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Missing In Action

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So, what do we reckon re Jay Slater


A few people convinced he's come to some harm at the hands of other person(s), police seem to assume he's done a Mosely and managed to collapse somewhere he's not readily visible. Tbh I haven't a clue, I'd guess some improbably bad luck version of the police suspicions. Anyone know owt else other than wild online speculation? 



https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cpe3nwn5d7wo#:~:text=The search for missing British,final day of the search."

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2 hours ago, maryportfuncity said:

wild online speculation?


Nothing to add but speculation. Surely nobody else does either or it would have been reported somewhere by now?


1. He's clearly dead in a ditch after all this time from either heat exhaustion or he fell off a ledge or indeed both. (Random terrorist or bandit attacks on a 19 year old with about 45p to his name just seems unlikely in The Canaries, it's not Afghanistan).

2. He's hiding in a cupboard back at the hotel until all this blows over and he and the family can spend the cash from the Just Giving appeals on a series of piss-ups.


1. Will garner a sympathetic hearing no matter how this turns out*.

2. Will provoke cries that even conjecturing this shows an outstanding lack of empathy. But can we discount it?


*I'm going with 1. He was (is)19, and as a UK resident inexperienced with regards to - A: That kind of geography where you can be a long way from help very quickly, the terrain is difficult and the roads are terrible or non-existent and B: What that kind of heat can do to you, particularly if you have been drinking like a champ and start out in a hung over and de-hydrated state in the first place with no phone and critically, no water. It's just not a state of affairs you can easily get into in the UK.


ETA: If Mosley can manage it at 67 with a bloody good knowledge of what it can do to you, it has to be a reasonable guess that some poor half-cut 19 year old just had zero idea what he might be getting himself into.

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8 hours ago, En Passant said:


Nothing to add but speculation. Surely nobody else does either or it would have been reported somewhere by now?


1. He's clearly dead in a ditch after all this time from either heat exhaustion or he fell off a ledge or indeed both. (Random terrorist or bandit attacks on a 19 year old with about 45p to his name just seems unlikely in The Canaries, it's not Afghanistan).

2. He's hiding in a cupboard back at the hotel until all this blows over and he and the family can spend the cash from the Just Giving appeals on a series of piss-ups.


1. Will garner a sympathetic hearing no matter how this turns out*.

2. Will provoke cries that even conjecturing this shows an outstanding lack of empathy. But can we discount it?


*I'm going with 1. He was (is)19, and as a UK resident inexperienced with regards to - A: That kind of geography where you can be a long way from help very quickly, the terrain is difficult and the roads are terrible or non-existent and B: What that kind of heat can do to you, particularly if you have been drinking like a champ and start out in a hung over and de-hydrated state in the first place with no phone and critically, no water. It's just not a state of affairs you can easily get into in the UK.


ETA: If Mosley can manage it at 67 with a bloody good knowledge of what it can do to you, it has to be a reasonable guess that some poor half-cut 19 year old just had zero idea what he might be getting himself into.



Aye, totally with you, and also he blew his final seconds of phone battery ringing a mate in Manchester, likely got so disorientated in the final hour or so of dehydration that he blundered about, got lost and landed deep in a ravine. 


Surprised, a little, that the searchers didn't notice circling scavenging birds somewhere, but maybe the foraging ground animals got there first because he's deep in that ravine.


Pretty sad, either way

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