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About Rhys

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  • Birthday April 2

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    a shithole in staffordshire

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  1. Rhys

    Political Frailty

    They're dropping like flies today. It's like a very morbid Gillette Soccer Saturday.
  2. Rhys

    The 100 Club

    This tweet from the CEO of the Howard League for Penal Reform implies that he died off the radar back in February..
  3. Rhys

    Queen Elizabeth II

    Well now that Phil's gone, she's either got 3 weeks left or will carry on for another 15 years.
  4. Rhys

    Prince Philip Duke Of Edinburgh

  5. Rhys

    The 100 Club

    Britain's oldest prisoner, Ralph Clarke is due to turn 106 in March. He was sentenced to 13 years in prison in December 2016 for historical child sex offences. The last articles about him are from October 2019, but assuming he hasn't croaked it - I'm wondering, will the sick bastard hold on until 2023 for his parole?
  6. Rhys

    Prince Philip Duke Of Edinburgh

    Nigel's big annoucement is that the CCP are apparently taking over the British education system..
  7. Rhys

    Prince Philip Duke Of Edinburgh

    I'm pretty sure if twitter was accurate, the Queen and Philip have both died about 30 times each.
  8. Rhys

    Prince Philip Duke Of Edinburgh

    Will we get a bank holiday out of this?
  9. Rhys

    Captain Tom Moore

    It'll be Saint Sir Captain Tom before long
  10. Rhys

    Political Frailty

    Interestingly, (or uninterestingly depending on your perspective), as of January, she is now the Leader of the Opposition on Staffordshire County Council
  11. Rhys

    Kim Jong-Un

    any reputable sources carrying this story?
  12. Rhys

    Robert Mugabe

    Looks like he's showing off his SportsDirect haul.
  13. Rhys

    The 5th Death of 2019

    Bobby Muggs' time has come.
  14. Rhys

    The 13th Death of 2018

    Bobby Muggs to go next
  15. Rhys

    The 7th Death of 2018

    phil the greek

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