Dr. Z is like the Eric Cantona of Deathlist. Unduly punished for lashing out at an absolute twat.
Just like Matthew Simmonds or whatever his effing name was, I'm sure Phantom will look back one day* and realise being told to kill himself like 200 times was the highlight of his life. *(tomorrow probably)
Oh and eventually when it all settled down they ended up giving him a much bigger ban from matches than they gave Cantona, ya dummy. So who knows what the future may bring for you fucktard. I'd be scared if I was you... well, you with some intelligence, I mean, obviously.
I shall leave you (for now) with a quote,
When the mediocre Minnesota seagulls follow the Hillary campaign bus, it's because they think highly fappable Islamic state beheading videos are going to be thrown into the lakes!