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Evolution is one of the most bullshit theories science has ever came to produce...

Can you explain why you think it's bullshit Banshee? And I presume you mean modern evolutionary synthesis here.


In my terms evolution is the transformation of one species to another, rather then saying the development from a seed to a human being is evolution for example.

I think you've hit the nail on the head there; transformation of one species to another: Macro evolution.

But this is at odds with your previous statement of evolution being a bullshit theory. How do you reconcile your contradiction here?


...everything must go by the laws of physics and my argument is somewhere along the lines of evidence will show up disowning our physics and it's concepts.

Well done Banshee, this is called the scientific method and is the basic tenet of all of the sciences not just physics. Nothing in science is set in stone. If some evidence turns up to disprove whatever the law, theory or whatever else you like, then by virtue of the scientific method, the law, theory, etc, must be changed because it is demonstratably flawed.

All science is refinement, sometimes in leaps and bounds and sometimes in tiny gradual steps, but it is this refinement process which means that nothing could ever "disown the laws of physics" as you put it. It simply means that it is our understanding of the laws that is flawed, and our model is updated accordingly.


Will the laws of physics expand to the reality of the actual universe or will 'the modern logic compromise? The question remains.

No question remains. The scientific method doesn't just allow for this, it insists that this be the case. The laws of physics never change, it is our understanding and definition of the laws that may need refining from time to time if/as when any new evidence turns up.

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That's why I'll stick to social science.


Real science is too hard. :o

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Can you explain why you think it's bullshit Banshee? And I presume you mean modern evolutionary synthesis here.


Talking the evolution of an ape to a human being, I completely mock and seriously doubt these facts right on the money. Man was not an ape. If you say 'evolution of the human race'[ in my mind you would be speaking of a species that we have transformed from somewhere around the block - No. I guess if you want to say human beings have changed periodically over thousands of years by diet and medicine and everything else >that is fact. All in all I believe when our kind first reached consciousness to the now we have looked almost identical.


I think you've hit the nail on the head there; transformation of one species to another: Macro evolution.

But this is at odds with your previous statement of evolution being a bullshit theory. How do you reconcile your contradiction here?


Again, man was not an ape. The instructions to the ladder of our existence is a great unknown. If you were to say 'Human life as we are today formed from some intense chemical from the gods of the universe' I wouldn't have an argument. The question of the first of the first leads to other questions and the common question that I ask myself is 'something has to come from something' this comes from that and that comes from this'


Eventually down the spiral it doesn't make sense. I guess the word would be 'eternity' or undefined. The only explanation I can think of is nothing has started and it hasn't begun. It is like an energy that constantly reinvents itself at the end of the universe which is most likely impossible for any human life to approach.


All science is refinement, sometimes in leaps and bounds and sometimes in tiny gradual steps, but it is this refinement process which means that nothing could ever "disown the laws of physics" as you put it. It simply means that it is our understanding of the laws that is flawed, and our model is updated accordingly.


The future all lies on how much we can prove and understand. The laws written today are what is understood in our galaxy alone, for we have never even left this galaxy. Think about it? It's like having a million cards scattered all over a parking lot and you only look at one of them and you stair and take up every detail on just that one card. All the cards have a different picture. All the cards have different colors and different meanings.


I think a 'Big Bang' is coming to science and it will have a breakthrough like nobody has ever seen. It will redefine it's laws and rapidly change perspective. The phenomena of the paranormal might be linked and the existence of other dimensions may be put into context.

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Guest Taurus faecesus
The future all lies on how much we can prove and understand.


I thought you said Architecture was the future?

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Banshees, please consider the possibility that the origins of the human race could just be so vastly complicated that your humble intellect simply cannot grasp them, whatever they may be.



A bit like the rules and conventions of the English language in fact.

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Banshees, please consider the possibility that the origins of the human race could just be so vastly complicated that your humble intellect simply cannot grasp them, whatever they may be.



A bit like the rules and conventions of the English language in fact.


You have just confused him even more.

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Talking the evolution of an ape to a human being, I completely mock and seriously doubt these facts right on the money. Man was not an ape.

Again, man was not an ape. The instructions to the ladder of our existence is a great unknown. If you were to say 'Human life as we are today formed from some intense chemical from the gods of the universe' I wouldn't have an argument. The question of the first of the first leads to other questions and the common question that I ask myself is 'something has to come from something' this comes from that and that comes from this' Eventually down the spiral it doesn't make sense.

You are correct to say that Man was not an ape, if you are referring to a particular kind of modern-day ape, in the same way that a lion was not a tiger, or an eagle was not a chicken. But to state that Man was not an ape when you are referring to primates (Hominoidea) is like trying to argue that a lion was not a cat, and that an eagle was not a bird.


Current day humans and other modern primates share common evolutionary ancestry, the same way lions and tigers share theirs, and chickens and eagles share theirs. Each descended from their common ancestors to end up as we are now familiar with them in their separate forms.


Lions did not evolve from tigers, they both evolved from a now extinct cat-like creature of the genus Panthera. And while I'm at it -- lions will never evolve into tigers and vice versa, likewise, apes, monkeys, primates, etc, will never evolve into humans -- which seems to be the main, incorrect, argument fervent creationist types make. This just demonstrates their total lack of comprehension of high school biology and hereditary.


Humans are genetically most closely related to the chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes). Both species had a common ancestor some time in the Pliocene, around 5-8 million years ago. In that time, the proto-chimps and proto-humans have diverged into the two species we now see. So we did not evolve from chimps, nor chimps from us. Both evolved from a now extinct common primate ancestor.


You can debate this all you like, but the the science to back this up is rock solid. Genetics is routinely used in courts of law to determine paternity, prosecute and convict and execute people. This science is not guesswork, it is not faith and, most importantly, it is experimentally repeatable by anyone who wants to test it, regardless of which religious superstition they follow.


Any lawyer that says "I completely mock and seriously doubt [whether] these facts [are] right on the money" to debate genetic evidence in court wouldn't be a lawyer very long and his clients would be sitting on death row.


Believe whatever superstitions you want Banshee, but the cold, hard, scientific facts remain; humans and all other modern primates share a common ancestor, even despite what they say in Sunday School.

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Thanks for that Honez. An 'alka seltzer post', to quell my rising bile. Why people feel the need to separate the human species from the rest of life is beyond me. Fear of death I assume.

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Gravity pulls

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You are correct to say that Man was not an ape, if you are referring to a particular kind of modern-day ape, in the same way that a lion was not a tiger, or an eagle was not a chicken. But to state that Man was not an ape when you are referring to primates (Hominoidea) is like trying to argue that a lion was not a cat, and that an eagle was not a bird.


Man was not an ape Honez, man was a man. Hear me when I say 'human beings can not understand the human condition for we are all human beings' and it is a fact of course that DNA can be compared. If you don't understand what I mean, look at it from the point of view of a man from a different universe. One look at us and he can see what we really are.


Current day humans and other modern primates share common evolutionary ancestry, the same way lions and tigers share theirs, and chickens and eagles share theirs. Each descended from their common ancestors to end up as we are now familiar with them in their separate forms.


Originally 'as I'm sure in your books' there were several crowds of this ape like - being and among them were the human breed. The humans climbed the ladder, their neighbors did not.


Lions did not evolve from tigers, they both evolved from a now extinct cat-like creature of the genus Panthera. And while I'm at it -- lions will never evolve into tigers and vice versa, likewise, apes, monkeys, primates, etc, will never evolve into humans -- which seems to be the main, incorrect, argument fervent creationist types make. This just demonstrates their total lack of comprehension of high school biology and hereditary.


Evolution of other species to human beings is f****n crazy. Impossible. The mystery is our intelligence and why we know so much. The intelligence of other species can't even even be compared to our intelligence. Maybe it was a good idea Adam took a bite out of that forbidden fruit after all???????


So we did not evolve from chimps, nor chimps from us. Both evolved from a now extinct common primate ancestor.


Honez when you say evolved , at what tone do you say it? My argument is human beings have not changed that dramatically. I think evolution is overrated and only slight transformations have gone down.


You can debate this all you like, but the the science to back this up is rock solid. Genetics is routinely used in courts of law to determine paternity, prosecute and convict and execute people. This science is not guesswork, it is not faith and, most importantly, it is experimentally repeatable by anyone who wants to test it, regardless of which religious superstition they follow.


I'll tell you right now


I don't follow any religion Mr. Honez, but even as the human DNA and the chimpanzee DNA can be compared what does that prove? Evolution? Alright so we were cave man material millions of years ago. The evolution from a cave man character to the sophisticated does not prove how we have come (to form) or how we have come (to consciousness). Can you get that Mr. Honez? Can you get it?


Believe [/i]whatever superstitions you want Banshee, but the cold, hard, scientific facts remain; humans and all other modern primates share a common ancestor, even despite what they say in Sunday School.


If some chemical hit the earth ten million years ago and it combined with another substance that was able to produce all human life, that could be responsible for example' of why our kind shares DNA with others. If thirty chemicals hit the earth and another thirty chemicals hit and combined with one another to create other species then again, that for example would explain why species share DNA.


I'm not against evolution completely, but I think Darwin got more credit then he was worth. The man made a comparison and he was the first to make that comparison, but it doesn't explain how we got here. Again, it doesn't explain how we got here.


It is fifteen minutes out of a three hour film. It's not good enough, and as far as saying the truth is to complicated for the human mind = Maybe? But I won't lay down to it.

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Don't know about Evolution, but I recently saw a documentary which seemed to sort of agree with scientology.


The overall theory is that aliens are responsible for civilization.


One theory suggested that these aliens were the Gods of the bible who created man in their own image.

A secomdary theory is that the aliens mated with human women which caused the comparatively quick change from primative man to civil man.


I thought that there was very little evidence to support this claim. They had a mis-shapen skull which, in my opinion, proves nothing. The skull was only 900 years old.


Lots to do with the pyramids etc. The documentary did, however, convince me that the Egyptians may have invented electricity. But then I suppose it depends on how much of what they were saying was coming from nutters.

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The overall theory is that aliens are responsible for civilization.


Lots to do with the pyramids etc. The documentary did, however, convince me that the Egyptians may have invented electricity. But then I suppose it depends on how much of what they were saying was coming from nutters.


Ask the skeptics, who built the pyramids? Their answer would be along the lines of


The ancient egyptians would go beyond any boundaries to please their gods. The ancient Egyptions worked and worked and lifted and lifted and pullllllllled and pullllllled until the pyramid was done for their dead little leader. It was true motivation. It was true effort and a true masterpiece.


I doubt Egyptians invented electricity. I also doubt some of there hieroglyphics, but how the pyramids were designed is fascinating to me.

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It had less to do with dedication, and more to do with slavery.

Slaves did all the hard work.


The argument for Egyptians discovering electricity comes from the fact that ancient 'Bagdad Batteries' have been found. It was argued that these created light inside the pyramids to allow scribes/masons to decorate. They haven't found any lightbulbs yet though ;).

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Banshees, please consider the possibility that the origins of the human race could just be so vastly complicated that your humble intellect simply cannot grasp them, whatever they may be.



A bit like the rules and conventions of the English language in fact.


An elegant and succinct put-down, Notapotato. Not a word is wasted.


Banshee's Scream trying to unravel the secrets of the Universe must be akin to trying to run a Boeing 747 on a double A battery. Fortunately BS resigned from the list last night so I will get away with this remark.

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Man was not an ape Honez, man was a man. Hear me when I say 'human beings can not understand the human condition for we are all human beings' and it is a fact of course that DNA can be compared. If you don't understand what I mean, look at it from the point of view of a man from a different universe. One look at us and he can see what we really are.

No doubt you'd have some issues with this video then, BS.

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Man was not an ape Honez, man was a man. Hear me when I say 'human beings can not understand the human condition for we are all human beings' and it is a fact of course that DNA can be compared. If you don't understand what I mean, look at it from the point of view of a man from a different universe. One look at us and he can see what we really are.

No doubt you'd have some issues with this video then, BS.


That film forgets to mention that some monkeys are able to open packets of Paxo with big sharp knives.




I was surprised to see that Harris/Cuddles/Orville performed at both Prince William's and Prince Harry's 3rd birthday parties. No wonder they're so f**ked up.

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No doubt you'd have some issues with this video then, BS.


F**k Ernie Cline and his video. The 'missing link' is human beings, we are the missing link. The transformation over all these years was not that significant and Ernie Cline pretty much dissed everything life has to offer.


The guy makes everything sound so miserable that I wouldn't be surprised if he hasn't gotten laid in over a decade. Maybe his parents died in a fire and he was diagnosed with huntington's disease a week before. It wouldn't shock me.

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One of these things is not like the other one...


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I just had to post this hypothesis as I know it would upset a certain member around these parts. Just as we have most likely evolved from a common primate ancestor we are also continuing to evolve and one possible outcome has been postulated by geneticist Oliver Curry.


Our descendants could be at risk owing to our reliance on modern technology demonstrated nicely in this forum with our use of the internet.


Will luddites unite and take over the world?

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Moni are you saying that were all going to turn into a tattoo orientated dwarfish Roseann Barr?


Maybe if the whole world consumes protein and practices something called 'exercise' we can avoid such a depressing nightmare.


Just because of this the whole idea of myself 'maybe someday' having kids is all of a sudden seriously in jeopardy.


All I can say is if Luddites take over the world Prozac will be as common as cell phones.

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By the way Monoclinic, if this happens the word 'diet' will be as outlawed as is the word 'condom' in the Vatican.


O and verbally expressing the term 'Chubby Chaser' will be like going to a Rev Al Sharpton autograph session and opening your welcome to him with 'Yo what's good N-word!'


The Adkins diet will cease to exist and 'slim fast' will certainly be slimming in quantity off the shelves. The rate of diabetes will hit the ceiling and rise three floors up ................


It will revolutionize the public eye and being three hundred + pounds - 4 foot 9 will get you on the cover of 'Time Life' magazine. Sex appeal will be Rosie O Donnel at her finest a week after new years.


How far do scales go until they break Monoclinic? I weigh like 170, I've never seen 500. I know Macdonald's will no longer have 'Super Size' value meals, it will be 'SSSS size value meals.


That surgery to reduce the size of ones stomach will be compared to how the doctors killed George Washington.


Architects will no longer design stair ways - Only elevators


Stretchers will be old school to paramedics - Helicopters will certainly be in


'Buffets' will vanish from the earth for all obvious reasons. The capacity of food one will absorb will make it hard for owners to make a profit.


And after having to say all this I'm so happy that I'm healthy. I couldn't be more thankful.

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I just had to post this hypothesis as I know it would upset a certain member around these parts. Just as we have most likely evolved from a common primate ancestor we are also continuing to evolve and one possible outcome has been postulated by geneticist Oliver Curry.


Our descendants could be at risk owing to our reliance on modern technology demonstrated nicely in this forum with our use of the internet.


Will luddites unite and take over the world?

Monkey, we already have the split taking place.

Go to any housing estate and you will find the REAL Wayne and Waynetta slobs, festooned in tattoos and piercings with kids called Rocky and Chantelle.

Scum families with no social skills, no care and no hope. I have seen these families at close hand because, in spite of the fact that they have no jobs and their homes are like Toilets, they do like to have the latest Flat screen TVs, Mobiles and, of course, Broadband.

I used to say that it was a lack of Education, social skills and help which made these people, I was so wrong.

Its in the Genes.

PS: Did anybody see that Frankenstein TV Film last night?

The bit where he was on the Beach with the woman who created him, looking round in wonderment and awe, I felt so sad.

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Scum families with no social skills, no care and no hope. I have seen these families at close hand because, in spite of the fact that they have no jobs and their homes are like Toilets, they do like to have the latest Flat screen TVs, Mobiles and, of course, Broadband.


It's disgusting that people in society can be so anti- observative to their surroundings and nature, but have all that modern technology has to offer.


For example 'Their TV's look like picture frames' and they have brand new SUV's parked outside but the front door is a f****n shower curtain.


In life the importance of ones mind is priceless. The mind instigates your decisions and your reactions and most of all 'how you percept and at what degree you excel' in what we call 'reality'


The practical solution to all mental and physical set backs is everyone should eat healthy and get plenty exercise. Everyone should look up optimistically instead of looking down negatively, and everybody should love one another because if you accord otherwise the chances are explicit that you will have a short - unhealthy - existence.


Or of course you can become a Luddite and refuse your vitamins and get tatoos that read 'I hate mean people' but the truth in bold is 'people are not mean' people are corresponsive and they are only trying to let you know 'I'll be in Florida at the beach when I'm eighty' where will you be?


Scattered in the ocean?


Hey take care of yourselves people.

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