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Lord Fellatio Nelson

One Last Thing To Do Before The End...........

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Get into a size 8 again.


Too thin Handy!



Too thin for what exactly?


In my adult years I've been every size from barely in a 6 to a definite 16 and a size 8 verging on a 10 is where I was at my most comfortable.


Sorry Handy, Ive just made assumptions.

I just get slightly irked at the constant streams of shit aimed at women that suggest they would be happier being 10 sizes smaller than they are.

Womens magazines are the worst.

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The last thing I'll do at the end is die. That's the last thing everyone does before the end.


Er yeah, well reread the opening post and have a think about it.

If you cant post anything more intelligent and more interesting than the shite you just have, perhaps, you DONT BELONG ON HERE ( Hint hint )

Check my page for a line you'll probably enjoy lol

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The last thing I'll do at the end is die. That's the last thing everyone does before the end.

Er yeah, well reread the opening post and have a think about it.

If you cant post anything more intelligent and more interesting than the shite you just have, perhaps, you DONT BELONG ON HERE ( Hint hint )

Check my page for a line you'll probably enjoy lol


I certainly wont enjoy sod all that you write.

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