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Richard O'Sullivan

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Without getting too involved, because there is a big divide in opinion on this one, this thread somehow became, rightly or wrongly, the Death List common room.


For a fuller answer, consult Brinsworth House Baiter once he has finished his love-in with Dough Ellis :)

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that's a low blow, hitting a poor man in his weakest spot - the insane, senile chairman.


but you're right, this thread has deeply divided people over the past god knows how long. and it's true that i discovered this site via a search for information on the man o'sullivan. however, i'm sure working out how to put it top of google is a sure way to stir up those on here who hate this thread. and look how idiotic it got last time: people storming off swearing never to return, others moaning about how the thread is crap having actually taken the time to read and then post, and mass throwing of toys from prams all over the place. cretinous behaviour all round. better by far to leave it to the sad bastards like me who piss about on it, and let everyone else forget it exists.

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My God! This thread has just dropped from a two star rating to one!

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My God! This thread has just dropped from a two star rating to one!


Droppin like a rock...





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y'see, that proves my point. and yes, i know i'm stupidly adding to it, so i'll stop now. even if there are smartarse answers (though they might well be worth reading). by the way, i'm assuming we're all in the uk, in which case this has been a crap saturday night, then...

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However bad our Saturday nights might get, at least we're spared hanging out in the exit loungue with Bert Weedon and Charlie Drake. Nighty night Dickie!

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what a house band they could be: bert backs dickie on the macarthur park cover, while the b-side is a gabba mix of my boomerang won't come back...

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After tonight I think I've got an idea. Get them oldsters rehearsing now and we'll finally crack a Eurovision win in 2007.

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Can someone please summarise for me why this thread has reached 80+ pages.


A large percentage of those 80+ pages constitute certain DL members moaning about the topic's existence and validity- deep irony indeed.


For some reason it has become something to scorn and deride by certain members, but again, ironically enough, when the thread became 'twunted', they were among the first in the queue to celebrate. For me, like many others, I discovered this forum whilst doing a Google search for Mister O' Sullivan and if you sift through all the bitching it is clear to see that there is much fondness present for the man.


Perhaps the greatest thing about this thread is that certain people profess to hate it so much, yet can not stop themselves from posting in it to say so and thus contribute to preserving its status.




And some even go into Photoshop and knock up pictures to post for us to look at and leave us in no doubt that they detest this topic.


Even more classic. The stuff of legends.

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I for one am greatly enjoying this topic. There is so much to be harvested from it with regard to poster personality. It is wonderful that something such as this has endured and given so much, may it continue to do so.

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If you and this thread collide Bennett there's no saying where the tonnage of posts will end up. If I was O' Sullivan's agent I'd be printing the thread and mailing it to producers in the hope of reviving the man's career.

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millwall - what i was talking about was epitomised by the post that followed... some of us like this thread (which may or may not be our problem) but if you read back through the acres of pages, you'll find there are a hell of a lot of people who would like to see this slip off googles dickie o results, thus aiding its slow slip into oblivion. jeez, talk about touchy...


I was suggesting that we could get this thread basck to the top of the google search, but not have a lot of nonsense about 3rd division football.

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Consider the nonesense about 'Third Division Football' - by which I'm assuming you mean League Two finished from both myself and Pulphack.



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If you and this thread collide Bennett there's no saying where the tonnage of posts will end up. If I was O' Sullivan's agent I'd be printing the thread and mailing it to producers in the hope of reviving the man's career.

I can nearly guarentee the book would be a best seller. Does anyone know of his agen'ts locale so we can contact him directly? A simply superb idea Maryport, simply superb!

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Brinsworth House Baiter has been taking a direct interest in our Richard's career. Not sure who Richard's agent is/was. BHB might know.

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Consider the nonesense about 'Third Division Football' - by which I'm assuming you mean League Two finished from both myself and Pulphack.




I underdstand what you are saying.Indded, two soccer teams have gained promotion from a lower league to a slightly higher one. One assumes this will provide some form of happiness for the fans of both clubs and a concomitant improvement in the clubs share prices.

However it seems to have very little to do with the once popular 70's sitcom actor Richard O'Sullivan;last seen on your screens around ten years ago and apparently suffering from the after effects of a massive stroke and some sort of alcoholic depression.

Unles of course he is Carlisle Orient or Leyton United fan or player or official, in which case it has some business here.

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Brinsworth House Baiter has been taking a direct interest in our Richard's career. Not sure who Richard's agent is/was. BHB might know.


Alas, lately I have been concentrating my stalking efforts on Jack Douglas.


I have no idea whom Dicky's agent is or whether he even still has one- although I would venture that if he does have one, he should perhaps consider changing him or her as they obviously haven't noticed his surging popularity here and capitalised on it by getting him interviews or work.


And I was so looking forward to 'Dick Turpin- The Years After Black Bess' and 'Old Pensioner About The House.'

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A reality show: Man About the Brinsworth House


It's a winner I tell you.


Incidentally, given the repeat action on those out of the way channels featuring his greatest hits Dickie will certainly still have an agent. Looking after his incoming fees for old work will generate a few quid for agent and our man.

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A reality show: Man About the Brinsworth House


It's a winner I tell you.


Incidentally, given the repeat action on those out of the way channels featuring his greatest hits Dickie will certainly still have an agent. Looking after his incoming fees for old work will generate a few quid for agent and our man.




Nice one. I'm trying to think of something puntastic along the lines of Robin, after he flew the nest, but it's not coming.


Oh well, I think I'll hop on the Isle of Wight Ferry and go Douglas spotting.

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Robin's Rest, in which the former proprieter of a restaurant finds himself in a rest home surrounded by old actors, an arthritic and ashthmatic DJ, and a permatanned guitar twanger.


Sadly our lead actor is already tied up making Man About the Brinsworth House.

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Robin's Rest, in which the former proprieter of a restaurant finds himself in a rest home surrounded by old actors, an arthritic and ashthmatic DJ, and a permatanned guitar twanger.


Sadly our lead actor is already tied up making Man About the Brinsworth House.




Perhaps his agent could kindly ensure Dicky doesn't pop his clogs until he's made both...


I was thinking, you know; seeing as they're making another Carry On film, wouldn't it be fitting to have Dicky in it, seeing as he was in Carry On Teacher as a fresh faced boy? Then you'd have both ends of the spectrum for the Carry On series- fresh faced boy and stroke smitten luvvie.


It was just a thought.

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We've established earlier on this mighty thread that Dickie is improving in health and presents as quite chipper and helpful to persons visiting Brinsworth House. It's a reasonably common event for BH residents to go out to 'work.' Alan 'Fluff' Freeman presented radio shows for a long spell whilst also resident there.


The Carry On film, in a very small cameo, might not be too far a stretch, especially if it were one scene and he remained seated. Moreover it would give us a reality check on the man's health.


His agent should visit this site, If anyone out there works in the theatre or television they should have a copy of the directory listing actors and agents.

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I believe that, as MPFC states, Richard's health has improved. So, I have been increasingly disappointed that he hasn't made contact with us here. One begins to question his existence. (I felt the same way about God at one point: but then he appeared to me in a vision of red at a recent FA Cup Final.)


A few years of wolfing egg custard with the likes of Charlie Drake and Bert Weedon in that super-heated geriatric home may have narrowed Dickie's horizons somewhat. We must get him out of that place. Only then can he resume his place at the altar of high culture.


BHB - what is this about Jack Douglas. What a talent - is he still alive?

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Alive and, erm, almost well on the Isle of Wight isn't he. I think reference was made to this fact about twenty five pages back on this thread.

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Alive and, erm, almost well on the Isle of Wight isn't he. I think reference was made to this fact about twenty five pages back on this thread.


The Isle of Wight? Who'd have guessed it would end this way when he starred in Spartacus.

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