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Everything posted by DevonDeathTrip

  1. DevonDeathTrip

    Derby Dead Pool 2006

    I think 14th, as Already Dead also scored 4 points. I'm climbing the leaderboard, closing in on the frontrunners, now in, I think, equal 74th place
  2. DevonDeathTrip

    Read Any Good Books Lately?

    Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed - Jared Diamond. Apocalyptic weekend reading.
  3. DevonDeathTrip

    Steven Adler

    An excellent suggestion Phantom. A Quote from the man on his official fan site; That is the latest update from him posted in July, the forums on that site are full of fans posting about all the cancelled gigs due to his illness. I could well see him overdosing anytime, a useful outside bet. From popbitch: From POPBITCH: " Adler's appetite for destruction Ex-drummer shows G n' R how to party Guns n' Roses hit the headlines last week for their delayed London gigs, onstage oxygen tanks and much partying. But their behaviour had nothing on former drummer Steven Adler's recent UK tour with his new band Adler's Appetite. He was supported by rocker Adam Bomb who claims: * Adler used to borrow Bomb's phone to call his mother, "screaming at her like a child" and accusing her of wanting him dead so she could get his money. * Hurt his wrist when he tried to inject cocaine into it but completely missed the vein. * Smoked crack at his gig at Camden Underworld, then offered a crew member 200 pounds to beat up the dealer to get more. * Drank two bottles of Jagermeister every day. * Got thrown out of a 24 hour Tesco superstore at 3am for refusing to wear shoes." Pete Doherty eat your heart out.
  4. DevonDeathTrip

    Pete Doherty

    I used to go there!! I spent many a six hours in there in an altered stated of mind. Happy memories
  5. DevonDeathTrip

    Drunk? Bored?? Psychopath???

    I was enjoying that! I'm a little intrigued as to how you managed to wake up with your "supplies" still in your possession. Whenever I got into that state I was usually surrounded by empty bottles, not a fag in sight and my credit card missing. Great story, BHB. It's a pity you don't remember much about it as it would have made a fine screenplay. 10 years ago I woke up in a field near Culloden, Inverness with no idea how I had got there. It is still a mystery to me although I think it is safe to say that alcohol and drugs were involved. One moment I was in Glasgow and then ..... who knows?
  6. Iran implicated in Pluto's demotion - The USA have threatened retribution
  7. DevonDeathTrip

    A Famous Belgian

    Remy Belvaux - Man Bites Dog director dies at 38.
  8. DevonDeathTrip

    Summer Olympic Deaths/Dead Medallists

    The unique pick and under 50 double bonus, scored by a DDP participant following the death of Steve Irwin, has led me to an unexpected pang of jealousy. I have pondered upon who might provide me with similar points on next years list, not someone who is 'ill' in the conventional sense of the word, but a risk taker or a hell raiser, someone who might just take things too far in 2007. With some Iain-like psychic imagery and with a bit of fishing on wikipedia I have been inspired the following name: Matti Nykänen, aged 41, the quadruple Olympic ski jumping gold medalist, now known better as the national disgrace of Finland. He's been married five times, has been pissed for the last 15 years and has also been in a bit of trouble with the law: "On August 24, 2004, Matti Nykänen was arrested on suspicion of attempted manslaughter after the stabbing of a family friend. He was found guilty of aggravated assault and sentenced to a 26-month jail term on October 27, 2004. As a first-timer, he was released from jail on September 21, 2005. While on probation, he was re-arrested four days later for abusing his current life companion, Mervi Tapola. Nykänen was convicted again for four months on March 16, 2006." Something at the back of my mind tells me that Matti Nykanen is a man who won't live to see a great age and that 2007 just might be his fatal year, probably caused by drinking or fighting, or when ski jumping whilst drunk possibly? Sorry for rambling on so ....
  9. DevonDeathTrip

    Steve Irwin

    Wave Of Mutilation - The Pixies
  10. DevonDeathTrip

    Ideas and possibilities for 2007

    His chemo has failed to remove the tumours from his brain and now he's got to undergo radiotherapy. I'm just thought I'd mention it for the benefit of The Guardian obits editor, who I am sure will read this. Mr/s Guardian Obits Editor, please will you make sure he gets a mention when he snuffs it next year, as he's going on my DDP. Thanks. Damnation! He never made it. But the Guardian obit followed, as requested.
  11. DevonDeathTrip

    William Gladstone Stewart

    In a word - no. But it's early days and I'm sure he'll flourish once he's got a few games under his belt. ECFC could be doing better, even Crawley, bankrupt and in administration, came back from the dead and snatched two points off us last week.
  12. DevonDeathTrip

    William Gladstone Stewart

    The SAGE assessment costs £19 and includes free breakdown recovery for a year worth £50. For more information, call Mr Handley on 01452 425557. I just phined Mr Handlet - he wasn't too pleased to be woken up at this time of night, told me to bugger off.
  13. DevonDeathTrip

    Ideas and possibilities for 2007

    Were you at the anti-fascist meeting, or was he? He was. I was told by someone else who was there.
  14. DevonDeathTrip

    Bush's Chance

    If only.......
  15. DevonDeathTrip

    Ideas and possibilities for 2007

    Auschwitz survivor Leon Greenman OBE, author, market trader and activist. He wrote the books "Leon Greenman, Auschwitz Survivor 98288" and "An Englishman in Auschwitz" He's 96 years old and I'm told he looked very frail indeed at a recent anti-fascist meeting.
  16. DevonDeathTrip

    John Hogan

    He might make it, but I would say the long term outlook is pretty bleak. One of the photos I saw of him in the paper looked like a nurse was putting a glass thermometer in his mouth. All he needed to do was bite the end off the thermometer and the mercury would have trickled down his throat, thus possibly achieving his stated ambition of death. I was a little moralistic in my earlier post (apart from the bit about Fairport Convention) and I am considering him for my DDP 2007 list. Which leads me to ask - has anyone ever scored the extra points for a suicide on The DDP?
  17. DevonDeathTrip

    Ideas and possibilities for 2007

    How about Freddie Mercury's mother, Jer Bulsura? No idea how old she is, but Freddie would have been 60 this week, so she must be knocking on a bit? Reckon she'd get a UK obit?
  18. DevonDeathTrip

    John Hogan

    Me too Handrejka, the man is mentally ill and certainly seems to have suffered some recent personal intranquilities. He should be sent back to the UK and given proper psychiatric care and not be paraded in front of TV cameras like a modern day freakshow exhibit. I felt even more sorry for his poor mother, who has already lost 2 of her 3 sons to suicide. Handrejka - Did I read somewhere you are a Fairport Convention fan? What a sensible person you are.
  19. DevonDeathTrip

    Alfredo Di Stefano

    Mahamadou Diarra has signed for Real Madrid. This article states that he was due to be presented with his Madrid shirt by Alfredo Di Stefano, which suggests he has overcome his recent health problems and is now availible for public appearances again.
  20. DevonDeathTrip

    Been To Any Famous Funerals?

    I didn't go to the funeral, but I went to the memorial service for Kirsty MacColl. http://www.justiceforkirsty.org/
  21. DevonDeathTrip

    Are You A Post Whore?

    I still think that, with a bit of effort and determination, I will one day become a post-twunt. If my post count is 1.35 a day and I joined on 1st July 05, could someone mathematically inclined tell me when I'm likely to achive twuntdom. I tried to work it out myself and came up with 180 BC... and that can't be right.
  22. DevonDeathTrip

    Interesting Ways To Die...

    A priest has drowned after trying to demonstrate how Jesus walked on water.
  23. DevonDeathTrip

    Not Exactly Famous...

    Sir Alfred Sherman, a Tory policy advisor and former communist. One of "Thatcher's earliest intellectual soulmates", has died. Bit of an eccentric by all accounts. I would imagine Mrs T will make a public outing for his funeral.
  24. DevonDeathTrip

    The Kings Of Tonga

    The Tongan Government is setting up a website to keep deathlisters (and perhaps other interested parties) informed about the current health of the king.

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