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Everything posted by Spade_Cooley

  1. Spade_Cooley

    Megrahi Vs. Gibb

    I know I could find this out myself with five minutes research, but has the DL ever had two hits on the same day before?
  2. Spade_Cooley

    Megrahi Vs. Gibb

    I trust Megrahi about as far as I can throw a black box recorder. Part of me thinks he'll still be around to wave in 2013. Like a Queen reunion with just the rhythm section and the corpse of Freddie Mercury, Gibb isn't going to see May.
  3. Spade_Cooley

    The Fringes Of Fame/family Of The Famous

    Connor Saunders, best friend of cokehead irritant 14-minutes-and-59 seconds-er Frankie Cocozza, beaten to death.
  4. Spade_Cooley

    Larry Hagman

    Shots fired by The Wurzels.
  5. Spade_Cooley

    Bee Gees

    No. It's looking like the first 1-2 hit for the DL since 2008.
  6. Spade_Cooley

    Time Added

    Apparently so. Livorno midfielder Pieromario Morosini, who was an Italian U21 international just a few years ago, has died of cardiac arrest during a Serie B match against Pescara. Livorno fans will be flying their Chairman Mao banners at half-mast at the next game surely. All Italian football has been suspended for the week.
  7. Spade_Cooley

    Lynyrd Skynyrd

    My donuts, goddamn.
  8. Spade_Cooley

    That N. Korean Missile

    Having a little problem with his missile going off too early. Happens to the best of us, Kim:
  9. Spade_Cooley

    Tony Martin

  10. Spade_Cooley

    Bee Gees

    I think when BBC News start publishing "this dude is fucked" stories, the clock is approaching midnight. I don't think he'll make the 35th anniversary of the "Saturday Night Fever" OST on November 15th.
  11. Spade_Cooley

    Clive Dunn

    I feel that maybe the lack of main page updates this year is tied in with this, as Dunn himself disintegrates so does the main page. Kinda like a Dorain Gray deal.
  12. Spade_Cooley

    Derby Dead Pool 2012

  13. Spade_Cooley


    Cassandra Jardine, a unique pick for my DDP line-up, has written her first article in over five months, detailing how her absence from work was down to her stage IV lung cancer, that it has spread to other parts of her body, but conversely this is good because it means she now gets a new trial medicine. Being as this is lifestyle journalism for the Torygraph, she mentions the fact that she makes her own tortellini twice.
  14. Spade_Cooley

    Summer Olympic Deaths/Dead Medallists

    How about 1992 3 Metre Springboard gold medallist Mark Lenzi? That excite you? He's a diver that isn't the one with AIDS or the one with the dead father, so I've never heard of him. He's dead, anyway.
  15. Spade_Cooley

    From Cleric To Relic

    It seems that Phillip Aspinall's Wikipedia page has been the subject of a recent edit war. Before the last wave of edits chopped out most of the content, it showed that his tenure as head of the Diocese of Brisbane has not been a particularly happy one: *** Career He was consecrated a bishop in Adelaide on 29 June 1998 where he served as assistant bishop until December 2001. In 2003, he was implicated in a sexual abuse scandal. This was widely reported in the national news at the time. [1] During his tenure, the pro-homosexual Anglo-Catholic clergy organisation, the Oratory of the Good Shepherd has been allowed to flourish. Another notable event in his reign has been the completion of St John's Cathedral, Brisbane. Controversially, the cathedral includes a souvenir shop within its walls which many parishioners find inappropriate. Also highly controversial has been the installation of reserved pews for politicians and members of the military. [3] He was elected Primate of the Anglican Church of Australia in 2005. He has an authoritarian, centralist leadership style and has tried to silence any form of dissent. This has led to a culture of intimidation. For instance, priests are not inclined to publish their sermons on their parish websites for fear of reprimand. By his own admission, Archbishop Aspinall was caught off-guard by "No Religion" campaign that was launched by an atheist lobby group in the lead-up to the 2011 Census. [4] Throughout his career, the Anglo-Catholic Aspinall has been in a power struggle with the evangelical Archbishop Peter Jensen from the Anglican Diocese of Sydney. As a result of this, priests who have graduated from Moore Theological College are not permitted to preach in Brisbane. In terms of social justice issues, Aspinall has spoken out against the ill-treatment of asylum seekers [5] but has provided very little support to international social justice organisations active in his diocese, such as the Tearfund, Anglican Pacifist Fellowship and the local environmental group, Angligreen. He has, however, shown support for women bishops [6] against the wishes of the local branch of the conservative lobby group, Forward in Faith. During the 2011 Diocese of Brisbane Synod, Aspinall's deputy, Bishop Jonathan Holland, stifled a motion that would have led to an investigation into alleged malpractice at Saint Francis' Theological College, at which most of the diocese's priests are trained. [7] A motion raised that would have lead to Anglican Church schools shifting focus away from academic elitism towards producing good Christians was also quashed at this synod [8] Aspinall has also encouraged new money-making ventures for the Diocese. During the time of the Cathedral's construction, several fundraising efforts were made. He has also initiated ventures to allow parishioners to tithe via direct debit and leave their estates to the Church by distributing information about creating wills that favour the Diocese. [9] *** So Phillip Aspinall is a bullying, authoritarian. money-grubbing pro-military, class-conscious elitist... Under him, Anglicanism in Brisbane really does sound like it has been reduced to nothing more than the last shadow of the British Empire then. :( Just discovered this website when Googling for info on Phillip Aspinall. What an 'interesting' concept a death list is. Still not sure I am entirely comfortable with the idea... Anyway, no, Aspinall appears to be in perfect health. I agree with the self-proclaimed 'rant' above though - I know from personal experience there are lots of problems in the Diocese of Brisbane. Phillip Aspinall is a mixture of conservative and liberal - he supports women priests and stood up to the (conservative) Howard government for workers and the rights of asylum seekers yet he runs his own diocese as a conservative centralist and quickly silences any priest who says anything remotely controversial. On the other hand he appeases too much. As the person above rightly notes he did very, very little to oppose Iraq and has not done anything to support Christian anti-war activists. Same for environmentalists - he tries to appease conservatives by silencing anyone who speaks out on these issues. Compared to New Zealand bishops, he is very conservative and, to be frank, very disappointing. By trying to appease all he forgets to stand up for the gospel. As the church failed to speak out loudly enough for peace, Aspinall has to take his share of blame for the slaughter of civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan and the increasingly pro-military pro-nationalist mindset in Australia. This is a fundamental failure to proclaim the pacifist Gospel of Jesus. He has aligned the church too closely with the world (the State) and has not stood apart. There is a small but steady exodus of parishioners from the Anglican church in Brisbane to alternative forms of Christianity like the Quakers and this is the reason why! Aspinall is also very political on the issue of ecumenism - it is really up to Christians at the 'grassroots' to work together as it will take decades more for us to see any progress with regards to cooperation and joint ventures between churches at a formal level. it is all about bureaucracy at this stage. Yes, Brisbane has a troubled history with a lot of sexual abuse. Aspinall has cleaned up some of this but he does turn a blind eye to the 'Oratory of the Good Shepherd', many members of which are sexual deviants. Again strange that he is proactive in some areas but turns a blind eye in others. That is part of the reason why Brisbane is sometimes known, very sadly, as the 'Diocese of Sleaze'. I think the biggest problem is his advisors. to be part of the inner clique at Brisbane you have to be either a lawyer or an academic and the Diocese reflects that insular, elitist, arrogant mindset. If you approach them to discuss an issue or advise and are not part of the clique they will just laugh at you. Also, as the person above noted, Bishop Jonathan Holland strikes me as very ambitious and cunning, not typical qualities of a 'man of God.' If Aspinall ever resigns I dread to think what the Diocese would be like with him in charge. Of course, the most damning stuff is the allegations of sexual misconduct. Here are some samples from the media. I have no idea if the allegations are true or not: 1. 2. 3. 4. See no evil, hear no evil, Bishop Aspinall? Anyway, that is the end of my own 'epic rant'. Hope you found it interesting if off-topic, especially the person who wrote the original post above. To go back 'on-topic' I am still not sure if I am fully comfortable with the idea of this Deathlist but, in the spirit of the site, I will wager you $5.00 that Maggie T is gone by May Day. Thanks for all of that information - the Anglican Diocese of Brisbane/Archbishop Aspinall certainly provoke strong reactions in people... I didn't realise this thread would quite take off like this. I hadn't heard anyone refer to it as the "Diocese of Sleaze" before - don't know whether to laugh or cry at that. Anyway, I actually saw Archbishop Phillip Aspinall on television last night for the first time in ages giving his Easter address - he certainly did look VERY pale and gaunt again but I have no idea now if there is anything wrong with him or if it is just the stress of the job/heat inside the stuffy cathedral (it is still really hot in Brisbane even as we head into Autumn) as my friend suggested. I would say, given his youth, he is very much an outside shot at a death, though, but fun to keep an eye on, given the ire he seems to raise. On the interesting points raised above, though, I will make a few comments: 1. Yes, I find it a bit laughable that the Church constantly wring their hands about not attracting youth and worrying about congregations shrinking when they are so pro-military and in support of the status quo. Most young Aussies with a conscience are fairly anti-war these days (I speak in general terms). It is interesting to hear about the steady trickle of people to alternative forms of Christianity like the Quakers - I had no idea about that. You normally hear about people leaving churches in disillusion or becoming out-and-out militant atheists but it is interesting that these alternative, pacifist Christian groups are the ones that are doing well. I guess the thing that is tough for Phillip Aspinall is that the Anglican Church is still WAAAAY too tied to the establishment - although Australia doesn't have an official state religion, the C of E is by default so it can't really reflect Jesus' radical teachings, which I think is the point Lux was trying to say. Secondly, according to my friend, the Diocese of Brisbane doesn't just take in the City but rural areas quite a long way inland too and these can be very redneck - think Australia's equivalent to the US deep south. As a result, there is some very nutty/fundamentalist/ultra-conservative stuff going on in the rural churches. Aspinall should probably grow a pair of balls and knock their heads together, I guess but that probably won't happen - it "isn't the way" of an Anglican bishop, even an authoritarian one. The rednecks are as far removed from cuddly Vicar of Dibley types as possible though. 2. With regard to the "Diocese of Sleaze" thing - I didn't know much about groups like this "Oratory of the Good Shepherd" but I asked a few contacts in the loop and, yes, they are a group of uber-gay monks. Not that there is necessarily anything wrong with that... The local Franciscans are apparently a fairly dubious bunch, too. 3. That other stuff that was posted about Phillip Aspinall being at *least* on the margins of sex abuse in three states is bloody scary. He knew nothing each time... Why is child abuse so endemic in churches of all persuasions these days?! :( 4. As well as driving the kids away with their pro-establishment stance, the Anglican schools are all elitist - you have to be very well-off to send your kid to one so the average devout church-goer couldn't possibly send their child to a church school, even if they wanted to. Other religious groups don't charge as much for their schools. So, straight away, children are excluded and told only the wealthy need apply. At the same time, they are expected to hand over money on the collection plate every week, some of which would go to these schools that they will never be able to attend. Well, I have to confess I was raised an Anglican (in a different part of Aus) so I do have a soft spot for the old C of E (despite its self-inflicted woes) but the problems here in Brisbane sound so bad it is hard to see how they will recover any credibility - between child abuse, bloody rednecks, "Diocese of Sleaze" monks and keeping themselves so tied to the State and refusing to stand up to the government on fairly major moral issues like the increasing militarisation of Australia, it sounds like the ultimate in religious nightmares. I have heard Sydney is just as bad - they have gone completely puritanical. The lunatics are running the asylum. Richard Dawkins must be having a field day. EDIT/UPDATE: Just saw Phillip Aspinall on television again on a different Easter news clip - definitely gaunt but it was hard to tell how pale he was due to the lighting. I still think he is a very remote chance for us, though. EDIT/UPDATE 2: I just found this - It transpires that Phillip Aspinall's Easter sermon was on "the evils of the internet"!!! See: http://www.theaustra...f-1226320522828 He must have been reading about himself on this forum! What is the matter, Archbishop? Does social media threaten your little autocracy, mate? As I was saying, they sure know how to alienate youth with their comments... Aspinall probably just managed to drive away virtually every kid using Twitter/Facebook/MySpace in the country, not to mention all of us business users with his hysterical outburst... Aspinall doesn't look as unwell in that photo as he did on television a few hours ago. P. S: As for Lux's other point about Maggie being gone (very poetically) by May Day, time is running out - maybe the UK summer will do her in instead.
  16. Spade_Cooley

    Old Folkies Home

  17. Spade_Cooley

    The Dead Of 2012

    Jim Marshall, the man responsible for that amp you bought when you were 15 and briefly thought you were going to be a world class guitarist, has blown out aged 88.
  18. Spade_Cooley


    He was my #21 pick. I don't get anything for that, huh?
  19. Spade_Cooley

    Irate Visitors Rage Here, If You Must.

    And almost on a par with Ian.
  20. Spade_Cooley

    Political Frailty

  21. Spade_Cooley

    Political Frailty

    Former Mexican Premier Miguel de la Madrid dies aged 77. DDT fully engages DDP rape mode.
  22. Spade_Cooley

    Time Added

    A man who fitted more into his 65 years than most entire football teams fit into their history, Giorgio Chinaglia, Italian international striker, Welsh speaker, troller of Pele and associate of the Camorra, has died of a stroke.
  23. Spade_Cooley

    Stiliyan Petrov

    Petrov confirms he will never play football again. Also, Villa fan groups have confirmed there will be 19 minutes of cheering for Petrov this afternoon, bringing the total amount of cheering at Villa Park this season up to 19 minutes.
  24. Spade_Cooley

    Time Added

    Francesco Mancini, who C4's Football Italia fans among us will vaguely remember as Bari's goalkeeper during the late 90s, has dropped dead of a heart attack aged 43.
  25. Spade_Cooley

    Stiliyan Petrov

    Now this has been spun off, anyone wanna come up with a pun for the thread? "Stan Down"? "Throwing Petrov on the Fire"? "Halt: End"?

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