keep waiting to be ID'd for fags and booze etc. It's a little worrying. Wrinkles, lines and spots just don't seem to go well together on the same face. I'm trying to avoid mirrors the moment which is doing my hair no favours. I went to the Doc this morning concerning an ongoing battle with verrrucas. I've had one for seven years. I've lived with tens of people in that time and had communal bathroom use etc, and have never infected anybody which I find a little odd. But anyway, he's given me creams and pads and potions and lotions and freezing and now, I've started to re-infect myself, but still nobody I live with. And now, Mr Medical Professional with years of training has, get this - told me to put Duct tape on them!!! He read about this a journal somewhere and thought of me. Duct tape!! Tell me somebody how the hell that can work!!!!! Anyway, gotta work now! Thank you Boudicca! Three cheers.... I'd love to be able to fix the search function, but I'm crap at code. The fact that I didn't even save Amanda's original template before ripping it up speaks volumes!
  20. Boudicca

    I Love Josco's Little Man

    No worries. Amanda's Diary is only a few clicks away. It's just a matter of logging in and choosing a pre-set template. Takes seconds. HTML is just the code the template is written in. All you need is your username and password once you click the Blogger button top left.
  21. Boudicca

    Waiting for a death

    They could mean, "Brothel Creepers"...
  22. Boudicca

    Waiting for a death

    These shoes are clumpy, gentlemen
  23. Boudicca

    I Love Josco's Little Man

    Scratch that. I was messing with the template code for my own nefarious purposes, and I broke it so badly it was easier to take the site down! Gotta love HTML.
  24. Boudicca

    I Love Josco's Little Man

    Amanda's diary P.S Amanda? If you want this space, message me and I'll give you the keys.
  25. Boudicca

    Michael Jackson

    Jackson's Past allowed in court: Watch Michael proclaim his innocence in, I Never Copped a Feel

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