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Everything posted by msc

  1. msc

    Derby Dead Pool 2017

    Spade came back from circa 50 points down in 2013, it's not over by any means. Also, Ricketts wouldn't have been unique.
  2. I'm a dad: a full nights sleep sounds like a myth!
  3. msc

    The Deathlist Cup

    The Cup couldn't wait a week while someone got back from a ban. That's the breaks.
  4. msc

    Room 101

    A friendly word of advice would be to not make it a you vs Death Impends contest for popular opinion. It wont end well.
  5. msc

    Only Famous For Being Ill And Dying

    Must admit I completely glanced over that and assumed Drunkasaskunk had picked the Scottish criminal in the nursing home. But that's Walker, not Busby: the Scottish criminal Busby being Adam.
  6. msc

    George Michael, Innit Peeps

    Well, heart attack, 50 is a common side effect of certain pop star lifestyle choices. Anyhow, the host of the DDP would point out its March and thus tough tatties.
  7. msc

    Boxing Clever?

    Boxer Dean Francis has incurable/terminal cancer and is crowdsourcing for Alternate medicine funds.
  8. msc

    Donald J Trump

    The original British version is much better imo.
  9. msc

    Female 'Firsts'

    Genuinely misread Toast's post as a joke about forum socks there, and was thinking to myself "didn't see that one coming"!
  10. msc

    Bruce Forsyth

    She doesn't sound the most hygienic cooker...
  11. msc


    Can't really blame the work experience person doing the Twitter that day. "Here, put up the news about Mark E Smith." "Uhm, ok...." (5 minutes later) "That's NOT the news!" "Oh right. Sorry. Just assumed these days..."
  12. msc

    Last Word

    Poor Gord Downie. The poor man's tired as fuck, you know.
  13. msc

    American Football Players

    Well, depends on your Point of View: this dude gone aged 62, Rev Billy G is 98 and his God still doesn't want him...
  14. msc

    Gerry Adams & Martin McGuinness

    If he thought he had 6 years, he wouldn't have retired. Merely taken a "short hiatus".
  15. msc

    Derby Dead Pool 2017

    My memory completely cheats about Metsu, because I figured if I picked him back in 2013 he must have been fairly obvious, yet sod all anyone else did. Yosra is sort of the Rayya Elias style "on half a dozen of the top teams" pick nowadays: in fact, might be one of the causes of that, given how easily she was findable had anyone looked at the time on Google! Interesting though! I think DDT said his first was his favourite too, though I might have entirely just made that up tbh. Can't mind.
  16. msc

    Derby Dead Pool 2017

    That's much my view on Holmlund. Currently a bad pick, but so was Bianchi around this time 2 years ago, and the news stories are somewhat similar. Clark was the only one of those 3 I had any doubts about the QO - Singh (via brother) and Brokenshire will walk them. Of course, Golmard is as much an issue, and then...if Stefan Karl goes this side of Hogmanay... So which win was more satisfying then? The last minute December 4 hits in 2013, the relative coasting of 2014, the smash and grab in 2015, or the "everyone else improves ten fold and you still win" of 2016?
  17. msc

    By-Election Bingo

    He gets to step in now, if Clarke is busy, ill or otherwise indisposed when duties are needed to be exercised.
  18. msc

    Donald J Trump

    Conan Doyle believing that is like Ben Carson and politics - proof that properly intelligent people can be thick as shit outside their own expertise. Anyhow, when we were taught oxymorons at school, one of the textbook examples was "an honest politician"!
  19. msc

    By-Election Bingo

    Aye, and Dennis Skinner went the next day. He's now 2nd in line, and given his long held views about the post he's probably cursing Meacher's heart right about now.
  20. msc

    Donald J Trump

    That's because people keep making the mistake of thinking much modern elections are still based on events within the election. They are, to an extent, but more and more they are determined by emotive factors rather than financial or personal ones.
  21. msc

    Donald J Trump

    Sure, it could have happened, but his source for the whole thing appeared to have been Breitbart. Might as well research your DDP team using the National Inquirer, imo. He wont get in the shit though. Presidents don't. They had Nixon confess to stuff, and enough of a smoking gun, and still managed to Houdini his ass out of there.
  22. msc

    Derby Dead Pool 2017

    Hmm Floor is lowest likely points, not highest... 1. Thomas Jefferson Survives 73 points on board/214 possible/175 likely floor* (not counting Perez, Bradley, Booth, Karl) 2. Golden Slumbers 98 points/207** possible/179 likely floor (Golmard, Cryne, Forsyth) 3. Davey Quantick's Showbiz Pals 73/212 possible/181 likely floor (Bradley, Singh, Karl) 4. To Kill a Gabor Sister 70/218 possible/157 likely floor (Bryne, Hallenga, Hankins, Loughlin, Salmen, Karl)*** 5. The Living End 65/222 possible/153 likely floor (Al-Baghdadi, James C, Lambert, Mutrie, Pollard) 6. A Day in the Death 64/221 possible/117 likely floor (Al-Baghdadi, Aspin, Booth, Brady, Campbell, Davies, Loughlin, Karl, Suisala) 7. Pan Breed 50/222 possible/144 likely floor (Al-Baghdadi, Aspin, Butts, Holmlund, Lakovic, Karl, Suisala) 8. Love Boat 42/221 possible/140 likely floor (Berkowitz, Campbell, Casper, Hvorostovsky, Johnson, Kobayashi, Laws, Karl) *Floor is what looks to me to be the low estimate points tally, based on picks left. **Guess on the age of Patrick Cryne *** Lots of big 10 point 50/50ers (obit or death) which makes Rad a high risk/high reward team I couldnt be bothered checking any others, as I have my top 3 there. TJS is my favourite because I suspect Perez will die and obit, whereas I have the suspicion Mr Singh (J) will be on about a dozen teams in 2018... That's what the numbers tell me anyhow.
  23. msc

    Derby Dead Pool 2017

    DDT will get top 10 easily - likely top 5. His punts tend to come good. As for 2nd... well, I was trying to work out who isn't a hit in that projection (Aspin/Suisala/Butts/Holmlund/Karl or Al-Baghdadi, I guess). I still think TJS will win.
  24. msc

    Political Frailty

    Must be those sources.
  25. Watching the first episode of Series 2, Lionel Blair has the "tributes have been paid" look about him. Old, and slightly creaky. Wont see another US President, imo. Bill Oddie looks knackered in the heat, has the old man bloat going on. So far, none are really jumping out like Shrager in Series 1 though.

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