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Everything posted by Bibliogryphon

  1. Bibliogryphon

    Political Frailty

    You must have a short memory, Liam Fox and Adam Wetherity was blatantly and extramarital type situation. This was not what the media storm was about. It was about inappropriate access and blurring of politics and business. If there was anything more than a platonic relationship between the two (I don't believe there was) then if the media had chosen to focus on this he might have been able to hang on because he could have tried to claim a homphobic witch hunt. David Laws' resignation in 2010 obviously had an element of sexual content but it was because he lied to prevent prying into his private life. If he had not made the false claims about his abode then I do not think a newspaper would run a headline in the current climate saying "Minister lives with another man shock!" I'm aware that the media storm was about the inappropriate use of taxpayers money accommodating a lobbyist. However my cynical side thinks that there's cheaper ways of appeasing a lobbyist than taking a close friend all over the place on business trips. Also he was married, it doesn't matter whether the other in question is male or female extra-marital affairs are still morally objectionable to the vast majority of society. Accomadating your extramarital affair with anybody through taxpayers money and providing MoD access would sell newspapers anyway if it could be proven. It couldn't be proven or didn't happen, so it wasn't ran that doesn't mean to say there was no extramarital element. This did flare up around the period of super injunctions, phone hacking and general panic of offending or libelling anyone in the news industry. When William Hague was accused in the media of sharing a hotel room with a (male) researcher during the election campaign he stated that it was to keep within the electoral rules on spending and the issue went away and he kept his job. Sex scandal does not equal resignation but sex scandal and lying/hypocrisy does.
  2. Bibliogryphon

    US Ensemble Dramas/HBO Box Set Shows

    On the subject of Game of Thrones I am suspecting that it is fantasy for people who don't like fantasy (especially the TV series) in the same way X-Files and Quantum Leap were science fiction for people who don't like science fiction.
  3. Bibliogryphon

    Rolf Harris

    Unless you've got a shitload of money, I'd be very careful If I were you. Here's what the Daily Mirror has to say about Blue Peter Presenters. I recommend Peter Purvis' autobiography. He is quite candid about his affairs with a variety of woman.
  4. Bibliogryphon

    Political Frailty

    It looks like there might be another use for Deathray's list. Which MPs may have been in Leon Britten's vanishing dossier?
  5. Bibliogryphon

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2015

    Following the recent death of Jeffrey Wickham there are no only three former presidents of Equity left alive: Frederick Payne (b. 1936) Harry Landis (b. 1931) Graham Hamilton (b. 1944) Malcolm Sinclair (b. 1950) - Incumbant All should be obit worthy in the right publications.
  6. Bibliogryphon

    Political Frailty

    You must have a short memory, Liam Fox and Adam Wetherity was blatantly and extramarital type situation. This was not what the media storm was about. It was about inappropriate access and blurring of politics and business. If there was anything more than a platonic relationship between the two (I don't believe there was) then if the media had chosen to focus on this he might have been able to hang on because he could have tried to claim a homphobic witch hunt. David Laws' resignation in 2010 obviously had an element of sexual content but it was because he lied to prevent prying into his private life. If he had not made the false claims about his abode then I do not think a newspaper would run a headline in the current climate saying "Minister lives with another man shock!"
  7. Bibliogryphon


    The BBC have a whole load of these really classy dramas I think they should launch a channel that just shows really exquisite drama all evening as an antidote to ITV channels 2-5. I recently watched Gormanghast - fantastic. Day of the Triffids, Neverwhere, Edward VIII, Persuasion.............. You could even include some more leftfield ones - Dead Head
  8. Bibliogryphon

    Hollywood Possibilities

    He was also the man behind the Monkees TV series.
  9. Bibliogryphon

    Rolf Harris

    I am thinking about 7-8 years. Both him and Stuart Hall look like making the line up for my 2015 DDP.
  10. Bibliogryphon

    Death Anniversary Thread

    Mollie Sugden died today 2009. Her pussy hasn't been the same since.
  11. Bibliogryphon

    Rolf Harris

    I think that when the committee come to make the decision the primary questions will be 1. Will they croak? and 2. Do people care? I think that the community here are capable of creating the humour in almost any situation. I think that even if the DL Comm decide that he is not a worthewhile pick I expect him to make the DDP drop 40.
  12. Bibliogryphon

    Rolf Harris

    I Didn't think he would get found guilty of all counts. I'm guessing they will strip him of his knighthoods quickly too and you won't see Rolf paints the Queen on your TV ever again lol. If max Clifford got 8 years for eight counts then rolf will easy get over 10 years . Well we will find out in the next few days if he does suicide. Was it not the case that Max Clifford's charges included rape whereas Rolf's does not? However the length of the sentance in Rolf's case I think will be academic. I think Rolf is a better bet for DL 2015 than Stuart Hall.
  13. Bibliogryphon

    Rolf Harris

    My 18 year old nephew said the exact same thing whilst we were watching the news last night. They must learn to understand one of them has committed acts of atrocity against scores of innocent victims and the other is Rolf Harris.
  14. Bibliogryphon

    Stan Lee

    Next weekend (11-13th July) Stan Lee will be at London Comic Con This is being billed as his last ever European convention appearance. Though if any deathlisters are going it will probably be considered bad form if you print out a copy of the 2014 list and ask him to sign next to his name. But it might be an opportunity to check out some DDP picks David Prowse, Colin Baker, Kenny Baker etc A friend of mine took his daugher to a comic con in Birmingham a couple of months ago and embarressed her by rather loudly proclaiming "Peter Wyngarde, I thought he was dead"
  15. Bibliogryphon

    Rolf Harris

    This may not be the right place or time to discuss this but I am interested in your comment. How is Dutch justice perceived? Who decides on the guilt or ortherwise? A few years ago it was suggested by Jack Straw to limit trial by jury in certain complex cases and the reaction this provoked was as though he had suggested barbecuing kittens. I understand the arguments for being tried in front of your peers but we need to look at all options and experience of fully developed democracies that cope without the system should be allowed to inform the debate.
  16. Bibliogryphon

    Political Frailty

    Does anyone else think that the New coalition culture minister Javid Sjid is a dead ringer for The Hood from Thunderbirds?
  17. Bibliogryphon

    Authors Last A Long Time, But....

    She was featured on last weeks edition of R4's The Last Word and as well as the Pony books it highlighted her campaigning work for PEN which helps when writers are targetted by authoritarian regimes. The speaker gave an anecdote about attending a literary event and everyone wondering why Salman Rushdie was talking to 'that old lady'.
  18. Bibliogryphon

    Authors Last A Long Time, But....

    This article is a bit of fun on the BBC website but if you read carefully it suggests Phillip Pullman is not well but does not elaborate.
  19. Bibliogryphon

    The Archers

    Ysanne Churchman who played Grace Archer who died the night ITV started broadcasting is still alive (b.1925) although she may have been discussed under a Doctor Who thread. There is quite a crossover between the two.
  20. Bibliogryphon

    Rupert Murdoch

    That might be his drip.
  21. Bibliogryphon

    Kirk Douglas

    That should be .......is it?
  22. Bibliogryphon

    Fort William Football Club

    Does this mean that all the players and the dedicated fans are going to be pictured in a shirt with the word Virgin emblazoned across the front? At least there shouldn't be any issue with advertising standards.
  23. Bibliogryphon

    The Comic Strip

    I never found The New Statesman as funny as it thought it was but I did like the character of his office colleague Piers Flectcher-Dervish (Michael Troughton) but I am now very worried that both our Prime Minister and Chancellor appear to be him.
  24. Bibliogryphon


    I saw this yesterday and was going to ignore it as I had never heard of Teenie Hodges but then I found out he co-wrote Take Me To The River so I thought it worth mentioning. Went home and listened to Talking Heads version.
  25. Bibliogryphon

    2014 DDP Dumping Ground & Salvage Lot

    Interesting pattern developing in this year's Drop Forty. There has not been a single hit in the Top 10 but half of the picks 11-20 have gone. This could be bad news for Sam Simon, Olivia de Havilland, Nancy Reagan and Ian Paisley.

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