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Everything posted by JR976evil

  1. JR976evil

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2012

    The kinda guy we need to be watching
  2. JR976evil

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2012

    Sticking with Hollywood stars, Rip Torn would be a worthy addition, a notorious hell-raiser, hung out with the likes of Nicholson and Dennis Hopper, soon to turn 80, was in the news last year for pulling a gun on his neighbour or something along those lines Allow me to correct myself, he TURNED 80 on 6th February, and was arrested trying to break into a bank near his home, apparently believing it to be his home, cops found he was packing and he was charged with possessing a firearm without a permit and while intoxicated. That's better. Never a dull moment around old Rip
  3. JR976evil

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2012

    Sticking with Hollywood stars, Rip Torn would be a worthy addition, a notorious hell-raiser, hung out with the likes of Nicholson and Dennis Hopper, soon to turn 80, was in the news last year for pulling a gun on his neighbour or something along those lines
  4. JR976evil

    The 2nd Death Of 2011

    That article doesn't say she is dead. Idiot. Whoever is spreading these malicious rumours ought to be thoroughly ashamed of themselves, have they any idea the kind of anguish we DLers are being subjected to? Bet her family ain't too chuffed either
  5. JR976evil

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2012

    Umm, it's actually saying that the rumours are false
  6. JR976evil

    Aretha Franklin

    aint looking too bad in the circumstances
  7. JR976evil

    The 2nd Death Of 2011

    She does appear pretty frail now, wasn't able to make her 85th birthday celebrations...
  8. JR976evil

    Hosni Mubarak

    Things are changing and I wouldn't be surprised when a more Islam oriented party comes into power, but I don't think it'll be along Iranian lines, for several reasons. There's a considerable Christian minority in Egypt. They've been suffering from heavy discrimination and they'll want a say in things. Most, if not all, Egyption Halibuts are of the Sunni persuasion, rather than Shia. There's, to the best of my knowledge, no religious leader in exile waiting to take over power. If Egypt will indeed move toward a more democratic political system (which isn't clear at this moment) fears for a second Iran seem rather unfounded. BTW, I congratulate the People of Egypt with their fine victory. Which country is next? regards, Hein Yemen and Algeria both looking pretty vulnerable at present...
  9. JR976evil

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2012

    She looks more like a Smashed Pumpkin there
  10. JR976evil

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2012

    Inspired choices for the most part but I reckon Clint will be around for some time to come, he's always been very health conscious has no illnesses that I'm aware of and shows no signs of slowing down
  11. JR976evil

    The 2nd Death Of 2011

    the competition for the feted 2nd death has got a lot more intense in the past few weeks, for a while it looked like Zsa Zsa was near-certainty, but now she is back home even celebrated her birthday. Mandela was in hospital the other week, and Ronnie Biggs and Liz Taylor have both been hospitalised in the past couple of days. Looks like a load of them are vying for one last glory...
  12. JR976evil

    Elizabeth Taylor

    Cor we've had a load of DLers in and out of hospital the past few weeks, maybe they're playing mind games with us
  13. JR976evil

    Hosni Mubarak

    Up until the Halibut Brotherhood starts loping off academics heads. Think people are somewhat overestimating the power of the Halibut Brotherhood there, we're talking a group of 150 thousand in a country of 85 million
  14. JR976evil

    Cartoonists And Animators

    Not very animated?
  15. JR976evil

    Ronnie Biggs

    All these health scares over the years and yet still he hangs on. Think he's toying with us all, the old rascal
  16. JR976evil

    Ronnie Biggs

    The really daft thing is if he had stayed and done his time he probably would have got out after about 10-15 years and would have made a decent living off his infamy. Still, bearing in mind the recent hospital stays of he, Zsa Zsa, Mandela and Dom Mintoff, think this could have the makings of a vintage year for the DL
  17. JR976evil

    Political Frailty

    Dead. http://www.radionz.co.nz/news/world/67897/...-president-dies I'm gobsmacked that Ratu Iloilo hasn't got a UK obituary yet. He was a often mentioned in the British press when he was alive and was a significant figure in Melanesian politics for many years. The two teams who picked him on the DDP possibly have similar concerns. Iloilo was also the paramount chief of the district of Viseisei in Fiji's Ba Province (just up the road from the airport, for the benefit of anyone who's ever visited Fiji), where the consumption of kava is still practised with enthusiastic vigour. Traditionally when a great ruler such as Iloilo dies, the menfolk hold a several day long vigil consuming gallons of the stuff and getting so numbed in body and mind that they are unable to even speak for up to a week. I doubt that there is anywhere in the world right now where the male populace are more incapable of anything than they are here. Obit will probably be in the Independent within the next couple of months, with most papers struggling and under pressure to prioritise and save space etc. stuff like this is considered less relevant
  18. JR976evil

    Ariel Sharon

    Turns 83 on the 26th, guess it'll be a quiet one
  19. JR976evil

    Send Offs

    If either of Hall and Oates were to pass on - "You're Out of Touch, He's Out of Time!"
  20. JR976evil

    Georgia Vs Russia

    Know it's not strictly related but Ruud Gullit was recently appointed manager of Chechen team Terek Grozny, is directly answerable to Ramzan Kadyrov, and people who get on the wrong side of him have a tendency to find their life expectancy strangely shortened...
  21. JR976evil

    Send Offs

    You could also go with, "One foot in the grave"...I'm assuming the detached one is on ebay. They already used that one for Michael Foot unfortunately
  22. JR976evil

    Send Offs

    Kirk Douglas - Kirk-ed the Bucket Jerry Lewis - Had The Last Laugh Chapman Pincher - 'Stop The Press', or how about '(Last) Pincher Movement' or maybe 'Pincher Me, I Must Be Dreaming!' Helmut Schmidt - About Done Schmidt Bill Tarmey - Jack In A Box Diana Wynne-Jones - Written Off (could apply to any author/writer really) John Edrich - Had A Good Innings Wonder if there are any headline-writer jobs going at The Sun...
  23. JR976evil

    Margaret Thatcher

    Hmmm, wonder if she'll make the premiere?
  24. JR976evil

    Abdelbaset Al-Megrahi

    People often outlive the prognosis, I knew someone who did, was no fun that's for sure
  25. JR976evil

    Jack Kevorkian

    Well seems to still be going strong, spoke at UCLA on January 15th and appears to have been keeping very busy indeed. Incidentally did anybody watch the rather excellent HBO movie You Don't Know Jack with Al Pacino as Kevorkian, was on Sky Atlantic last night.

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