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Octopus of Odstock

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Everything posted by Octopus of Odstock

  1. Octopus of Odstock

    Ideas and possibilities for 2007

    I've got no interest in wasting my time with Wikipedia entries. The information is already on the web anyway: Where Are They Now?
  2. Octopus of Odstock

    Not Exactly Famous...

    Barnard Hughes, actor of stage, film & TV has died, aged 90. Familiar character actor, especially in recent years, who appeared in a whole host of films, including Midnight Cowboy Hughes' imdb page.
  3. Octopus of Odstock

    Who Will Be The First Rolling Stone To Die?

    Richards back rocking and it wasn't a coconut tree either!
  4. Octopus of Odstock

    Ideas and possibilities for 2007

    She'll be here for years, yet MPFC. Incredibly healthy, vigorous ol' gal. She's still at historic events, driving those Ferraris & Maseratis as if she were 25 again. Good suggestion, but give it 5-7 years at least.
  5. Octopus of Odstock

    Death In The Family

    Firstly, deepest sympathies. I know what you mean. My Grandma died, very recently, of Alzheimers after a 12 yr battle. You find yourself struggling with the emotions as part of you has already accepted her as dead, but then you find the actual death itself is still a tremendous shock. I was relieved, I suppose, but tremendously saddened. But at the funeral all the talk was on the magnificent lady she was, and not what she became in her last years. Sorry - this is probably of no help to you at all. I guess in my clumsy way I can sympathise with the situation, but the death of a grandmother & the death of a mother are very different situations. All I can say, like the others, thoughts with yourself & everyone else who loved her.
  6. Octopus of Odstock

    John Spencer

    My third DDP hit, but the only one so far with mixed feelings, as he was a good player & a knowlegeable commentator. Suddenly, I'm more hopeful about Ross Davidson.... I was thinking to myself yesterday afternoon, with Barrett, Basayev, Carrell & Allyson's deaths, how nice it would be to get 4 DDP hits in two days. Well.. maybe that's still on...
  7. Octopus of Odstock

    The Weatherman Death Pool

    Bollocks! I thought I'd chosen Spencer in my WDP list. Ah, well, at least my DDP list is going a little better now.
  8. Octopus of Odstock

    Near misses 2006

    I'm really saddened by this. One of my all-time favourite movie stars. Always a delight to watch. I had no idea she had been ill, in fact I thought it was the opposite & she was doing very well, health wise.
  9. Octopus of Odstock

    Norman Wisdom

    Wisdom recovers after heart surgery
  10. Octopus of Odstock

    Derby Dead Pool 2006

    With the wide coverage of Shamil Basayev's death, 3 teams score points, with (I think) 12 points for Time Is NOT On Our Side!, the first hit for them in the year, with what is a strong team. One team, Asking For It, also predicted Zarqawi's untimely death, too....
  11. Octopus of Odstock

    Derby Dead Pool 2006

    Rudi Carrell has died. This affects two prominent DL'rs in the DDP list, but personally, I see the chances of a UK obit being slim - I certainly don't think its going to come from a news site, but maybe a mention in the "Broadsheets" Obits. We shall see. EDIT Well, I take it back. Not only are Reuters annoucing his death, but also the Scotsman newspaper & I believe both are enough to warrant DDP's criteria. Scotsman Obit and Reuters obit. Well done, NAP & FF! Football Fan's team may be way behind Go Fish, like the rest of us, but they're now a clear 2nd by 6 points
  12. Octopus of Odstock

    Near misses 2006

    As he's on the DDP, I'll include him here, Rudi Carrell, some Dutch entertainer popular in Germany, apparently, is dead. German Obit (broken link changed--NAP)
  13. Octopus of Odstock


    Italy 3 (Pirlo, Totti (p), Gattusso) France 1 (Henry). France to have Abidal sent off.
  14. Octopus of Odstock

    Johannes Heesters

    I've checked through the blog searches as well, as they seem to bring up some news, but nothing. I think it's just Iain having a laugh again.
  15. Octopus of Odstock


    Well, I'm bored this afternoon and in one of my list compiling moods so, with the information above the DL survivors 1987-2006 1987: Dunn, de Cesaris, Wing, Saville, Osbourne, Beatles (6/31) 1988: A mystery......... 1989: Melly, Bruno, Robson, Mandela, Ditka, Paisley, Kendall, Osbourne, Wilson, Dunn, Smith, Jenkins, Cole (13/32) 1990: Dunn, Noriega, Aznavour, Waldheim, Alliss, Ditka, Rex Williams, Winfrey, Smith, Yeltsin, Aquino, Waite (12/42) 1991: Hussein, Willis, Smith, Moore, Manning, Mandela, Dunn, Gabor, Beenhaaker (9/40) 1992: Pinochet, O'Brien, Cronkite, Finney, Ryder (5/37) 1993: Dunn, Bennett, Curtis, Waldheim, I Paisley, Demjanjuk, Kissinger, Ray Kennedy, Moore, Lineker, Sykes, Foot, Lewis (13/56) 1994: Castro, Demjanjuk, Kirkbride, White, Shamir, Dunn, Pinochet, Johnson, Thorpe, Shilton (10/50) 1995: Curtis, Hillary, Demjanjuk, Castro, Pinochet, Johnson, Clarke, Moore, Yeltshin, Forsyth, Connery (11/50) 1996: Yeltsin, Hagman, Demjanjuk, Mr T, Thorpe, Pinochet, Domino, Waldheim, Castro, Deedes (10/50) 1997: Pinochet, Wisdom, Rooney, Domino, Waldheim, Clarke, Ford, Douglas, Dunn (9/50) 1998: Yeltsin, Rooney, Solzhenitsyn, Jaruzelski, Sykes, Waldheim (6/50) 1999: Yeltsin, Knievel, Havel, Pinochet, Leeson, Friedman, Laine, Simon (8/50) 2000: Yeltsin, Havel, Pinochet, Farrakan, Dunn, Foot, Jaruzelski, Biggs, Solzhenitsyn, Malden (10/50) 2001: Gallo, Tutu, Minelli, Nelson, Ford, Jones, Pincher, Wallach, Wouk, Rooney (10/50) 2002: Biggs, Hofmann, Yogi, Brady, Foot, Barbera, bin Laden, Malden, Higgins, Levi-Strauss, Gallo, Douglas, Waldheim, Suharto, Kendall, Niemeyer (16/50) 2003: Hofmann, Biggs, Barbera, Deedes, Jones, Foot, Malden, Ford, Morgan, Wisdom, Shamir, Cronkite, Palance, Waldheim, Rooney, Gabor, Suharto, Sykes, Havel (19/50) 2004: Biggs, Foot, Gallo, Hofmann, Levi-Strauss, Laine, Yogi, Barbera, Ford, Deedes, Solzhenitsyn, Brady, Shamir, Musharraf, Wallach, Mintoff, Douglas, O'Brien, Clarke, Waldheim, Michelmore, Rooney, Mugabe, Dunn (24/50) 2005: Biggs, Moore, Astor, Hofmann, Niemayer, Levi-Strauss, Gallo, Wisdom, Taylor, Barbera, Solzhenitsyn, Yogi, Rayner, Friedman, Karzai, Maradona, Deedes, Laine, Ford, LaMotta, Foot, Martin, Wyman, Wallach, Paul, Pinochet, de Havilland, Cronkite, Ford, Waldheim, O'Sullevan, Castro, Lewis (33/50) 2006: 41 survivors at present. Make of that what you will.....
  16. Octopus of Odstock

    Near misses 2006

    I deliberated about this one but eventually decided that Bewitched has been repeated often enough for most people to know of her. Kasey Rogers, who played Louise Tate (one of two actresses to do so) in that programme, has died.
  17. Octopus of Odstock

    Animal Antics

    West African Black Rhino is extinct
  18. Octopus of Odstock

    Near misses 2006

    Elias Herawi, President of Lebanon from 1989-1998, has died aged 80, after losing his cancer fight. Quite instrumental in helping to end the civil war there & rebuild the country.
  19. Octopus of Odstock

    Luciano Pavarotting.

    It doesn't look good for him, I must admit. However, if its caught early there's a chance. It appears, that in Pavarotti's case, it has been, but even so, pancreatic cancer, as DDT pointed out, is the deadliest cancer. Sadly, I have to put Pavarotti in my top 30 possibles for the DDP as a result.
  20. Octopus of Odstock

    Near misses 2006

    Fleegle is Dead
  21. Octopus of Odstock

    Lady Bird Johnson

    Glad you inserted the word shiny in there.
  22. Octopus of Odstock

    Lady Bird Johnson

    Unless you supply me a list with the latter, no. This one is more interesting as more often the males outlive the females (almost the reverse of the US), so I'm going to change it slightly in wives/partners etc that died BEFORE Hubby (or wife in one case): Denis Thatcher, Audrey Callaghan, Elizabeth Douglas-Home, Dorothy MacMillan, Violet Attlee, Lucy Baldwin, Margaret McDonald, Annie Bonar Law, Margaret Lloyd-George (DLG's 1st wife), Helen Asquith (HA's 1st wife), Arthur Balfour never married but his fiancee died before the wedding, Hannah de Rothschild (Marquess de Roseberry's wife), Mary Disraeli, BOTH of the Earl of Aberdeen's wives died before he became PM, Adelaide Ribblesdale (Earl Russell's first wife), Lady Caroline-Posonby Lamb (Viscount Melbourne's wife), Catherine Pakenham (Wellington's wife), Louise Hervey (Earl of Liverpool's 1st wife), BOTH of Henry Addington's wives, Lady Dorothy Cavendish, BOTH of the Earl of Shelbourne's wives, Anne North, Duke of Grafton's first wife, and a few more in the 18th century, but I'm bored now. You get the gist..... Died whilst partner was in term of office: Charlotte Campbell-Bannerman
  23. Octopus of Odstock

    Lady Bird Johnson

    T4H, you don't ask for much, do you! Apart from the ones DDT has mentioned: Outlived: Nancy Reagan, LadyBird Johnson, Jackie Onassis, Bess Trueman, Marnie Eisenhower, Eleanor Roosevelt, Grace Coolidge, Florence Harding, Edith Wilson (2nd wife of Woodrow), Nellie Taft, Edith Roosevelt, Ida McKinley, Frances Cleveland, Lucretia Garfield, Julia Grant, Eliza Johnson, Mary Lincoln, Harriet Johnson (niece of Buchanan but 1st lady), Margaret Taylor, Sarah Polk, Julia Tyler (2nd wife of John), Anna Harrison, Louisa Adams, Dolley Madison, Martha Washington Died in Husband's term of office: Ellen Wilson, Caroline Harrison, Abigail Fillmore, Letitia Tyler (1st wife of John)
  24. Octopus of Odstock

    Lay Kenneth Down To Rest

    How you can compare Michael Foot to Kenneth Lay, I do not know. Unless you've put this in the wrong thread. Two other small matters of detail. The heatwave is over and ol' Footy has survived intact. Labour had ALREADY lost that by-election before. The Independents KEPT the seat, so it was status quo, Iain... (and not the rock band either) So if Foot didn't die when Peter Law won it, he certainly isn't going to go now.
  25. Octopus of Odstock

    Lay Kenneth Down To Rest

    Maurice Papon would do nicely. Or Alfredo Stroessner.

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