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Everything posted by Bibliogryphon

  1. Bibliogryphon

    James Bond 007 (Connery/Moore/Villains etc)

    Thank you Merge Meister
  2. Bibliogryphon

    James Bond 007 (Connery/Moore/Villains etc)

    There is a Sean Connery/Roger Moore thread as well as a Bond villans threas. Hell Lois Maxwell got her own thread. Maybe there should be one merged thread for all things James Bondie. I am unlikely to post in it as I have not watched a Bond film since poor old Timothy Dalton played him!
  3. Bibliogryphon

    Political Frailty

    But then the justice system would be lowering itself to their level Yes a valid point. . . Still I think a justice system that allows the guilty to get off without punishment just because they can use corruption and power to delay due process is a pretty low thing in its self. Sorry in my book there is a place for retribution and appropriate punishment in any society. If you had ever stood in a small (2.5 acre) grave yard about 6 miles outside Phnom Penn you would know why I think this. Best regards Syd Maybe so, but the issue here is that the defendant is not judged mentally competent to stand trial, and no civilised court in the world can oppose this. You can't really justify trying a person who is unable to defend himself, without resorting to biblical eye-for-an-eye justice I agree with you but there does seem to be a large number of people who are suddenly too ill to stand trial and who then seem to carry on with their lives as soon as the threat goes away.
  4. Bibliogryphon

    Political Frailty

    For some reason this reminded me that Ernest Saunders (b.1935) still alive. OK he did not slaughter unspecified number of innocent people but he knows some good doctors/lawyers.
  5. Bibliogryphon

    Hollywood Possibilities

    Kathy Bates has had a double masectomy
  6. Bibliogryphon


    This is the man that launched the Daily Star. It is a pity he couldn't take it with him. When he appeared on his show "Do they mean us?" I didn't understand why he was famous but I was about 12 then and Newspaper editors were less in the public eye.
  7. Bibliogryphon


    Only if you want to remove him again in a few days/weeks. I am no medical man but that does not sound good.
  8. Bibliogryphon

    The 9th Death Of 2012

    This poll had slipped onto the second page so in the absence of anyone actually dying an irrelevent post should bring it back to people's attention. Quick someome think of one.
  9. Bibliogryphon

    Room 101

    Congratulations you have an active and intelligent child who is aware of thier surroundings and shows purpose in life. Surely you would rather this than an ignorant pudding of a baby.
  10. Bibliogryphon

    Margaret Thatcher

    Where I previously worked one of my colleagues was looking at having some promotional ties made and the saleswoman from the tie company came in and showed us a headscarf she had had made using the images of all the front pages of the newspapers from when Thatcher has resigned. It seemed very fitting some how and as we were working for British Coal nobody was going to say "That is a terrible thing to do"
  11. Bibliogryphon

    Margaret Thatcher

    It is testament to the success of her reforms that the generation of trade unionist referred to will number 4. If he is forced to stop selling them at the TUC he should post an ad on this site. They will be snapped uo instantly.
  12. Bibliogryphon

    Death List Convention

    Is America one unified whole? Which bit of it are you hating living in at the moment?
  13. Bibliogryphon

    Political Frailty

    The Chinese have got there own version of Wally Who thinks he has been taken out back and shot? I am currently in China and the hotel television keeps going blank when BBC World News get to this story. Shhhh!
  14. Bibliogryphon

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2013

    Supergran Vs Grandad
  15. Bibliogryphon

    Deadio Times

    I hope Johnny Ball doesnt "reveal all" That would encourage you to "Think Again"
  16. Bibliogryphon

    London 2012 Olympics

    Well the Dutch would win all the bike events... Unless Lance Armstrong entered
  17. Bibliogryphon

    Kate And Gerry

    The McCann's biggest problem is that they do not come across as very sympathetic individuals and the elephant in the room (Why did you leave them alone in the first place?) seems to be considered an unfair question when presented with their tragic (sic) plight. Also they have had their side of the story published in a best selling book (and people call the DL ghoulish) but go to extreme lengths to stop somebody publishing an alternative point of view. I for one would be quite interested (public library, not £19.99) to read it. However without a body there is no evidence against anybody and everyone will continue to think as before. But I will leave you with one thought. If the McCanns had been in any way guilty and this had come out then the whole British media would have to admit to have been taken in to an extraordinary degree which may have had more of an impact than the Levison enquiry.
  18. Bibliogryphon

    Room 101

    IMO it's been shit since 1988. That year a third public TV channel was launched in the Netherlands. I proudly present Magere Hein's Conservation Law of Quality TV Time. My hypothesis is that, ever since the invention of TV, the amount of quality TV that's broadcast every week has been constant. Since that time the number of channels has increased by a factor of 1000 or more, and quality TV time is divided among all those channels. Therefore the odds are overwhelmingly that you'll miss it. regards, Hein In the Uk there is no decent comedy anymore and everything is reality TV . I believe the Netherlands were the first to be infected with reality TV with endemol i think? The funniest thing on TV at the moment in the UK is Horrible Histories and that is shoved out of the way on the CBBC channel. I am not the only person who thinks so because this show won the British Comedy award last year. YouTube any of the songs or Bob Dale and enjoy.
  19. Bibliogryphon

    Deadio Times

    On Saturday Strictley Come Dancing will return to our screens allowing Bruce Forsyth to justify his exclusion from the list for another 12 months but veteran children's TV presenter Johnny Ball is set to be the oldest contestent they have had. (He is still younger than Brucie) I wish Johnny well and hope to enjoy his latin routines set to Fat Boy Slim tunes, but out of curiosity will the Deathlisters boost the BBC viewing figures. Bearing in mind the alternative is to go to the other end of the spectrum and pick up some pointers from X factor for some wannabes who may well have drank/overdosed/debauched themselves to death by 25.
  20. Bibliogryphon

    The Dead Of 2012

    Just like to say RIP Terry,great bloke from my childhood watching TV,had a seal for a pet,fucking brilliant,also just found out he had 8 kids,maybe he should've been called Terry Nutsack? Johnny Morris also left Nutkins most of his estate in his will. So while I'm not saying that they were gay lovers, they're both dead so we can't libel them any more. More likley Johnny Morris left him the money as Mr nutkins was the only person still talking to hin when he died, JM by all accounts was a very vindictive and precious human being who would take pleasure in bullying those who he felt had slighted him. Best regards Syd But all those animals liked talking to him.
  21. Bibliogryphon

    Larry Hagman

    Last year Larry lost his wife of over 50 years and filming of the Dallas Reboot had to be scheduled around his treatment for cancer. A worthy contender for 2013?
  22. Bibliogryphon

    Hollywood Possibilities

    Yesterday was Sid Caeser's 90th Birthday. He is now on my radar!
  23. Bibliogryphon

    Authors Last A Long Time, But....

    Hugo award winning SF writer Jack Vance is still with us - Born 1916 A good replacement for any who had Harry Harrison on their lists.
  24. Bibliogryphon

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2013

    There was a picture of Dave Whelan (Chairman of Wigan Athletic b 1936) in my paper last night and I thought he was someone who is worthy of consideration. His apprarance reminded me a bit of Bob Paisley. Outside chance but probably not main list fodder.
  25. Bibliogryphon

    Tony Martin

    Or like so many farmers, may just turn the gun on himself Only if he found himself robbing his own farm

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