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Octopus of Odstock

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Everything posted by Octopus of Odstock

  1. Octopus of Odstock

    Near misses 2006

    Ah, well done that man! The reason I asked was Miura's death was briefly mentioned in the breaking news of the Times online paper, but never evolved into an obituary, and I was worried with a lack of a stable link, the same for P D'AH. But, as you say, this should all be moot some time next week, I expect.
  2. Octopus of Odstock

    The Chequered Flag

    What one? "oh deer, what's da matta", you mean? Your wish is my command. Look half-way down - The Australian - 3 Aug
  3. Octopus of Odstock


    Well, some of us are half hoping we lose the first game. We did that last year, you see, then only lost once after that!
  4. Octopus of Odstock

    Ideas and possibilities for 2007

    Look back a page. It's already been posted Hmm... maybe doing the mini I & P thread was a waste of time as it was to stop double suggestions.
  5. Octopus of Odstock

    Near misses 2006

    Is a family notice enough? The trouble is, it's not a very stable online link, but a cast-iron obit in print. Either way, I think there will probably be an obit in the Times at some stage in the next week.
  6. Octopus of Odstock

    Not Exactly Famous...

    I must admit, I thought he had died about 5 years ago - in fact, I swear I saw the obit. Obviously, my mind is playing tricks on me.
  7. Octopus of Odstock

    Sir Bobby Robson

    MPFC, I think we all know who Mr D. Long is...... Whilst I think Mr Long may be a bit over-optimistic (as usual), it certainly looks quite bad for Sir Bobby. It would be a real shame to lose him, but at least, if he does die soon, he went out with a standing ovation at his beloved Portman Road as one of his last memories. I think Phantom hit on the nail with his summary.
  8. Octopus of Odstock


    Impressive, but not as good as Lanna GoIF 1 Reading 10! report It's really unusual for the league season to start and we're not in it. Really, very odd indeed. Ah, well, I'll cope. On other Premiership related matters, I see BHB has made little comment yet about Mr O'Neill in charge at Villa Parl
  9. Octopus of Odstock

    Freddy Fender

    I have no idea who this man is, but he's in my DDP top 20 straight out. I have the same feelings towards him as Godot does to Ross Davidson, I guess.
  10. Octopus of Odstock

    Ideas & Possibilities - The Names

    So now that he's gone, will OoO be taking up the task of crossing his name off the list, as well as any future deceased? Or are we just going to have to be eagle-eyed whenever we go over the list? P.S. I know he said he's gone on Holidays, but I'll post this just to make him feel better: Where is OoO? Has he died? Yes, he has. Yeah, I'll take him off the list, and update the new I & P suggestions, shortly, of which there are many in my absence - that is, if people are still bothered about updates.
  11. Octopus of Odstock

    The Chequered Flag

    This is actually quite funny from DDT. Better than the lame headline in an Aussie paper "Oh deer, what's da Matta", which I thought was a bit flippant considering the gravity of the situation. Either way, he is still in a coma and it doesn't look good. He may well still live, but brain damage is a worry as well. I don't think we'll see him back in a racing car soon, if at all. Also, recently, Guido Dacco, a vastly experienced Italian racing driver, who was in almost everything - CART, Indy 500, F2, F3000, Le Mans - except F1, died of cancer, aged 64, last week.
  12. Octopus of Odstock

    Norah Baring

    Wow! I find that somewhat amazing. I mean, in 1944, she would've been quite famous still, and you'd think there would be something in the news back then. But it would explain why, since the 1970's, when records have been good for deaths, why no-one could find anything. Either way, I'll have a look at the records place in London when I next go down to see if this can be confirmed.
  13. Octopus of Odstock

    Jeremy Thorpe

    Having had a while away, I have had time to reflect and maybe I was too harsh. Apologies Mr. Godot & Mr. Pulphack. But I still ain't going to put Thorpey in my DDP top 20 unless fresh news suggests otherwise.
  14. Octopus of Odstock

    Jeremy Thorpe

    Well, I think both of you are over-reacting a bit. Maybe too much sun? Canadian Paul's link deserved some sort of comment, because precious few people on here seem to actually be bothering about decent candidates for next year. Off went everybody talking about Gordon Brown. If, Thorpe, who "can't do anything for himself", is suddenly writing a book , I find that quite significant, confirmed, authorative news, and I responded as such. Based on that, Thorpe will NOT be on my list next year unless, in the very unlikely chance, my potential 20 all drop dead. and I hardly think I'm above people here. There are others who do that far, far, better than me here. Anyway, I've got better things to do. Back in a week or so.
  15. Octopus of Odstock

    Luciano Pavarotting.

    More in-depth news of his diagnosis, current health & future treatment in interview/analysis here.
  16. Octopus of Odstock

    Ideas and possibilities for 2007

    Worth keeping an eye on these chaps, especially now their diagnosis is bleak: The Elephant Men "could be dead" within two years.
  17. Octopus of Odstock

    Brooke Astor

    Astor released from hospital and goes into her summer home to live Could be bad news for us,at least short-term. Those who accuse Brooke Astor's son of woefully neglecting his mother had reason to smile yesterday. The great lady was back at the summer home they say her son planned to keep closed this year to spare the expense. "Ms. Astor owns a summer home called Holly Hill, in Westchester County, she has always loved it there. She has told many people that is where she wants to die. Prior to going to Holly Hill, Ms. Astor was noticeably quiet and sad. Once she got there, she was happy and more alert and more talkative. Ms. Astor loves to be at Holly Hill because she has a wonderful view from her bedroom and could walk the grounds with her dogs, Boysie and Girlsie. When asked if she wants to go to Holly Hill this summer, Ms. Astor says yes. Being there would brighten her days immeasurably. The staff that works for Mrs. Astor really loves her, it breaks our hearts to see that she is not being cared for by her son in an appropriate way at the end of her life." The allegations were convincing enough that a judge appointed one of Astor's longtime friends as her temporary guardian, replacing Marshall. The friend apparently had Astor removed from the apartment to Lenox Hill Hospital for several days. At 1:10 p.m. yesterday, Astor was discharged and transported to Holly Hill. Marshall arrived by limo a short time later. He looked not at all like a man who was delighted his mother was back in a place she loves. The limo rolled away and Brooke Astor remained at Holly Hill, and that should give all of us a smile.
  18. Octopus of Odstock

    Birthdays, Births, Anniversaries Etc...2006

    Oh, by the way, Windsor, Happy (Belated) Birthday!!
  19. Octopus of Odstock

    Birthdays, Births, Anniversaries Etc...2006

    You know what, TFH? Even, I, the great OOO, lover of all things female & sexy did not know. But I checked Wikipedia births, then Google images and it is one Lori Loughlin. Her resume is not particulary notable, especially in Britannia, but she has.. *cough*.. other assets in her favour. I was always quite keen on Elizabeth Berkley, who was born on the same day, a few years later. I remember the days when she was a teenage minx on Saved by the Bell. Since then, I don't think I've seen her in a film where she doesn't flash her boobies at least once. In fact, there's been more than one film, where I don't think she wears any clothes at all...
  20. Octopus of Odstock

    Jeremy Thorpe

    Well, this shoots Pulphack's "he can't do anything for himself" exclusive right out of the window. I don't doubt he's ill, but if he can write, or at least dictate, he must be capable of having some strength & independence.
  21. Octopus of Odstock


    Billy Walsh, former Manchester City legend has died. He had the rare honour of representing four countries internationally. Certainly won't see the likes of that happen again. Link here.
  22. Octopus of Odstock

    Not Exactly Famous...

    There are only 6 news reports (thus far) on Google News Search (my main reason for NFB...) carrying a report of his death, and, as you have said before, a BBC article is not really a real judgement of somebody's fame. No doubt famous in his field, but worldwide, generally.. nah. I'm quite comfortable with my decision, here, though I appreciate that in the past I have put less notables in the Near Misses, but that was back in the Iain days when you almost felt obliged to post any semi-notable death so that Iain wouldn't "confirm" it, 8 days later.
  23. Octopus of Odstock

    Not Exactly Famous...

    Sci-fi writer David Gemell has died, aged 57, after heart surgery. Link
  24. Octopus of Odstock

    Ideas & Possibilities - The Names

    Right, it's all done, re-edited, with all the nonenties and all those unlikely to die right now, removed. Now I can have a life again.
  25. Octopus of Odstock

    Deathlist Comedy

    Oi, less of the old! To try & stop Phanton's renedition of the entire Two Ronnies back catalogue of jokes, I can offer that I once stuck a biscuit foil wrapper up my nose & needed emergency surgery to remove it.

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