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Everything posted by DevonDeathTrip

  1. DevonDeathTrip

    Cartoonists And Animators

    Speculation here about the health of comic artist Frank Miller.
  2. DevonDeathTrip

    Old Folkies Home

    This is from April, but apparently folk is the musical genre which has the highest rate of deaths from cancer. I thought the table below might appeal to some stats enthusiasts Several more charts and graphs here.
  3. DevonDeathTrip


    Pele is in hospital again.
  4. DevonDeathTrip

    Political Frailty

    Sprent Dabwido, the former President of Nauru, who has a history of cardiac problems, has been moved from his prison cell to hospital after suffering a heart attack.
  5. DevonDeathTrip

    Houston, You Have A Problem!

    A "mysterious tent" has appeared outside Bobbi Kristina's hospice...
  6. DevonDeathTrip

    Bollywood Stars

    Former Bollywood star and now Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, J Jayalalithaa may be worth keeping under observation. She has missed several public engagements recently and rumours abound that she may require a liver or a kidney transplant, although this is strenuously denied by her spokespeople.
  7. DevonDeathTrip

    Tim Johnson

    Oh, where to start? As has been mentioned previously, the option to add tags to threads became available in 2011. If you are concerned about the existence of older threads without the 'Dead' prefix, you are more than welcome to trawl through the entire site and PM me the URLs of every single one of them (in one message please, not individually) and this "lazy ass" will endeavour to add the prefixes within a reasonable amount of time. I would also like to extend this invitation to other members of this forum who have a keen sense of order, but aren't nearly as obnoxious about it as you. P.S Referring to yourself in the third person as frequently as you do is a sure sign of a narcissistic personality disorder.
  8. DevonDeathTrip

    The Fringes Of Fame/family Of The Famous

    Gillian Clarke, wife of former Chancellor of the Exchequer Kenneth Clarke, has died of cancer.
  9. DevonDeathTrip

    Connie Sawyer - Oldest Working Member Of The Screen Actors Guild

    Sag? Do you mean she's the oldest member of Saga? It's nice to know someone that old is still going on coach holidays. I can fix the thread title for you if you'd like.
  10. DevonDeathTrip

    Joni Mitchell

    Private Eye mentioned that the University of Lincoln hosted an "International Symposium on Joni Mitchell" last week. Enthusiasts from far and wide came to present their papers... It's a shame we didn't know about this beforehand as there was an open invitation to submit papers. I would have come up with:
  11. DevonDeathTrip

    The Chequered Flag

    NASCAR Legend Buddy Baker has announced he is suffering from inoperable lung cancer. http://nascartalk.nbcsports.com/2015/07/07/buddy-baker-announces-he-has-huge-tumor-in-lung-leaving-siriusxm/ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddy_Baker
  12. DevonDeathTrip

    Dead Pop Stars

    Dave Somerville, original lead singer of Canadian vocal group The Diamonds, is unwell and in hospital.
  13. DevonDeathTrip

    Somewhere Over The Rainbow

    A unique pick bonus could be heading Handrejka's way - Holly Woodlawn is very unwell, suffering from 'lesions' on the lungs and brain. This site is raising cash for her nursing care...and funeral
  14. DevonDeathTrip

    Hit Rate

    I crunched the numbers on my DDP teams since 2006. I've got an overall hit rate of 46% and an average age at death of...66.6
  15. DevonDeathTrip

    Name Shame?

    Ah, I understand now. Sorry, I hadn't seen your previous post on the last page requesting the name change as well, so I just did the Dumb Sumbitch thing.
  16. DevonDeathTrip

    Lemmy From Motörhead

    Dream gig DDT. My mates and I - who like a few beers and a loud band - attempt to see every tour by both of those. We - kind of - adopted The Stranglers after Lemmy's health problems cut Motorhead's touring schedule and took them away from the kind of toilet venues we frequent. I'm envious of you getting those two, on one bill, in that venue. It was a great night out. This was the fourth time I've seen Motorhead over a period of about 20 years and, whatever Lemmy's health problems may be, it hasn't altered the band's on stage presence in the slightest. They were just as good as ever. The gig was actually outdoors, adjacent to the domes, rather than inside them, which was probably for the best. I'm not really a Stranglers fan, but I enjoyed their set as well, although, rather disturbingly, a middle aged lady in the crowd appeared to drink an entire bottle of neat gin and passed out right in front of me before the fun had really started. I thought it was a piece of performance art until the St John's Ambulance crew showed up. We met loads of old friends we hadn't seen for ages and ended up at an all night party on Bodmin Moor, which was still going strong when we left at 9am
  17. DevonDeathTrip

    The 9Th Death Of 2015

    Chuck Berry
  18. DevonDeathTrip

    The 8Th Death Of 2015

    George Cole. From out of nowhere.
  19. DevonDeathTrip

    Businesspeople, Investors, CEO's

    Samsung CEO Lee Kun-Hee, is being treated at the same hospital where there has been a recent outbreak of the MERS virus. This blog states LK-H has contracted the disease and boldly predicts/wildly speculates that he will be dead within 3 weeks. https://samsung64.wordpress.com/2015/06/20/8888/
  20. DevonDeathTrip

    Sir John Hurt

    I thought John deserved his own thread. Can anyone think of a witty subtitle?
  21. DevonDeathTrip

    Jenny Diski

    I've read a couple of Jenny Diski's books, mainly due to her association with Doris Lessing. Like Mother, is a deeply subversive piece of work about a descent in to nihilism, narrated by a baby without a brain called Nonentity. I believe one of the lead characters in Lessing's Memoirs Of A Survivor is based on Diski. That is pretty much the point of the article over the weekend, that the pair had a deal not to write about each other but Diski - facing death - is now freed from that and Lessing broke it repeatedly by nicking their relationship as material for fiction. Writers, eh, deceitful scummers hobbled by emotional baggage and forever prone to sprinting for the moral high ground. Jenny Diski was the subject of a lengthy article in The New York Times last week. Diski is also composing essays each month for the London Review of Books. Her writing is a bit of an acquired taste, but for anyone interested, her latest offering can be found here.
  22. DevonDeathTrip

    Political Discussions And Ranting Thread

    I was wondering if Tories might try to sabotage the vote by paying £3 each and voting in huge numbers for Corbyn. If this happened in conjunction with a leftie online campaign for Corbyn, it might be doable. . It would make the Government's next 5 years much easier if they were up against him.
  23. DevonDeathTrip

    The Official Death List Hurt And Heal 2015

    This thread makes no sense at all and I'm closing it. Morbidkid, feel free to try again, but next time, please could you add a bit of context to your opening post, so we've got a rough idea of what you're on about? P.S Welcome to the forum.
  24. DevonDeathTrip

    Holiday Thread

    I've decided against it, but if anyone else is interested, a time travelling opportunity is currently advertised on Gumtree. http://www.gumtree.com/p/travel-travel-partners/time-machine-travel-companion/1119593180
  25. DevonDeathTrip

    Nelson Mandela

    Mac Maharaj is suffering from lung cancer. When he was in prison he transcribed Mandela's autobiography, The Long Walk To Freedom, and smuggled it out to publishers in 1976. I reckon that might be enough by itself to get him a UK obit.

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