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Richard O'Sullivan

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Wasn't that Dickie O?


Oh no, he was in Cleopatra.

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Alive and, erm, almost well on the Isle of Wight isn't he. I think reference was made to this fact about twenty five pages back on this thread.


The Isle of Wight? Who'd have guessed it would end this way when he starred in Spartacus.


I saw an interview with him on some obscure English cable channel (Open Access, I think), last year and Jack looked positively flushed with youth.


Okay, I exaggerate obviously, but he looked totally compus mentus, although I have to sadly report that there didn't seem to be much evidence of his trademark twitch as he twattered on about how sad the state of modern comedy is today.


He is indeed located on the Isle of Wight and there is a tree across the road from his bedroom window, which affords me a grand stalker's view- and I am happy to report that when changing for bed, his trademark twitch returns and provides me with so much laughter as I watch him wrestle his pyjamas around the bedroom that I sometimes fall out of the tree and bruise myself.



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Alive and, erm, almost well on the Isle of Wight isn't he. I think reference was made to this fact about twenty five pages back on this thread.


The Isle of Wight? Who'd have guessed it would end this way when he starred in Spartacus.


I saw an interview with him on some obscure English cable channel (Open Access, I think), last year and Jack looked positively flushed with youth.


Okay, I exaggerate obviously, but he looked totally compus mentus, although I have to sadly report that there didn't seem to be much evidence of his trademark twitch as he twattered on about how sad the state of modern comedy is today.


He is indeed located on the Isle of Wight and there is a tree across the road from his bedroom window, which affords me a grand stalker's view- and I am happy to report that when changing for bed, his trademark twitch returns and provides me with so much laughter as I watch him wrestle his pyjamas around the bedroom that I sometimes fall out of the tree and bruise myself.




Take care BHB. A similar innocent fascination with a former lover of Dickie O cost me my liberty.

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Thanks for the advice, Pooka, I'll install a harness and safety net tomorrow.

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To those of you not hangin' out on the football thread, I have now gone in search of an agent for our man. Not sure what I'll turn up, but whatever it is, I'll share it with the assembled masses on the thread.

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To those of you not hangin' out on the football thread, I have now gone in search of an agent for our man. Not sure what I'll turn up, but whatever it is, I'll share it with the assembled masses on the thread.


Very good idea MPFC. He's bound to have retained the services of an agent,and he might (admitedly a big might) have some sort of up to date info.

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Sorry, I just noticed the post suggesting "Man about Brinsworth House".


Yes. It would be great...


"Would Richard please come to the diary room to collect the housemates' colostomy bags?


It wouldn't be very pleasant - and how would the voting work? Whoever gets the most votes at the end of the week is allowed a dry set of bed sheets?


Or perhaps a live sponge bath?

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is that with real live sponges, like? anyway, just been reading back a couple of pages, and the dickie/football thing - he was a southampton supporter in MATH as he came from down there, and i'd assume mary was right that it was about him being a naive country boy in the big city etc (it was 1973, for gods sakes). but he never answered an ad to flatshare - the first episode has him asleep in the bath having been taken to a party at chrissie&jo's, possibly to send off ther previous sharer (it wasn't too clear). he was a friend of as friend, discovered they were about to look for a new tenant and elbowed his way in as he needed somewhere having just moved up to london. it's not that i'm that anal, it's just that this episode was on over xmas when i was at my mums (her sky box means we don't have to talk to each other except to argue over who puts the kettle on - and anyway, my other half had her teenage boys over and... well, enough said).


besides which, i might add that according to some entries waaaay back dickie has oft-said he doesn't want to work much anymore and seems to prefer semi-retirement. and i never did hear anything from brinsworth regarding the possibility of even talking to him about the chance that he might want to have his biography done/ autobiog ghosted.

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Thanks Pulphack. However, having loosed the dogs in the thespian world I feel they might want to hunt down Dickie O's management. If I find owt out, I'll let yers know. I honestly don't know what the chances are of finding anyone still handling him.

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Just a query to those of you familiar with Dickie O's work, this may be helpful in any discussions with his agent should my hounds of entertainment sniff out their target.


Other than lacklustre acting, has Dickie O ever 'died' - as in acted out a death - on screen?

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Just a query to those of you familiar with Dickie O's work, this may be helpful in any discussions with his agent should my hounds of entertainment sniff out their target.


Other than lacklustre acting, has Dickie O ever 'died' - as in acted out a death - on screen?

Here's a still of him not dying, but dead in Dangerous Exile (1957)


And here's another just to remind us what a sweet wee laddie he was:


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He looks more animated dead in 1957 than he did in many an episode of MATH.

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Just a query to those of you familiar with Dickie O's work, this may be helpful in any discussions with his agent should my hounds of entertainment sniff out their target.


Other than lacklustre acting, has Dickie O ever 'died' - as in acted out a death - on screen?

Here's a still of him not dying, but dead in Dangerous Exile (1957)


And here's another just to remind us what a sweet wee laddie he was:



YUUEEK......he looks just like the little girl who lives next door to me ...

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Came across this and decided to share it. The man is a global legend.




Did Richard O'Sullivan really have a stroke?

Posted: Mar 24, 2005 1:55 AM



Someone posted here on the BBC America boards that Richard O'Sullivan, the talented actor who starred in MAN ABOUT THE HOUSE, ROBIN'S NEST and DICK TURPIN (among others) suffered a stroke and is living the life of a recluse. Please tell me this isn't so.


Richard made Robin Tripp a very likable, funny, and well rounded character. In comparison, (the late) John Ritter, talented and charming onscreen though he was, portrayed his character (name changed to Jack Tripper) as a buffoon on the U.S. version THREE'S COMPANY.


I recently bought Series 1 and Series 2 of DICK TURPIN on Region 2 DVD. This series was a lavish period piece produced by London Weekend Television for ITV. It also produced twice the normal number of episodes per series than is the norm for British TV. I'm still looking for Series 3, which is no longer available on DVD.


Any other O'Sullivan fans out there? Can anyone tell me how he's doing? I assumed that he hasn't been doing much TV because of stage work. I know that MATH costar Paula Wilcox does a lot if stage work. I hope that's the explanation in his case as well!


Mark S. Hinds


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ooh, sarcasm! mind, the fact that there are people out there so concerned about dickie only confirms the absolute necessity for this thread... sh*t, it's hard to convey subtle nuance in a post, so take my word for it that was an attempt at wry irony. come to that, try saying it. the kind of wryness that dickie could do in his better moments. see? on topic.


thinking about it, he is VERY quiet, seeing as lots of brinsworth residents still get wheeled out for a turn. what if it's not him in there? he seemed to crave anonymity so much that it may be a doppleganger planted to allow him to go about his business in peace. just a thought.

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it's hard to convey subtle nuance in a post,


If our man had any real talent as an actor is was subtle nuance conveyed by way of minor movements of the top lip. Somewhat in the way of Roger Moore doing it all with two emotive eyebrows and a body that couldn't act its way out of a paper bag.


Maybe, the stroke has left lingering damage reducing the top lip to the level of a normal top lip, sort of thing.


Incidentally, the hunt for an agent is not going well. The first trawl, that would usually throw up a hit for any regularly working actor came back blank. It seems more likely that he lacks an agent as such but has someone in an agency looking after his interests. In other words someone channels the money and keeps in semi-regular contact but such contacts are unlikely to involve discussions of 'work.'


I'll keep yers posted.

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Gracious me Maryport, and correct me if I am wrong, although we both know that I am not, but were you not in fact just a few pages back bemoaning the length of this thread? For one who was so irate about it, you certainly have been doing your share to donate to its ever increasing life. This is not an attack Maryport, just a matter of natural curiosity. Why add to something which you felt was far outllived already?

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I think it's great that Brinsworth House Baiter has started posting under the name of Bennett Cerf, but the question remains why?


It confuses me more than the complex plots of Man About The House.


Good old Dicky. I've heard suggestions that he is soon to leave Brinsworth House and return to the real world...

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I think it's great that Brinsworth House Baiter has started posting under the name of Bennett Cerf, but the question remains why?


It confuses me more than the complex plots of Man About The House.

Yet another allegation.

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Dunno if I was moaning about the length of the thread, although trawling back through over eighty pages to find out doesn't appeal. If I was it was probably one of my ironic moans. Along with a few others I've taken a perverse interest in the way a mediocre actor has out-performed mighty world figures like the last Pope in the tonnage of posts and massed hits on the forum.


This here's our common room, a point I made the day the mods tried to kill this thread.


Me, I'll believe Bennett is someone else when a mod grasses him with evidence of posting address. I mean, he maybe - like - just himself. Man, who cares, it's about the banter as we watch 'em hang on for dear life, right?

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all conversation is killing time in the waiting room, after all. this bennett cerf person is a prize one wind-up merchant and has a severe case of pot/kettle syndrome judging by today's little display. everything on this thread comes back to dickie. he's actually becoming the pefect cult (spelt correctly) via this forum: he doesn't work anymore, most of it is rarely seen (even MATH and robin's nest are on satellite not terrestrial - do freeview get paramount?), and so he becomes someone who exists only in the imagined, rather than in the real. perhaps this is why the thread is so long: the politicians & popes are very real and have a direct effect on a large proportion of the world. but the imagined exists only within the virtual space we grant it, part of which is an attempt to escape the concrete.


now i have to lie down in a darkened room.

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I feel a little like George Bush involuntarily moving his own mouth as Tony Blair speaks, gazing in wonderment and wishing I'd thought to voice those words Pulphack.


And to think, it's only taken a bit more than eighty pages and damn near 60,000 hits to achieve such distillation of wisdom.


Another e-mail arrived at MPFC Towers indicating a blank finding active representation for Dickie O.

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Dickie is just a canvas upon which we paint.

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Oh I do so love painting. Just the other evening while Marta was out cleaning the sewer drain, Diego, Gavin and I myself began body painting. It was quite a bit of merriment enjoyed by all three of us and would have gone on much longer had it not been for those pesky immigration officials appearing at the door. Diego of course is safe having become a citizen last August, however Marta, although she is wed to him, has violated some arcane and meddlesome law and is now facing deportation. Diego cares not a shred since it is a marriage of convenience for tax purposes; but, I am beside myself with rage. Where on earth will I find another to do all that Marta has done and work 7 days per week? I am not a tyrant, Diego always has Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday off, perhaps he can find a new spouse.


Don't know when we will again be able to enjoy an articstic evening, I just hope it is soon, quite soon.

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