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Everything posted by DevonDeathTrip

  1. DevonDeathTrip

    How Long Until We're Dickless?

    I think the same edition had a headline about students' 'first hand job experiences' as well.
  2. DevonDeathTrip

    How Long Until We're Dickless?

    Dick Hoyt, 80, instantly recognisable marathon runner, who always pushed his son Rick in his wheelchair when he competed.
  3. DevonDeathTrip

    Prince Philip Duke Of Edinburgh

    Was just going to post same. Maybe he's trying to escape.
  4. DevonDeathTrip

    Law And Order

    Jason Dunn-Shaw, sacked as a judge in 2017 for trolling the comments sections in online news articles about cases he was presiding over, has died aged 57. Bit of a flawed genius, reading between the lines.
  5. DevonDeathTrip

    Threads you will never click on

    I do wonder if this thread potentially identifies those who will go on to experience blood pressure or cardiac problems and those who won't.
  6. DevonDeathTrip

    Threads you will never click on

    I read as many as I can, but having never watched an episode of Star Wars, Dr Who, Coronation Street, etc, I'm less interested in lots of the TV and film stuff. Also, I think I'd been a member of the forum for a few years before I realised Richard O'Sullivan wasn't the person who presented the Crystal Maze.
  7. DevonDeathTrip

    People who've got a thread

    Happy to pin this thread when @arghton has completed his odyssey
  8. DevonDeathTrip

    The Dead of 2021

    Robin Prytherch, renowned buzzard expert.
  9. DevonDeathTrip

    Dave Swarbrick (And Fairport Convention)

    A bit late with this one, but Roger Burridge died last November. He was only a member of the band for six months in 1976 and was one of two violinists, alongside Dave Swarbrick. Some serious fiddling talent on display here.
  10. DevonDeathTrip

    Missing In Action

    It does appear they have only located her foot. Perhaps this is a cunning ruse and Caddick is still hopping about in the Outback, giving bad financial advice.
  11. DevonDeathTrip

    The Death Penalty

    Condemned Iranian woman queuing for gallows dies of heart failure after witnessing hanging of sixteen others. Lifeless body strung up anyway.
  12. DevonDeathTrip

    COVID 19 - Second Wave

    I can't help wondering what a proper pandemic with a much higher fatality rate than covid would have done for our fragile national psyche. Ten million dead instead of a hundred thousand would put a different complexion on things and traffic congestion might ease as well. Also 2021 is going to be a vintage year for raves.
  13. DevonDeathTrip

    Sickest game in the world (parts 1&2)

    Weds 1234.
  14. DevonDeathTrip

    Smokin' Joe Frazier

    Boxing legend and former heavyweight champ "Smokin" Joe Frazier is suffering from advanced liver cancer.
  15. DevonDeathTrip

    Old Folkies Home

    A real shame. Anne Feeney was just great, a fine songwriter with a keen social conscience, coupled with an ability not to take herself too seriously. Even my children liked one of her songs.
  16. DevonDeathTrip

    He (or she) is Risen!

    @MadMac I'm pretty sure we already have a thread for this sort of thing and, I am therefore locking this one. Edit - Or I will lock this one when I find the right thread
  17. DevonDeathTrip

    Lynch Mob

    Nothing to panic about. Lynch was going to announce that he was about to stop doing his daily weather updates, but has changed his mind and will carry on.
  18. DevonDeathTrip

    Lynch Mob

    David Lynch says he'll be making an announcement tomorrow. There has been some recent speculation that the great man might be ill - although I'm really hoping it's about some sort of Twin Peaks related project. .
  19. DevonDeathTrip

    Sickest game in the world (parts 1&2)

    Acid House Thursday -1988
  20. DevonDeathTrip

    They Say We're Sick

    Disturbed Ukrainian man rampages through town, carrying the severed head of his father and wearing "the intestines of a friend" around his neck.
  21. DevonDeathTrip

    Missing In Action

    I like to keep up with the unidentified body scene in the UK There's actually a very odd case going on in Devon at the moment, which has barely made the news. A suspected teenage male found dead near Torquay in October remains anonymous.
  22. DevonDeathTrip

    Sickest game in the world (parts 1&2)

    It's going to become known as 'Black Wednesday' ... a titanic total of 1912.
  23. DevonDeathTrip

    Doctor Doctor

    I'd like to suggest the psychiatrist and LSD enthusiast Stanislav Grof who will be 90 this year. He was a contemporary of former DL favourite Albert Hoffman and took his first (of many) trips in 1956. Grof was the subject of a recent documentary, The Way of the Psychonaut. Grof has also written extensively on near death experiences.
  24. DevonDeathTrip

    Sickest game in the world (parts 1&2)

    Thursday 1815.

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