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Everything posted by Spade_Cooley

  1. Spade_Cooley

    Derby Dead Pool 2017

    So here we go: Sims, Mark (joker) Bracknell, Leah Bradley, Charles Briggs, Paul Brokenshire, Laurie Clark, Jay Christie, Errol Coward, Sara Downie, Gord Elias, Rayya Gilbert, Greg Hewlett, Steve Magill, Lisa Meads, Colin Nevin, Catherine Perham, Michael Singh, Jagraj Skellern, Peter Stefansson, Stefan Karl Wetton, John
  2. Spade_Cooley

    2017 Ddp Salvage Lot

    K!eran M@xwell - "Inspiring" Olympic torch carrier from four years ago who has taken a turn for the worse in recent months, nowhere near guaranteed an obit though Sonja Durham - This may be the one I regret dropping most, Lady Gaga's bestie, stage 4 metastatic breast cancer, Gaga's even got a song about her on her latest album... I'm almost certain I'll curse dropping her Keith Welch, Les Mutrie - Footballers who may well fall victim to the "no BBC local report" rulings Miguel Ferrer - The big "rumour" pick this year other than Eddie Long, but I can't risk a pick based on Twitter gossip and nothing higher up Alan Chamberlain - Probably the most famous snooker referee with a penis left now Len Ganley's gone. Has suddenly stepped down from all positions he holds in the game and there were a few "didn't know he was that ill" comments from the snooker community around there. Mort Drucker - Mad Magazine artist apparently fully on the way out
  3. Spade_Cooley

    Inverse Dead Pool 2K12

    Hey, we did it last year, we're doing it this year again because someone asked. I suck at keeping score but there you go. THE RULES At the bottom of this post is a list of the 50 most common DDP picks for 2012, with the exception of the now carked Ms James. What you have to do, either in these posts here or via private message, is list the 25 you think are most likely to live to see January 1, 2013. In order. If your 1 pick dies, you lose 25 points, if your #2 pick dies you lose 24, all the way down to a one point loss for the death of your 25th pick. Person who has the score closest to zero at the end of the year wins a significant cash sum/a two-line post on this forum. TEAMS DUE IN MIDNIGHT GMT FEBRUARY 21, 2012 Al Megrahi, Abdelbaset Al-Assad, Bashar Ali, Muhammad Attenborough, Dickie Biggs, Ronnie Borgnine, Ernest Brady, Ian Bush, Sr., George H. W. Castro, Fidel Chavez, Hugo de Havilland, Olivia Doherty, Pete Douglas, Kirk Douglas, Michael Dunn, Clive Forsyth , Bruce Franklin, Aretha Gabor, Zsa Zsa Gascoigne, Paul Gibb, Robin Graham, Rev Billy Hagman, Larry Hawking, Stephen Healey, Denis Hughes, Geoffrey Jaruzelski, General Wojciech Klugman, Jack Lee, Christopher Lewis, Jerry Lohan, Lindsay Lynn, Vera Mandela, Nelson Marshall, Penny Michael, George Moore, Patrick Mubarak, Hosni Mugabe, Robert Niemeyer, Oscar Prince Philip Reagan, Nancy Rooney, Mickey Shahmir, Yitzhak Sharon, Ariel Sheen, Charlie Stynes, Jim Sykes, Eric Thatcher, Margaret Wallach, Eli Williams, Andy Wing, Anna
  4. Spade_Cooley

    Thoughts On The 2017 List

    Very disappointed, and a little perturbed, that they've picked 50 members of my immediate family this year.
  5. Spade_Cooley

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2018

    As Bea Arthur memorably once said, "delighted to meet you, and Betty White is a cunt".
  6. Spade_Cooley

    Is The Deathlist Dying?

    lol @ the writer's face tbh
  7. Spade_Cooley

    Gudrun Ure

    2015 Nanny Pat as well.
  8. Spade_Cooley

    Derby Dead Pool 2017

    He'll be back but not as a contender... T-Mib/Triple O dream team at the helm?
  9. Spade_Cooley

    Derby Dead Pool 2017

    Here's my theme team for 2017: The Rookie Draft - celebs who have turned 18 and are now in their first year of DDP elgibility Jackson, Paris Apatow, Maude Carroll, Jack Don Felipe Hirano, Ayumu Irwin, Bindi Kirk-Ford, Amber Mastour, Hachim Matthews, Shannon Mendes, Shawn Moore, Charlotte Obama, Malia Parke, Ronan Richie, Sofia Santan, Dave Silento Smith, Jaden Smith, Lucky Blue Stroll, Lance Winter, Ariel
  10. Spade_Cooley

    The 2Nd Crowdsourced Deathlist (2017 Edition)

    Submitted my 50, focus tested by listening to which celebrities people said "I bet they'll be next" over Christmas. Glynis is #1, obv.
  11. Who was it in 2014? I'm honestly not finding it and I have been looking. Oh wait, Yosra El-Essawy was Egyptian. Well I'm a big racist.
  12. Spade_Cooley

    DL Prediction Game

    Michael King has an enviable reputation in the charity sector, and frequently acts for religious orders associated with schools. Sources remark on "the gravitas he brings from many years advising on developments affecting education clients." - Chambers 2016 Michael King is renowned for being one of the leading charities lawyers in the market, with one source describing him as a "grandee." Others say he is "incredibly experienced, has come up against every problem there is, and is very user-friendly." - Chambers 2016 He was the first solicitor to be appointed by the Charity Commission as Interim Manager of a charity in serious difficulties and has held 6 such appointments, including Al-Fatiha Global and Nottinghamshire Miners Home. He retired as Chairman of Stone King LLP in 2014 and is now a working Consultant in the firm’s Charity & Social Enterprise team. He lives in Bath and divides his working time between Bath and London. He was Chairman of the Charity Law Association from 1997 to 2000 and is recognised by Chambers Directory and the Legal 500 as a leader in charity law. He regularly speaks and writes on charity matters. He is co-author with Ann Phillips of Charities Act 2006 – Guide to the New Law (Law Society 2007). He is Chairman of Governors of Prior Park Schools and its 4 schools, a trustee of the Holburne Museum of Art and a trustee of several grant-making charities.
  13. In the same way as DDT's Irishman/folk musician superstition, I've realised that all three (four?) of my wins have featured picks from the Indian subcontinent, leaving me scrambling around to fit one of our south Asian brothers into the line-up.
  14. Spade_Cooley

    The Story Of 2016 So Far........

    This is exactly the kind of blue-sky thinking needed around here.
  15. Spade_Cooley

    The Story Of 2016 So Far........

    30 December: Bono
  16. Spade_Cooley

    The Story Of 2016 So Far........

    Where's Kimbo?
  17. Spade_Cooley

    Queen Elizabeth II

    Been a long time since I saw the "Blair's daughter tried to kill herself over Iraq" story.
  18. Spade_Cooley

    Whom Are You Tarring With The Epithet "twunt"?

    Welcoming charon to the top 10 list.
  19. Spade_Cooley

    Derby Dead Pool 2016

    T-Mib: has the increased DL usage and the increased press attention on celebrity morbidity this year seen a jump up in entries?
  20. Always thought Zorders' team was the one with "cunt" in the team name and Olly Croft as a unique pick...
  21. Got a lead on a pick last night that makes me feel a lot happier about the balance of my team now... struggling for the final slot between the 90+ guarantee hit and the 30-49 50/50 obit shot.
  22. Spade_Cooley

    Debbie Reynolds

    Time for Billie Lourd to get a Deathlist call-up?
  23. Spade_Cooley

    Derby Dead Pool 2017

    Yeah, the Drop 40 bonus is a nice fillip to the "stop picking non-famous people" crowd but it leaves things unaffected for the title contenders, tbh it's a win-win move.

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