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Everything posted by JR976evil

  1. JR976evil

    Elizabeth Taylor

    Bloody typical isn't it the year gets off to a promising start with Gerry Raferty 4 days in, then nothing for more than 2 months before Michael Gough and now Liz pass within a week!
  2. JR976evil

    Michael Gough

    Batman Forever, Michael Gough Not "Holy bereavement, Batman!"
  3. JR976evil

    Deathlist Under 45

    Of the 2 I'd say Jeff is by far the likelier prospect, long history of drug problems after all
  4. JR976evil

    Deathlist Under 45

    Professional wrestlers are always worth keeping an eye on, countless scores haven't made it to 45, by way of abuse of recreational drugs, steroids, painkillers, suicide... Though WWE has stepped up drug-testing in the past few years, the premature death rate remains fairly high. The past couple of years saw Umaga (36), Chris Kanyon (40), Giant Gonzalez (44) and Trent Acid & Lance Cade (both 29) all check out. There may well be some casualties on the Japanese scene too as a result of the Earthquake/Tsunami, I heard that MVP and Jinsei Shinzaki both been affected, no doubt there will be others less fortunate...
  5. JR976evil

    Deathlist Under 45

    Jack was a viable candidate a few years ago, but by all accounts has now cleaned himself up and embraced healthy living. Suppose a relapse a la Charlie Sheen isn't inconceivable somewhere down the line
  6. JR976evil

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2012

    Someone who didn't realise he was no longer running for the Haitian Presidency perhaps?
  7. JR976evil

    Send Offs

    Al Molinaro - No More Happy Days For Al Dom Mintoff - Dom Went Off Harlan Ellison - Hard Luck For Harlan Chapman Pincher - The Last Pincher Show Fergie Frederiksen - Fer-Gone Conclusion Anna Wing - Anna Gets Her Wings Oscar Niemeyer - Deathlist Gets An Oscar Ravi Shankar - No Encore From Shankar Tony Martin - Tony's Farewell Performance Ian Brady - Brady No Moor (too much?) Erich Priebke - He Had A Gas
  8. JR976evil

    The 3rd Death Of 2011

    I am sticking with Douglas. Mainly because i think that all those people look like way to obvious choices and it therefor isn't as much fun to pick them. Just out of curiousity, why would you care if i am wrong? I wouldn't. Who said I cared if you were wrong? Take it you're one who likes to back outsiders?
  9. JR976evil

    The 3rd Death Of 2011

    No chance. He's busy working on several acting projects, including the lead role in a biopic of Liberace due for release in 2012 Doesn't make him immortal. None of us are. His old man is a far likelier prospect, did you see him at the Oscars? You said "no chance", which can't be accurate since (as you subsequently noted) none of us are is immortal. All right Mr. Pedantic, to clarify I regard it as highly unlikely that Michael Douglas will be the 3rd DL Passing this year, being that his cancer is said to have gone into remission, and if you take a glance at his bio on IMDB you will see he is currently involved in several film projects and has several more lined up, hardly sounds like a man at death's door. He would not be signed up to various jobs if they were not confident in his health. Several other DLers for this year are looking like far likelier prospects for death no. 3, like Zsa Zsa Gabor, Liz Taylor, Dom Mintoff, Maggie Thatcher, all frail and in and out of hospital lately. Not to mention those who have already way outlived the average life expectancy, like Vera Lynn, Oscar Niemeyer, even his old man Kirk. Of course there's always an outside possibility of him being run over or shot by a mugger or some such, but I'm pretty confident he'll see the year out, wasted pick for this year if you ask me. A relapse somewhere down the line is probable tho, as evinced by this rather interesting article http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/41009450/ns/health-cancer
  10. JR976evil

    Fergie Frederiksen

    Yesterday my Ma and Pa watched his former bandmate Steve Lukather perform at Manchester Academy, he acknowledged that Fergie was sick and "needed all the help he could get". Said a prayer for him and bassist Mike Porcaro, who has amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
  11. JR976evil

    The 3rd Death Of 2011

    No chance. He's busy working on several acting projects, including the lead role in a biopic of Liberace due for release in 2012 Doesn't make him immortal. None of us are. His old man is a far likelier prospect, did you see him at the Oscars?
  12. JR976evil

    The 3rd Death Of 2011

    No chance. He's busy working on several acting projects, including the lead role in a biopic of Liberace due for release in 2012
  13. JR976evil

    The 3rd Death Of 2011

    I picked Vera Lynn, after Michael Gough just quietly shuffled off this mortal coil without any forewarning figured she's as likely a prospect as any. Quite often a bunch of people not heard from for ages will just suddenly go quite close together
  14. JR976evil

    The 3rd Death Of 2011

    Any one of his hunting buddies could be a safer bet
  15. JR976evil

    The 3rd Death Of 2011

    If you're starting to show signs of dementia can we have you on a future DL?
  16. JR976evil

    Zsa Zsa Gabor

    And now she's outlived the butler too! I knew she wouldn't be the next DL entrant to die Yeah there's fight left in the old bird yet
  17. JR976evil

    Michael Gough

    Gough Off? Put him in his Gough-in? Like it
  18. JR976evil

    Michael Gough

    Well they do say it's the quiet ones you gotta watch. When was the last time he was heard from or appeared in public, does anyone know? He did voice work for a video within the last 2 months so presumably recently! And for Alice In Wonderland and other fairly recent Tim Burton projects, I guess cause I hadn't seen him no camera in so long just assumed he was in a care home somewhere or some such. I never recognised his voice in Alice In Wonderland and have no recollection of his character
  19. JR976evil

    Michael Gough

    Well they do say it's the quiet ones you gotta watch. When was the last time he was heard from or appeared in public, does anyone know?
  20. JR976evil

    Michael Gough

    Wonder what the DL pun will be - "Not Taking The Michael" perhaps?
  21. JR976evil

    Aretha Franklin

    If she has had some minor surgery, I'll take a punt on it having been a hysterectomy on the grounds she does not want to discuss it publicly. Now I'm no expert on these matters but I would think, even if it were a total whip out job the "chunks" would weigh no more than 5 to 10 lbs... So where was the other 65 to 70 lbs lost from? I'm baffled... I think Monoclinic needs to put forward a view. She could have miscarried quadruplets very late on............. Didn't she break a plate of ribs getting out of the bath a few months ago? what you get for eating dinner in the bath
  22. JR976evil


    Paul Orndorff is being treated for skin cancer that cannot be removed apparently
  23. JR976evil

    Michael Douglas

    He's set to play Liberace in a biopic directed by Steven Soderbergh, which indicates they expect him to be around for a while. Presumably they won't be asking him to do much singing. Given his past promiscuities he's quite lucky he didn't wind up like Liberace really.
  24. Think Simpson will be ok, he's lasted this long, has fond memories of Col. Gadaffi continually farting in his presence during an interview also. Reporters from Al Jazeera are probably more at risk, they've lost quite a few in the past
  25. JR976evil

    Hollywood Possibilities

    Six Feet Under & True Blood creator Alan Ball's pet Macaws could be a possibility unless he resolves a dispute with his neighbour, who happens to be Quentin Tarantino http://uk.eonline.com/uberblog/b230492_why...b_uk_topstories

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