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And in the words of whoever it was "The D O'S forum is our common room."


And so say all of us


I'll confess I was the one labelling the Dickie O thread our common room. Then I come back from a day's hard work to find the common room shut. Running through the current thread I'm - frankly - gutted.


If filth and off topic rants were enough to close a thread there are a few others ripe for demolition including some amongst the cherished top fifty. In fact, staying on topic with non-events of human beings like Casper Weinberger is the real challenge. Similarly, I understand the mods point about the level to which the final few dozen posts had descended but surely the point could have been made by ditching these. It's blindingly obvious from the rants here and the scarcity of mods fronting a comphrehensive case that we've got a customer service crisis on our hands.


Could we - like - compromise by hitching this thread to the first seven hundred and fifty or so posts on the first Dicky O thread and get back to the serious business of discussing immenent death amongst those of high profile?


As a loyal customer who didn't post a single smutty comment on Hayley Mills or Sally Thompsett I'm well miffed at present.

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Look at BHB's sig, how crude can you get?

The point I was making Windosr is that there is no language in this thread crude enough for it to need to be shut down. I know you have had difficulties from moderators for posting "too much" (whatever "too much" may be in an internet forum) and was pointing out that there is simply no language "bad" enough to warrant it being closed or criticism of anyone posting on it.The idea behind closing the Old Richard O'Sullivan thread would appear to be that if a thread becomes excessivley popular or a user is making a great deal of use of the forum they can both expect to be shut down. You will recall that at various times yourself, TF, Banshees, and others have been subjected to this kind of pointless censorship.

If there is going to be a limit to the popularity a thread is allowed to enjoy could not the moderators formalise it. "Each thread is only allowed 30 posts a day" or something of that nature.

I realise of course that this is unlikely since it would mean the moderators who hold influence over this forum non-comensurate with the ammount of time they now spend here losing the appearence of being wacky guys with black senses of humour who simply enjoy hanging out on the internet and being revealed as controlling assholes. In short surely the requirement is for moderation rather than domination.

What would you say?

as I was saying

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Now stop all this or I'll have to bang all your heads together.


The R O'S thread was once a place of good-natured banter and guest-initiated venom, but unfortunately this descended into a long-winded willy wiggle. There are 1208 threads in this naked city...Richard O'Sullivan is just one of them.

And if there are 1,208 threads, pray tell, why can't us members use just one of them to blow off a bit of steam in Dicky O'Sullivan related ways?

We have discussed, some time back, a general all-purpose chit-chat thread where the regular Deathlisters could sound off about topics not covered by the regular fora. However, this was rejected as being a unnecessary bending of the Unwritten Rules of Deathlist (Amendment 35g.)

I for one would not wish to see any form of censorship, other than that required by legal restrictions and common sense (see the deletion of various poker adverts, politically extreme / hate propaganda and adverts for pornographs) but would urge a degree of common sense and self-restraint from our newer members. Read through the threads, get a rough idea of what is and isn't 'done' and post accordingly.


Oh, and have a nice day you c**ts.

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Well spotted, Lady Die!


I closed the thread as a purely temporary measure last night in order to calm things down a bit.


I forgot to reopen it this morning, as my daughter is in hospital, but I can tell this would have been an unpopular move, as none of the other mods seem to have done it.


And shouldn't all this be in the, "Fight with fellow DeathListers" thread? ;)

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Well spotted, Lady Die!


I closed the thread as a purely temporary measure last night in order to calm things down a bit.


I forgot to reopen it this morning, as my daughter is in hospital, but I can tell this would have been an unpopular move, as none of the other mods seem to have done it.


And shouldn't all this be in the, "Fight with fellow DeathListers" thread? ;)

Sorry to hear about your daughter Boudica. Send her my warmest regards and best wishes for a speedy recovery. And then could you re-open the thread.

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And in the words of whoever it was "The D O'S forum is our common room."


And so say all of us


I'll confess I was the one labelling the Dickie O thread our common room. Then I come back from a day's hard work to find the common room shut. Running through the current thread I'm - frankly - gutted.


If filth and off topic rants were enough to close a thread there are a few others ripe for demolition including some amongst the cherished top fifty. In fact, staying on topic with non-events of human beings like Casper Weinberger is the real challenge. Similarly, I understand the mods point about the level to which the final few dozen posts had descended but surely the point could have been made by ditching these. It's blindingly obvious from the rants here and the scarcity of mods fronting a comphrehensive case that we've got a customer service crisis on our hands.


Could we - like - compromise by hitching this thread to the first seven hundred and fifty or so posts on the first Dicky O thread and get back to the serious business of discussing immenent death amongst those of high profile?


As a loyal customer who didn't post a single smutty comment on Hayley Mills or Sally Thompsett I'm well miffed at present.

It is not a common room. I for one hope to see a bit of a degeneration in his health so we can get him on the thread proper.

(Only one man's opinion for any of the Brinsworthian legal people reading).

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Well spotted, Lady Die!


I closed the thread as a purely temporary measure last night in order to calm things down a bit.


I forgot to reopen it this morning, as my daughter is in hospital, but I can tell this would have been an unpopular move, as none of the other mods seem to have done it.


And shouldn't all this be in the, "Fight with fellow DeathListers" thread? ;)

It's still shut love. How temporary is your "temporary"?

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Are you lot doing this in shifts or something? When one finishes, another begins.

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None of us had planned to do this.

It just seemed to happen.


Which is thankful because at least we're starting to consider the point of censorship - which is the only thing that is keeping us campaigners together.

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Are you lot doing this in shifts or something? When one finishes, another begins.

Don't understand the question. What do you mean Windsor?

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None of us had planned to do this.

It just seemed to happen.


Which is thankful because at least we're starting to consider the point of censorship - which is the only thing that is keeping us campaigners together.

DeathList has never been a Forum of free speech,


It is a benign dictatorship.


Maybe too benign.

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Indeed doctor, a well emphasised point on this site has always been 'this is not a democracy'. :);)

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And having anonymous users is the ultimate form of Big Brother, ie we know where you are, but you don't know where we are.

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I know it's not a common room, I was simply having a laugh. Anyway, our common rooms are everywhere. The ratio of self-refertial DL posts to hard information in the Cliff Mitchelmore thread is one case in point. However, I think it's undeniable that at its best our cherished Dickie O thread is an expression of our greatest art. Few other threads have dug up so much trivia and/or contributed to knowledge.


Think about it, when we discuss the likes of Muhammad Ali we are - more or less - parasites feeding off news put out by others. If anyone wanted a definitive guide to Dickie O's career, his current state of health and his fan-base, I'd suggest the first 700 posts of ours are the greatest concentration of good information available anywhere on line.


Bring on the re-opening!

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None of us had planned to do this.

It just seemed to happen.


Which is thankful because at least we're starting to consider the point of censorship - which is the only thing that is keeping us campaigners together.

DeathList has never been a Forum of free speech,


It is a benign dictatorship.


Maybe too benign.

Did either you or Windsor say the same thing when the Moderators were trying to shut you two up?

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I know it's not a common room, I was simply having a laugh. Anyway, our common rooms are everywhere. The ratio of self-refertial DL posts to hard information in the Cliff Mitchelmore thread is one case in point. However, I think it's undeniable that at its best our cherished Dickie O thread is an expression of our greatest art. Few other threads have dug up so much trivia and/or contributed to knowledge.


Think about it, when we discuss the likes of Muhammad Ali we are - more or less - parasites feeding off news put out by others. If anyone wanted a definitive guide to Dickie O's career, his current state of health and his fan-base, I'd suggest the first 700 posts of ours are the greatest concentration of good information available anywhere on line.


Bring on the re-opening!

I agree. Full of USEFUL INFORMATION (for the most part). Hence it being an act of idiocy to lock it.

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No because Tempus got banned, and I took that as a warning.

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Guest Guest_pulphack

dear oh dear. actually do some work, come back and find all this. god knows i turned up this site by accident and was then guilty of talking about carlisle (by the way, i was thinking of northampton town in the straight up, straight down scenario, so sorry), but all of it, it seems, did relate to dickie... you talk about the imminent demise of someone (allegedly) and so naturally end up talking about their career - and considering the era of his career, a lot of the banter was entirely appropriate. if the only thing talked about was their state of health, then it would a bloody short thread on everything. 'how is he?' 'he's not too bad' 'oh'


there was no foul language, a bit of seventies sit-com and movie humour, and a few people making sunday broadsheet analogies who seemed to have left their sense of humour on the business pages. i'm with BHB on this.


i found this site via a search for dickie on google, and haven't had a chance to look at much else. you mean there are some people on here who take this SERIOUSLY?!

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None of us had planned to do this.

It just seemed to happen.


Which is thankful because at least we're starting to consider the point of censorship - which is the only thing that is keeping us campaigners together.

I feel it was a necessary battle for us DODO's to become involved in & I hope that the reopening of the original thread brings an end to the matter.


Bou, I hope your daughter is okay.


However, i think it might be a while before I post again, if ever.


The level of hypocrisy I have seen from certain people today is astonishing & the fact that they have reduced themselves to barbed personal insults speaks volumes in my opinion.


I joined this forum, on Godot's invitation, because I thought it was witty fun.


Today has shown me that there are obviously draconian limits on such fun that no moderater will bother to fully justify.


To be threatened with IP banning for utilising free speech was the final straw really. I have no wish to depart in a flurry of expletives, DelTorso style, so I'll just depart.

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dear oh dear. actually do some work, come back and find all this. god knows i turned up this site by accident and was then guilty of talking about carlisle (by the way, i was thinking of northampton town in the straight up, straight down scenario, so sorry), but all of it, it seems, did relate to dickie... you talk about the imminent demise of someone (allegedly) and so naturally end up talking about their career - and considering the era of his career, a lot of the banter was entirely appropriate. if the only thing talked about was their state of health, then it would a bloody short thread on everything. 'how is he?' 'he's not too bad' 'oh'


there was no foul language, a bit of seventies sit-com and movie humour, and a few people making sunday broadsheet analogies who seemed to have left their sense of humour on the business pages. i'm with BHB on this.


i found this site via a search for dickie on google, and haven't had a chance to look at much else. you mean there are some people on here who take this SERIOUSLY?!

So at least we know who started all that nonsense.

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The fairest way to do it would be to have a poll.


Millwall? I believe this is your area of expertise.


And don't tell me what to do. I'm a bit stressed out ;)

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None of us had planned to do this.

It just seemed to happen.


Which is thankful because at least we're starting to consider the point of censorship - which is the only thing that is keeping us campaigners together.

I feel it was a necessary battle for us DODO's to become involved in & I hope that the reopening of the original thread brings an end to the matter.


Bou, I hope your daughter is okay.


However, i think it might be a while before I post again, if ever.


The level of hypocrisy I have seen from certain people today is astonishing & the fact that they have reduced themselves to barbed personal insults speaks volumes in my opinion.


I joined this forum, on Godot's invitation, because I thought it was witty fun.


Today has shown me that there are obviously draconian limits on such fun that no moderater will bother to fully justify.


To be threatened with IP banning for utilising free speech was the final straw really. I have no wish to depart in a flurry of expletives, DelTorso style, so I'll just depart.

Goodbye then.

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The fairest way to do it would be to have a poll.


Millwall? I believe this is your area of expertise.


And don't tell me what to do. I'm a bit stressed out ;)

Didn't tell you what to do. Phrased it as a question. Hope your daughter is O.K.. Will make a poll.

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However, I think it's undeniable that at its best our cherished Dickie O thread is an expression of our greatest art. Few other threads have dug up so much trivia and/or contributed to knowledge.



But let us all make a concerted effort to get it back to that once lofty height.

As the old safety information film had it "Think, Before you Drink, Before you Post."

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The fairest way to do it would be to have a poll.


Millwall? I believe this is your area of expertise.


And don't tell me what to do. I'm a bit stressed out :)

;) But we will lose Boudicca!

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