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Okey, this may sound kind of lame, but I like some help from the astablished members here on how my personal death list should look like for next year. Since I entered this site I've always had difficulty processing the flood of information on here. I've tried many times to closely look at the "ideas and possibilitys"-thread but it's so overactive that I never really have the time to look these people up and catogorise them on importance and sickness, and oftenly feel that it just become's to much to make sense of. If some experienced members here could help me through it a bit and (how sad as it may sound) can help me compose my list for next year, I'd realy apriciate it.

You might as well take all of my DDP team members from this year. None have died yet...

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Okey, this may sound kind of lame, but I like some help from the astablished members here on how my personal death list should look like for next year. Since I entered this site I've always had difficulty processing the flood of information on here. I've tried many times to closely look at the "ideas and possibilitys"-thread but it's so overactive that I never really have the time to look these people up and catogorise them on importance and sickness, and oftenly feel that it just become's to much to make sense of. If some experienced members here could help me through it a bit and (how sad as it may sound) can help me compose my list for next year, I'd realy apriciate it.


Yeah, it ain't science, it's a bit of science and a lot of guesswork. So - for example - you could pick the oldest bastards going as I have for a theme team this year, and get some passable scoring, but you're likely to lose out on spectacular young deaths, which bring in more points. Such teams only win when celebrity deaths are very thin on the ground. You could try all manner of scientific stuff - as does Rotten Ali - and acquainting yourself with survival rates of particular cancers would help, but you'll still find people bucking the trends. So I was fairly confident Susan Atkins and 'Chemical' Tolimir would have delivered some points by June because their cancers suggested they couldn't escape death for so long, but they have. Oddly, my best ever performance in the big one - the DDP - was a team cobbled together at the last minute and done mainly on guessing.

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Oddly, my best ever performance in the big one - the DDP - was a team cobbled together at the last minute and done mainly on guessing.


That is my policy every year - it gets a top 50 place often as not.


DWB :banghead:

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Okey, this may sound kind of lame, but I like some help from the astablished members here on how my personal death list should look like for next year. Since I entered this site I've always had difficulty processing the flood of information on here. I've tried many times to closely look at the "ideas and possibilitys"-thread but it's so overactive that I never really have the time to look these people up and catogorise them on importance and sickness, and oftenly feel that it just become's to much to make sense of. If some experienced members here could help me through it a bit and (how sad as it may sound) can help me compose my list for next year, I'd realy apriciate it.


Yeah, it ain't science, it's a bit of science and a lot of guesswork. So - for example - you could pick the oldest bastards going as I have for a theme team this year, and get some passable scoring, but you're likely to lose out on spectacular young deaths, which bring in more points. Such teams only win when celebrity deaths are very thin on the ground. You could try all manner of scientific stuff - as does Rotten Ali - and acquainting yourself with survival rates of particular cancers would help, but you'll still find people bucking the trends. So I was fairly confident Susan Atkins and 'Chemical' Tolimir would have delivered some points by June because their cancers suggested they couldn't escape death for so long, but they have. Oddly, my best ever performance in the big one - the DDP - was a team cobbled together at the last minute and done mainly on guessing.


Thanks for the name check. I'll add its a darn waste of time to do all the spread-sheet stuff like I have - look where its got me! The idea looks good but its all down to gar-gar. You only get out a portion of what you put in. Still it keeps me off the streets at night.

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Thanks for the name check. I'll add its a darn waste of time to do all the spread-sheet stuff like I have - look where its got me! The idea looks good but its all down to gar-gar. You only get out a portion of what you put in. Still it keeps me off the streets at night.


So, you don't have to be a prostitute?

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Okey, this may sound kind of lame, but I like some help from the astablished members here on how my personal death list should look like for next year. Since I entered this site I've always had difficulty processing the flood of information on here. I've tried many times to closely look at the "ideas and possibilitys"-thread but it's so overactive that I never really have the time to look these people up and catogorise them on importance and sickness, and oftenly feel that it just become's to much to make sense of. If some experienced members here could help me through it a bit and (how sad as it may sound) can help me compose my list for next year, I'd realy apriciate it.


I alternate between darts and drawing names out of a hat. Doesn't work for sh*t but it amuses me.

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Thanks for the name check. I'll add its a darn waste of time to do all the spread-sheet stuff like I have - look where its got me! The idea looks good but its all down to gar-gar. You only get out a portion of what you put in. Still it keeps me off the streets at night.


So, you don't have to be a prostitute?


Perhaps vaag could help there with a name like that and a location in Holland, home of the Hoor.

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Okey, this may sound kind of lame, but I like some help from the astablished members here on how my personal death list should look like for next year. Since I entered this site I've always had difficulty processing the flood of information on here. I've tried many times to closely look at the "ideas and possibilitys"-thread but it's so overactive that I never really have the time to look these people up and catogorise them on importance and sickness, and oftenly feel that it just become's to much to make sense of. If some experienced members here could help me through it a bit and (how sad as it may sound) can help me compose my list for next year, I'd realy apriciate it.


I made a list wich can function as the base (lot of people could die and get sick in the upcoming year) for my personal list next year. From a professional/experienced view how does it look, who should I add and who should I leave out???


1. Ariel Sharon

2. Johannes Heesters

3. Farah Fawcett

4. Frederick Chiluba

5. Tanja Nijmeijer

6. José Alancar

7. Željko Šturanović

8. Don Van Vliet

9. Bobby Robson

10. Abu Ayyub al-Masri

11. Fidel Castro

12. Corazan Aquino

13. Patrick Swayze

14. Elizabeth Taylor

15. Norman Wisdom

16. Ted Kennedy

17. Vincent Siew

18. Adolfo Suárez

19. Pierre Cardin

20. Princess Lilian, Duchess of Halland

21. Patriarch Pavle of Serbia

22. Louise Bourgeois

23. Ali Hassan al-Majid

24. John Demjanjuk

25. Stephen Hawking

Vaagheid, it looks to me as if you can swim on your own now. It's a lovely looking list, if slightly long for the DDP. Don Van Vliet!! You big tease.

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