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Everything posted by msc

  1. msc

    The Priests Of Father Ted

    Feck! Arse! Drink! to that news. Father Jack was one of the great ambassadors of the Catholic Church, really. RIP.
  2. msc

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2017

    Yep, a great call. Sir Creep went for it in the DDP. A year early, I think, but if turns out not to be, I shall admit his reading of the situation was more astute than my own.
  3. msc

    Derby Dead Pool 2016

    Most Popular Dates of Death, DDP (1996-2015) 2nd January 11th January 16th January 11th June 12th June (all have 13 hits, historically) Most Popular Month 1. January 228 2. March 200 3. July 181 4. February 181 Most Popular Ages 88 (83) 90, 92 (80) 91 (76) 94 (75) Most Deaths by Nationality (as worked out by place of birth on derbydeadpool.co.uk, or Wikipedia on celebrities from 1996-2002*) 1. American 719 2. English 558 3. French 47 4. Scottish 45 = 4 German 45 6. Irish* 41 7. Australian 37 8. Canadian 35 9. Welsh 34 10. Italian 31 There was a huge drop away from 10th place to Japan on 21. And lots of niggly little places who showed up once or twice only. *This method disagreed with how many Scottish hits there had been up to 2013 just to warn you **That's Irish without differentiation between *which* Irish. Professions 1. TV/Radio/Film 575 2. Politics 290 3. Sports 234 4. Music 226 Oldest Death additions We're not counting those 127 year olds, right? Otherwise... Misao Okawa 117 (2015) Youngest Deaths Lauren Hill 19 (2015) And the Top 40 all time DDP hits list (1996-2015) 1. The Living End 95 2. Octopus of Odstock 83 3. Drunkasaskunk 79 4. Master Mind (etc) 78 5. Stab in the Dark 77 =5 Joe Ram 77 7. Mr C 74 8. Deathlist.net 73 9. Deceased Hose 66 =9 Dead Ends 66 11. Eejit 65 12. Jesus Jones 64 =12 Misers 64 =12 The Vyrdolak 64 15. Godot's Waiting List 62 =15 Newstreet Boys Death Squad 62 17. Wormer, He's a Dead Man! Niedermier Dead! Marmalard Dead! 61 18. They're Dead, Y'Know 60 =18 Grobler's Stiff Ones 60 20. Madonna's Hand of Bod 59 21. Windsor the Troll 58 22. This Mortal Coil 57 23. Crazycarl 55 =23 Carkers Convention 55 25. Meet your Maker 54 =25 Going Underground 54 =25 Puzlman's Passing Picks 54 28. David Quantick's Showbiz Pals 53 29. Ethnic Cleansing 52 30. We Spin Terror 50 =31 Eternity Tours 50 32. Stiff and the Tears 49 33. One Foot in the Grave 47 =33 Shovelful of Dirt 47 =33 Noah Reason and the Youth in Asia 47 36. Canadian Paul 46 =36 Daniel Faraday's Notebook/Poochie 46 =36 Norfolk and Good 46 =36 The Conqueror Worm 46 =36 Grey Panthers 46 The odd team might have been missed out because the bastards keep changing their sodding names and even the website can't find them sods law. I am now going to go lie in a dark room before all I see before my eyes is "61 years old, American, musician" notations... I didn't bother with the average age because that's far too easy to screw up.
  4. Well, what do you classify as Class I? US Presidents, UK PMs, big name world statesman, UK Monarch, anyone else? Otherwise, it's fairly simple. It's a very small subsection of society, and dwindling.
  5. msc

    2016 Irish General Election

    I see the "useless gobshites" are likely to double their seats. If one week is a long time in politics, five years is certainly an aeon.
  6. msc

    Deathrace 2016

    Or even The Grim Reaper. Or "DDT" as I believe he prefers to be known this century.
  7. msc

    Curse Of The Eurovision

    Tonight, a few teams battle for the right to finish in the bottom five of this year Eurovision. Feel the excitement. Graham Norton, Eurovision commentator, was heard to say: "Yeah, I think we can finish in double figures this year. No, wait, Britain? Sorry, they're fucked as usual..."
  8. msc

    Cliff Michelmore

    And let's be honest, he's far better than Alistair Burnet doing those. He was also, I seem to recall, first reporter on the scene at the Aberfan disaster as he was doing something (or lived, I think) just down the road at the time.
  9. msc

    Jenny Diski

    Well, it depends. Someone I am quite fond of was told they had "about three weeks left" due to cancer in 2006. His response was to go "Right, fine, I'm going to enjoy myself while I can." He's still going a decade later, and no one is quite sure how. So it depends on the person and circumstances. But that said, in Diski's case, she's fucked.
  10. msc

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2017

    I still think we need a "People Looking Suddenly Older than they Used to" style thread for when people suddenly age, but without one, I'll note that Alan Beith (now in the House of Lords) was talking in the Lords yesterday, whinging about the Barnett Formula, and looked like he'd aged a decade in the past year.
  11. msc

    Richard O'Sullivan

    I did find out at one point that if I snuff it, my wife plans to mention it on this forum at some point. Hah.
  12. msc

    Jenny Diski

    5th May.
  13. Useless post here, but some random thoughts to avoid clogging up the DDP thread as I count up the numbers for the stats (and it's not like I can tell people this elsewhere!)... - There is a team called "R.I.P. it up and start again". I'd only just got Orange Juice out of my head, now they'll be there again for another decade, thanks. - The team name "Time is NOT on our side" cracks me up for some reason. Must be the capitalisation of "Not" suggesting terrible urgency. - Man, Fallen Sparrow literally fell off a perch. Top in 2005 with the greatest DDP debut in history. 202nd place by 2010! - Former champs Whitaker's Choice were still around in 2008. That surprises me. - "They Died and Left me in charge" is another team name which cracks me up. Alas, they sodded off after 2 years. - I had to google Wormer He's a Dead Man to get what it referred to. This probably shows my pop culture knowledge. -By 2010, with Octopus of Odstock winning, Stab in the Dark are quite clearly the best side never to win the DDP at that point in time. Runner up twice, always in the top 20 or there abouts. Don't believe they've come that close since though, could be wrong.
  14. msc

    Sister Wendys' Odyssey

    1. Sister Wendy 2. The one in the US 3. Whoopi Goldberg 4. The nun in Father Ted 5. Mother Theresa That's probably about it on a Western scale.
  15. msc

    Richard O'Sullivan

    I apologise if I have made Maryport sound far more exciting than it is there.
  16. msc

    Richard O'Sullivan

    This was the first thread I found on this site. I had this "whatever happened to Richard O'Sullivan" moment, and while trying to search for news articles, this site came up in the search. So two hours later... "What did happen to Richard O'Sullivan then?" *reads* "I think he's living in Maryport..." LIVING and MARYPORT in the same sentence - post of the fucking decade!! I'd never heard of Maryport before this forum (as I've mentioned before, geography was never my strong point) but somehow over the last several years, I've built a picture of it in my mind. Sort of Royston Vasey crossed with one of those abandoned ghost towns you'd find in a zombie flick.
  17. msc

    Richard O'Sullivan

    This was the first thread I found on this site. I had this "whatever happened to Richard O'Sullivan" moment, and while trying to search for news articles, this site came up in the search. So two hours later... "What did happen to Richard O'Sullivan then?" *reads* "I think he's living in Maryport..."
  18. msc

    Derby Dead Pool 2016

    No worries, TMIB. There's still one stats update to come, but as one batch of it takes several hours, it maybe a while yet. I hadn't quite appreciated how much work was involved. (Still, I've reached 2009, so no point quiting now...) On another note, Hippoposthumous, The Doffin Codgers, and Impaled on the Antlers of Doom are team names I love, which I'd missed before. Sadly, the last two no longer seem to take part.
  19. msc

    Richard O'Sullivan

    I can't mind how I found the forum. Someone famous dying in the summer of 2008. Looking it up, it might well have been when I was using google to try and find out who Randy Pausch was.
  20. msc

    Death Anniversary Thread

    Five years ago, a sad day for Dr Who fans with the passing of Nick Courtney. "Chap with wings there, five rounds rapid" and all that.
  21. msc

    Richard O'Sullivan

    So you'd say you're a rambling man, MPFC? Think on the bright side. When O'Sullivan actually dies, someone somewhere is going to read through this entire thread from the start. Hello to annoyed guest posters and new forumites from the future - bet you're fed up right about now. Don't worry, only another few dozen pages to go now...
  22. msc

    Douglas Slocombe

    RIP to one of the great British film legends. 103's no a bad age.
  23. msc

    Deathrace 2016

    Spade - you total fucking hero! Who says dead poolers are uncaring sick closet cases? Alleged Deadpool player David Quantick?
  24. msc

    Richard O'Sullivan

    True story. When I first saw this thread (nearly a decade ago) I had never heard of the actor in question, so my first thoughts were: "Blimey, the horse racing guy is very popular here".
  25. msc

    Political Frailty

    I'd guess around 90% plus of the major DDP hits are mentioned on this forum before the year they die. I did some research last year after I realised how much my game sucked, and found I was missing "slam dunks", as you'd put it, because I wasn't paying attention to the basketball thread, for example, or because they were in, say, the Ideas and Possibilities thread for two or three years previously. There is a minority of picks which people keep hidden because they're hoping for the 3 points a unique pick will bring, which is understandable given the margins at the top. Though I'm of the opinion the unique bonus is somewhat overated, as people tend to be unique because they're not ill, unless you have deadpooling sniffer dog skills like DDT or Spade, and even then, they've got a combined 2/40 unique picks this year. Instead of trying to think about uniques this year, I just went for seriously ill folk, and consequently look like having my most successful year ever.

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