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En Passant

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Everything posted by En Passant

  1. En Passant

    Sad Last Days

    Having had cause to try a proxy server (to watch something on pbs that is IP restricted) I took the opportunity to look at the National Enquirer site having seen here that you can't access it from the UK, I hastily disengaged the proxy and decided I don't mind being excluded from some places.
  2. En Passant

    May I Perchance Rant?

    Actually football bores me rigid but I've learned not to tell anyone because it only incites a lecture. oops....
  3. En Passant

    Room 101

    Price you pay for pond hopping. I personally cringe every time I hear "aluminum".
  4. En Passant

    Things To Do While Waiting For Death

    Interact with people when not on a PC. Having been told on numerous occasions to "get a life" and stop "sitting at the pc all the time" I determined to make friends out in the real world instead of on-line. To that end I took the principles I have learned from Facebook and Twitter out into the local neighbourhood. Every day I walk down the street and tell passers-by what I have eaten, how I feel, what I did the night before and what I will do for the rest of the day. I give them pictures of my wife, my daughter and my dog, and of me gardening and on holiday doing things such as spending time by the pool. I also listen to their conversations, tell them I "like" them and give them my opinion on ever subject that interests me....whether it interests them or not. And it works! I already have four people following me: two police officers, a social worker and a psychiatrist.
  5. En Passant

    Fat And Fearless

    And all the broadsheets went tabloid, the fools, they of all people should have known what would keep us enthralled in the second decade of the 21st century and kept the space to print it.
  6. En Passant

    Fat And Fearless

    You sat through the lot, then? Lets put it this way, when I invested in a widescreen television I thought it was so I could view films closer to their original aspect ratio. Little did I suspect the uses to which the technology could be put.
  7. En Passant

    Fat And Fearless

  8. En Passant

    Fat And Fearless

    I damn nearly clicked it to see if I was shocked at #10. Which is A: somewhat mortifying and B: Sort of what gets my gall about it.
  9. En Passant

    Fat And Fearless

    I should add that this wasn't a pop at you GCR, It was more of a personal rant at the likes of the Daily Mail for passing this drivel off as news and the clickbait culture where one can find (merely culled from the "links" at the bottom of that very same Daily Mail page) directions to such newsworthy and enthralling items as: 20 hilarious photo's proving cats want humans dead; 13 gay celebrities that haven't officially come out of the closet (#10 we are reliably informed is shocking) and 5 minute breakfast cheats that will change your life. I have no reason to doubt that these amazing factoids have their place in the vastness of the internet, I only question their validity as either news or in the case of the estimable Mr Price a relevant subject for deadpools.
  10. En Passant

    Fat And Fearless

    Sorry, but how does this qualify for here? The man is not famous in any way whatsoever other than as yet another clickbait shitstirring piece of shyte from the Daily Mail. Unless I missed something. It's true, I don't know whether he is fearless, but he is definitely fat. And this thread is (or has become?) more about gloating at their weight, than about fame.... see Carl Thompson. It's the "famous for their illness" kind of fame. Edit: But yes, maybe I reduce the posting of these kinds of stories Perhaps in the world of being famous for being famous or even just famously ill, "Britain's fattest man" qualifies by virtue of being the, ahem, record holder. Also he increased his eligibility somewhat by actually dying. If however every overweight, unemployed, "a little bit ill" but not quite "circling the drain" *, attention seeker in Britain were to get a mention, this would be easily be the 'fattest' thread on here. *phrase courtesy of Bibliogryphon.
  11. En Passant

    Fat And Fearless

    Sorry, but how does this qualify for here? The man is not famous in any way whatsoever other than as yet another clickbait shitstirring piece of shyte from the Daily Mail. Unless I missed something.
  12. En Passant

    Whom Are You Tarring With The Epithet "twunt"?

    I agree.* * Admit to a personal distaste for the McDonaldesque "I'm liking that" though. What is wrong with "I like that"?
  13. En Passant

    Foreign Personalities, From Stage, Screen, Politics And Life

    The man from Delemontez, he say non.
  14. En Passant

    Prince Philip Duke Of Edinburgh

    Just been reading the twunt thread, and consider myself unlikely to ever post enough before I drop off my own perch, but I can add one to my count in a totally useless and uninformative manner, by laughing, er, like a drain, at this.
  15. En Passant

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2016

    I have always assumed that a line of trailing dots conveyed that the explanation had been left unsaid in an ironic fashion. YMMV.
  16. En Passant

    Toupee or not Toupee....that is the question

    70% of chickens tested positive for the presence of campylobacter. No reason to suspect KFC beats this average. I think I'd probably sooner take my chances with a BSEburger. I can't say I draw much distinction between BK and McD beyond the fact that Ronalds saver menu is obvious and I can stuff my face for less than a fiver*. Not that anyone besides me does I suppose, but if you deconstruct a double cheeseburger that is 1.50 or so, and a Big Mac at around twice that price, the difference appears to be that extra bit of bun between the burgers and a spoonful of mayo. * I read somewhere that BK have a cheap menu but hide it. or you need to get an online voucher or something. Fuck that and fuck them if so.
  17. En Passant

    A Joke

    A 75-year-old man walked into a crowded waiting room and approached the desk. The Receptionist said, 'Yes sir, what are you seeing the Doctor for today?' 'There's something wrong with my dick', he replied. The receptionist became irritated and said, 'You shouldn't come into a crowded waiting room and say things like that.' 'Why not, you asked me what was wrong and I told you,' he said. The Receptionist replied; 'Now you've caused some embarrassment in this room full of people. You should have said there is something wrong with your ear or something, and discussed the problem further with the Doctor in private.' The man replied, 'You shouldn't ask people questions in a roomful of strangers if the answer could embarrass anyone. The man then decided to walk out, waited several minutes, and then re-entered. The Receptionist smiled smugly and asked, 'Yes??' 'There's something wrong with my ear,' he stated. The Receptionist nodded approvingly and smiled, knowing he had taken her advice. 'And what is wrong with your ear, Sir?' 'I can't piss out of it,' he replied
  18. En Passant

    The 8Th Death Of 2015

  19. En Passant

    The 7Th Death Of 2015

    In view of the recent resurrection of quantickgate, I should like to make it clear that my pick may be considered by some to be wishful thinking but this is not to be confused in any way whatsoever with hoping for somebody to die, it isn't, it's a prediction, no more no less*. *Still, if somebody has to go, I hope its him.
  20. En Passant

    The 7Th Death Of 2015

  21. En Passant

    Christopher Lee

    There's rich through inheritance, and there's rich through being "self-made" by having a profession that happens to pay extremely well, this may depend upon your talent or on luck or perhaps both. Either way around it is something of an "accident of birth". For instance I personally fail to see that being born into this world with an ability to kick a ball around better than most should immediately confer millions on you, whilst being born with a caring nature and a desire to help others does not. You could in fact be rich through either inheritance or "work" and still support the idea of a system with a more equal sharing of blessings, at least so far as I can see, not that it seems many do.
  22. En Passant

    Christopher Lee

    Following Christopher Lee's death, The Sun have written a full article about Dracula. He didn't appear in The Mirror though
  23. En Passant

    The 6Th Death Of 2015

    Refuse to give up on Mugabe. Despite the fact that there is zero empirical evidence that anybody "gets what was coming to them" and that I have failed to correctly predict his death at attempts 1 though 5....
  24. En Passant

    Tariq Aziz

    So, Tariq Azwaz now.
  25. En Passant

    A Joke

    The FIFA headquarters in Switzerland has apparently been burgled. Raiders have stolen the names of the winners of the next two World Cups.

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