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Octopus of Odstock

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Everything posted by Octopus of Odstock

  1. Octopus of Odstock

    Ideas and possibilities for 2007

    Lynne Perrie's funeral doesn't provide much interest for DL'rs but Paul Shane is looking a bit rough. Probably not known outside Britain, but obese, mid 60's, he's been my outside DDP bet for some while, but I don't have the courage.. yet.. to move him up. But looking at him at this funeral, well who knows? One more comment - her son & her husband look the same age! Funeral Pics
  2. Octopus of Odstock

    Alexander Solzhenitsyn

    Still working......
  3. Octopus of Odstock

    Norodom Sihanouk

    Firstly, after a discussion in chat with GR & Windsor aeons ago, I mentioned I had a new Pol Pot book & would look for Glenn Ford (Yes, I mean Glenn) references. There were none, but rather bizarrely, there was one reference to Kay Kendall..... Anyway, enough of this. Sihanouk's phoning up the removal men... Not THAT kind of removal either, before anyone gets too excited....
  4. Octopus of Odstock

    Old Folkies Home

    Earl Scruggs still picking
  5. Octopus of Odstock

    Peter O'sullevan

    This seems as good as place as any to say that one horse, TyneandThyneAgain died in the Grand National today. There's usually a fatality every year and this was this year's one.
  6. Octopus of Odstock

    Peter O'sullevan

    Part two of my Aintree DL Special - O'Sullevan doing just fine both here and here
  7. Octopus of Odstock

    Art Linkletter

    Linkletter interview - includes pic - "no intention of retiring"
  8. Octopus of Odstock

    Jerry Lewis

    as does this one.. Lewis back on TV
  9. Octopus of Odstock

    Angela Lansbury

    Firstly, whilst searching for AL references, I found two threads dedicated to her on here, so maybe they could be merged? Anyway, "Lansbury can dance again" {threads merged - HCW}
  10. Octopus of Odstock

    U.S. Political Figures over 85

    Jesse Helms is in a very bad way - dementia, heart problems, cancer et al.. Link
  11. Octopus of Odstock

    Stephen Hawking

    Hawking still jet-setting around the world...
  12. Octopus of Odstock

    King Harald V of Norway

    King Harald V to undergo heart surgery
  13. Octopus of Odstock

    Zsa Zsa Gabor

    Link - Zsa Zsa's 9th husband fed up looking after her
  14. Octopus of Odstock

    Ideas and possibilities for 2007

    Apparently not. Dick Francis writing again and Back at Aintree - 50 years on (with pic)
  15. Octopus of Odstock

    Glenn Ford

    Glenn Ford to make first public appearance in 15 years! Make of it what you will. Cause for hope and/or despair for CP et al. Nice picture of him, though.
  16. Octopus of Odstock

    Near misses 2006

    Iain, can you check your sources, please? Gary Gray, the actor, it appears, is STILL ALIVE. Just another Wiki hoax? it seems, as there is no report of his death anywhere- your link just goes straight to his imdb page. (or that's what it seems like so far - unless someone can produce a reliable source) EDIT - apparently on a message board there is a mention of his death. To Iain, I apologise & to others, but my point stands, let's try to have a source with it. In this case, though, this is NOT a knock at Iain, but at the Wikipedia person, who took some 4 days to come up with a source. It's only natural I should be sceptical after the Peter Klein fiasco of last month. Seems there's a mad rush to be first without checking facts...
  17. Octopus of Odstock

    Fats Domino

    Fats "doesn't feel up" to 150 mile trip... Just lazy, or something to keep an eye on?
  18. Octopus of Odstock

    Ideas and possibilities for 2007

    Michael DeBakey. Now 97, he has just had heart surgery, and is probably the oldest person to recover from it. DeBakey was in charge when they did the first transplant of an artificial heart, so he's probably, unwittingly, kept himself alive a little longer, aside from will-power. Should (might?) sneak an obit in the UK, but not famous enough for a thread, IMHO, which is why I've included him here. He may have "recovered" but heart surgery takes it out of you, especially at 97... Link
  19. Octopus of Odstock

    Walter Cronkite

    Interview - Cronkite exploring possibility of "eternal youth"
  20. Octopus of Odstock

    Abdelaziz Bouteflika

    I've been there. Nice place but with an undercurrent of uncertainty & distrust. CP has covered a lot, it's thanks to AB that Algeria IS a stable(ish) place now. The more radical members of society in Algeria have different targets - Europeans, Pro-French politicans, lawyers etc, or sometimes the general public, in the more barren/bandit areas just to make a point. Political violence has gone waaaaayyy down on 4 or 5 years ago.
  21. Octopus of Odstock

    Abdelaziz Bouteflika

    Well, he's still as active as ever - meetings, speakings the lot. I haven't seen a specific article regards his health, though, so although he looks & sounds fine, don't forget Rugova kept on working to the end...
  22. Octopus of Odstock

    Eugene Landy

    Mods, you might want to merge some of the posts from the "Near Misses" (originally posted some 9 days ago) thread to here. Original posts re. Landry Then again, you might not want to do that at all
  23. Octopus of Odstock

    Rabbi Philip Berg

    Can't speak, Can't Walk but that hasn't stopped his bank balance soaring!
  24. Octopus of Odstock

    Tariq Aziz

    Izzat Ibrahim Al Douri still alive & active..
  25. Octopus of Odstock

    The Weatherman Death Pool

    I'm happy for you to do what you (or the consenus) like. I would suggest, one possible prize, which is 100 points to anyone who names an Ethopian on their list.

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