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Everything posted by DevonDeathTrip

  1. DevonDeathTrip

    The New Dunn...

    Not a well man ... Thy will (not) be Dunn.
  2. DevonDeathTrip

    DL Status Updates: Statements, Obsevations & Verbal Tennis

    More than £5K if it weighs 2lb+. Sorry, not trying to be a killjoy and I really hope he's right. Just...(check out the comments underneath the article about melting it) As a habitual beachcomber and driftwood gatherer, I've always hoped to find some ambergris, hence my interest. Apparently ambergris is impossible to harvest, but I once had an idea - while not entirely in a fit state to drive - of starting a whale farm and feeding the captive animals some sort of purgative before reaping the rewards....
  3. DevonDeathTrip

    DL Status Updates: Statements, Obsevations & Verbal Tennis

    How sure is he that it's ambergris? I'm only asking because that looks like a lump of palm oil to me? Fair play to him if he's right. How big is it?
  4. DevonDeathTrip

    Derby Dead Pool 2015

    This isn't over. Anything could happen and the 2015 DDP winner could currently be sitting outside the top twenty for all we know. For some reason I'm insanely confident that I'm going to get at least one more hit before the end of the year, but not so confident I'm going to win again. An
  5. DevonDeathTrip

    Death Links

    He suffers from Parkinson's disease and cancer - hallucinations are one of the many possible symptoms of Parkinson's. Although Drummond is described as a 'visionary' poet and climber, so maybe he was seeing things before the illness kicked in. I'll have you know he is so famous he was mentioned in the Wolverhampton Express and Star only eighteen months ago.
  6. DevonDeathTrip

    Hooroo, Mate.

    Aussie journalist/campaigner Adele Horin has updated her website to announce she is suffering from a recurrence of lung cancer and that her prognosis is poor. Her illness has been mentioned in the Daily Mail and I would imagine they will note her inevitable demise as well in their handy for deadpoolers Australian section.
  7. DevonDeathTrip

    The Kings Of Tonga

    Tonga's eighty nine year old Queen Mother, Halaevalu Mata'aho 'Ahome'e, the widow of King Tāufaʻāhau Tupou IV, might be worth a punt next year. I'm told she is not in good health and hasn't been seen in public recently.
  8. DevonDeathTrip


    Bugger, he was in my DDP squad for next year and I was hoping he would be a unique pick.
  9. DevonDeathTrip

    Widow(er) Shopping

    I should get an obit, 'cos I've got a wiki page.
  10. DevonDeathTrip

    Jenny Diski

    Jenny Diski is getting in to the spirit of things. Has she been reading DL?
  11. DevonDeathTrip

    The Next Piper At The Gates Of Heaven

    Martin Beard, bassist with Sopwith Camel. Who could forget their seminal album The Miraculous Hump Returns From The Moon?
  12. DevonDeathTrip

    World War II Veterans

    Richard Overton is in hospital with pneumonia. Not a good thing to have if you happen to be 109.
  13. DevonDeathTrip

    The Beatles Death Curse

    There may be one or two still going.
  14. DevonDeathTrip

    Death Links

    Morbidkid, this is a thread for posting death related links. Why are you posting a link to a video of a poem about Dublin? couldn't find the video thread so I posted here. That's the internet equivalent of going to someone's house, utterly failing to find their lavatory, even though it was in a completely obvious place and just pissing over the kitchen floor instead.
  15. DevonDeathTrip

    Death Links

    Morbidkid, this is a thread for posting death related links. Why are you posting a link to a video of a poem about Dublin?
  16. DevonDeathTrip

    Leonid Stadnyk (And Other Tall People)

    What's 2.69m in real (old fashioned) money? 8 feet and 8.25459 inches.
  17. DevonDeathTrip

    Leonid Stadnyk (And Other Tall People)

    Pornchai Sawsri, who claimed to be the tallest man in the world, has died at the age of 26. His reputed height of 2.69m was unverified by the Guinness Book of Records.
  18. DevonDeathTrip

    Plants: The Other Life Form

    England's 2015 Tree of the Year, an ancient Cubbington Pear, is to be felled to make way for the HS2 train line.
  19. DevonDeathTrip

    Terrorists & Topical Terrorist Targets

    I know he isn't an eligible DDP candidate, but what do other members think has happened to John Cantlie?
  20. DevonDeathTrip

    Dead Pop Stars

    Ross Hannaford, guitarist with Australian rockers Daddy Cool, is suffering from a "vicious strain of cancer"...
  21. DevonDeathTrip


    George Barris, 89, creator of the Batmobile.
  22. DevonDeathTrip

    Close To The End

    A warm welcome to DL Weebl. It's so nice to see other members going out of their way to make you feel at home The Piper at the Gates of Heaven thread was intended to be about bands of a more acid drenched psychedelic persuasion, rather than noodling prog rockers. I think there is a distinct difference between the two genres. Seeing as we've already got jazz, pop,country, folk, soul, metal, bluegrass etc threads, I don't see why this one shouldn't stand. Whereas all of our lives are enriched for having the Pornogrind thread you started. Unless you're trying to be ironic, that's a bit rich coming from you.
  23. DevonDeathTrip

    The 14th Death Of 2015

    Richard Adams, following the river of death downstream.
  24. DevonDeathTrip

    The Ones That Got Away...

    Jim McCallum, 91, one of the last survivors of the Glenn Cinema disaster, which killed 71 children in Paisley in 1929.
  25. DevonDeathTrip

    Rob Ford

    First, let's wait and see what that little "bump" was. If it's a recurrence of the cancer, that's bad enough, but if it's not resected within the next few weeks/months, it's likely terminal. As SC said above, he has a "bad" type of liposarcoma (pleomorphic l.), with relatively high recurrence rates and aggressive behaviour, so definitely one to keep an eye on in 2016, regardless of the optimistic statements issued by those close to him. (Even if it's operated on again, he might end up like Hugo Chavez, with the cancer coming back after each surgery. His cancer type was never revealed, but suspected to be a soft-tissue sarcoma, like Rob's.) It is also highly unusual for this sort of cancer to spread to the tissue around the urinary bladder and probably indicative of the presence of highly aggressive malignant neoplasms in his system IMHO. I'm 90% sure he's going in my DDP squad.

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