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En Passant

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Everything posted by En Passant

  1. En Passant

    Foreign Personalities, From Stage, Screen, Politics And Life

    Well Israel have been in it 37 times....but Australia truly banishes the geography to the dustbin really.
  2. En Passant

    The Dead Of 2015

    Yeah pretty much been a token gesture rather than a serious intent to take over responsibility in that sad eventuality, or even teach the word of god, in my experience. Which admittedly is thin, since I am an atheist and so are all my friends from the local church.
  3. En Passant

    Foreign Personalities, From Stage, Screen, Politics And Life

    Not to mention that that very remoteness rather makes a mockery of "Euro"vision song contest, at least if not technically in Europe most have been geographically close. Not that it has ever been much more than a thinly veiled exercise in politics anyway imo. As alluded to above with the local neighbours thing. reference
  4. En Passant

    The Dead Of 2015

    The first part I get, as far as I know there are no real limits to numbers of godparents per child or the number of people one can be godparent to, but ok you got me phantom, what's an honorary god parent? Seriously, never heard of it. American thing? Somebody who's an atheist?
  5. En Passant

    The Dead Of 2015

    What is going on is whatever is keeping your addled brain whirring at 2:37 am. Moot point, since for SC it wasn't 2:37am, it was anywhere between 4:37pm and 9:37pm depending upon his precise location (not allowing for any local daylight saving times that are due around now which I cba to look up). That's the internerd for you, people posting from just anywhere....
  6. En Passant

    Biggest Death Of 2014

    70 days later why am I reading this shit? SC You tell us. It is after all even titled the biggest deaths of 2014. N,B. On top of which you have now merely added to the new posts in it, causing those who use unread posts as a guide (as perhaps you do) to revisit it yet again. Ofc the same could be levelled at me now, but mine is is a humourous dig at you and worth a read
  7. En Passant

    What Do You Think Of The 2015 Death List?

    To be fair that seemed like quite a consensus view. He didn't make the DDP drop forty. If they had been fair to me they'd have read my fucking suggestions. What are you doing up at this hour anyway dad? He's not necessarily the only one, young whippersnapper-me-laddo.
  8. En Passant

    Mary Tyler Moore

    Having previously worked in the computer department of a national news organisation (we all need money sadly), I can confirm your feeling is not without some foundation.
  9. En Passant

    Curse Of The Eurovision

    Hasn't the Eurovision Song Contest become a parody of itself these days? A parody of itself? Maybe that's a bit too strong. But nowadays, the winners would rarely embark on a huge international career in the music industry, like ABBA had done in the heyday of the contest. And yeah, it's not a song contest in the strictest sense, the quality of the music might be of secondary importance, being "interesting" and "different" should be the key to a winning entry. You could list quite a few weird winners from the last decades, like transsexual Dana International in '98, hard rock/heavy metal band Lordi in 2006 and bearded lady Conchita Wurst last year. Electro Velvet might get some points for its novelty value (strange genre: electric swing) and Bianca has an interesting background story with her cystic fibrosis, but I doubt that these will be enough for a podium. On a positive note, they can't do much worse than Jemini... It's been at least 30 years since I last watched it, Probably around the time Bucks Fizz won. All kinds of everything in it, I can't decide if the daftest song title that ever won it is ding-ding-a-dong or diggi-loo diggi-ley, I'm still having trouble making my mind up, its my personal waterloo, still whats another year?
  10. En Passant

    Room 101

    Don't get it either. You don't even have to know or do the maths, it only takes the thought "I wonder if they invested all this money in high street shops so they could give even more money away?". If you cannot answer that one you probably deserve to go broke.
  11. En Passant

    The 3rd Death Of 2015

    This. So Chris.
  12. En Passant

    Dead Pop Stars

    Only one I can recall or most folks that I know of. And I checked, it's interesting, wiki describes a few as making some mark on the charts indeed, but, only that one went platinum, and the next best only made silver, rest nowhere. It may be a peculiarity of the way the charts worked that some songs made it higher on less sales that week or something. I'm not into arguing, its a waste of time, so you call it as you see it and I'll do the same. Will it enter any book as a one hit wonder? Probably not, but she isn't ever going to be a multi hit artist in the UK to me, or plenty of others.
  13. En Passant

    Dead Pop Stars

    Ok, not quite a 1-hit wonder in the accepted sense of absolutely nothing else. A couple of her other singles made a few ripples but nothing of the order of "That don't impress me much" which went platinum, after that, she didn't much impress us either.
  14. En Passant

    Fort William Football Club

    See? The Dutch and their speed skating? Mind you, All the way round the world seems a bit of an endurance test to me, even for the dedicated and it must be expensive refrigerating the equatorial bits.... Oh, is that the time? Got to go.
  15. En Passant

    Dead Pop Stars

    I'm still feeling somewhat jaded after getting all excited after seeing Bauhaus when they reunited after 15 years, they then spent the next 8 years working on a new album which was mediocre at best and them promptly split up again. Although I doubt they'll get back together again as no-one gets along with Peter Murphy these days. What is it with creative types? Musicians especially. Buggers are always falling out with each other. Must be the way the synapses are linked together, along with the talent goes a propensity for being a prima donna or an arsehole or both.
  16. En Passant

    Dead Pop Stars

    Well, lets put it this way, neither Kiss nor Shania are really my thing so I don't much care what they get up to. I just smashed her UK one hit wonder into a somewhat relevant sentence and pushed it out there. That said, the sentence does also reflect my somewhat suspicious and cynical outlook and you've summed that up nicely.
  17. En Passant

    Dead Pop Stars

    No, but check closely, my English may not be journalistic standard but I probably wouldn't use the word don't where it should be doesn't without a reason
  18. En Passant

    Dead Pop Stars

    This retirement only to re-invent oneself later for increased publicity don't impress me much.
  19. En Passant

    The Dead Of 2015

    Sorry but how does one unsuccessfully shoot themselves in the head? Either they hit the target or they didn't. SC He shot himself in the head but didn't inflict a fatal wound. It's fairly simple to deduce. that's what he meant but didn't say On a point of pedantry he was successful in shooting himself in the head. I have to go with SC on this one. Did I just say that? Clearly it was a fair ribbing but I am enjoying ferreting out those who have OCPD around here. SC Oklahoma City Police Department? I thought it was what Nimoy died from. No, it was a certain Terence Walker. Nimoy was a pale dyslexic shadow of it.
  20. En Passant

    Star Wars Deaths

    Well, I learned one thing today:- I probably shan't be using the "shocked" smiley again. One off isn't so bad, but quoted a few times and it starts to get annoying. How far off topic can I go? Just watch me.
  21. En Passant

    The Dead Of 2015

    Not a survivor any more then.
  22. En Passant

    Star Wars Deaths

    Helicopters, now that's a forced landing when the engine quits . Contrary to what some believe and also perhaps seems intuitive they can keep flying after a fashion with no power by doing something called auto-rotation, but the glide ratio is a touch steep, somewhere around 4:1, that said you don't exactly need a long strip of flat ground either so perhaps it's swings and roundabouts. Not something I fancy a go at mind you.
  23. En Passant

    Star Wars Deaths

    Practice Force Landing is something you do rather a lot of when learning to fly. In theory at any rate you can put a small Cessna 152 (What I learnt in many years ago) or something similar into a field and walk away. How true that turns out to be in practice may well be another matter, spotting what looks like a smooth field from 3000ft agl or so isn't a cakewalk and there's electric wires and other things to consider, but it can be and is done if not routinely, not that rarely either. It's a far different story in something the size of a commercial jet, although perhaps surprisingly (or maybe not) that has also been done, see this (I remember the levee one from the examples at the bottom). Edit since phantom posted at the same time nearly: I suffer badly from 'vertigo' as well, but as best I can make out it's not terribly rational (beyond the obvious), I have had terrible vertigo in the Eiffel Tower and similar structures, and even at ground level in a tall building with a high atrium whilst looking up.. But never, ever in a plane. Can't really explain why, just is. Make of that what you will.
  24. En Passant

    Gospel & Christian Music

    I hate the acronym / phrase lol (candidate for room 101), people use it as punctuation now. However... Lol.
  25. En Passant

    The Dead Of 2015

    Fairs fair, <hoary old maxim> even a stopped clock is right twice a day</>. Incidentally there are is almost a club of people shot in the head but survived the 'experience'. From spurned husbands/wives to victims of crime or police shootings. A short search will reveal as much.

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