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Posts posted by MortalCaso

  1. 1 hour ago, the_engineer said:


    Naturally you'd think that the west would be distracted by Russia and wouldn't interfere on behalf of Taiwan, the UK already sent many millions in military AID to Ukraine could it afford to do the same to Taiwan and resupply both?  China would be willing to lose millions of men for Taiwan infact it would be advantageous to lose Millions of soldiers. China has 30 million more men than women and that could spell societal unrest in mainland China when 30 million men can't get laid or have kids. They've a male dividend and can lose 30m in wars, they'd naturally spend some of that on recapturing Taiwan.  Maybe Russia and China have both agreed to go in at once. China will move on Taiwan in the next few years , it won't wait because it's population is dropping and getting older. Plus Xi is under pressure at home due to harsh covid restrictions and economic uncertainties, a war would be perfect. The pieces are falling into place , I just hope the UK doesn't want a piece of the action.


    I know these are human beings we're speaking about but leaders of countries are psychopaths they don't think like you or I, humans are numbers on a spreadsheet or pawns on a chess board to them.

    This is my opinion on the matter. 


    The Western media (as usual) is very biased in its reporting on foreign affairs. Which is why most think World War 3 is on the horizon. 


    1. Russia and Ukraine

    Russia has already annexed parts of Ukraine (Crimea) while supporting insurgents throughout the eastern half of the country. Russia, justly or not, does not want the West/NATO on its doorstep. That was the whole reason satellite countries existed for the U.S.S.R. Russia is very unlikely to take control of the entire country of Ukraine, mainly because they don't need to. The eastern half is an easy fight for them and leaves the other half as a messy country that will never join NATO. Take notice of Georgia from 2008. 

    Russia has calculated they can invade Ukraine with little consequence. They are correct. No one will send soldiers besides Balkan states (maybe) and Ukraine themselves. What doesn't get talked about in media is the giant oil reserve that was recently found off Ukraine's eastern waters. That oil itself will more than pay for any sanctions imposed on them by U.S/West. Keep in mind as well most of Europe gets natural gas from Russia and they can't afford to anger them over it. This doesn't even mention the need for clean water in Crimea. 

    Conclusion: It is a matter of if, not when Russia invades. When they do little will be done to stop it and no serious harm will come of it. It gets more severe for them if they invade the entire country (they won't).


    2. China and Taiwain 

    Western states and specifically the U.S have sworn to protect Taiwain from invasion. They have not done this for Ukraine. Only hinted at it. Taiwan is also a major producer of semiconductors. Which the U.S needs badly. They won't let China cut off their supply or even threaten it. Taiwan requires a sea based invasion which will last a very long time. Taiwan has been preparing for it. China would also have a split front as Tibet, Hong Kong, Macoa are currently not "in the fold" of China just yet. They still rebel and China has been slowly breaking their resolve. They won't acquire a new territory until the one's they already have are under control. That being said, China wants Taiwan badly...one day. Your comment about China wanting to kill its citizens is....odd. China does not have the iron grip of its country as we like to think. If they purposely sacrificed millions for a needless war I doubt the country would survive. They don't want to lose millions for an island. 


    China may take the opportunity of Russia invading to further inflict control on Hong Kong and Tibet. They won't make a move on Taiwan for decades. That being said, one day they will invade. Just not anytime soon


    Russia and China

    They aren't allies. They are nervous partners. Russia does not want to be under China's control. Look what happened with Germany. They have common interests, but not allies. Certainly not working together for world domination as Western media portrays. 


    Just my 2 cents. 

    • Like 2

  2. On 16/12/2020 at 12:27, arghton said:


    Other notable horses that live in Old Friends homes include 1996 breeders cup winner Alphabet Soup, animal actor Popcorn Deelites known from the Seabiscuit movie (played Seabiscuit) and Zippy Chippy, a horse known for holding the record of most losses in modern racing.

    (Wiki) Popcorn Deelites dead age 24 from complications of colic. Jan. 20th, 2022 seems to be DOD

    • Like 1
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  3. 7 minutes ago, Salmon Mousse said:


    I get the sense this was more selected than drawn... because of the clear love we have for each other. :lol:

    Does seem rather on the nose


    Either way good luck! @Salmon Mousse This will be my first year, so hopefully beginners luck shows through

    • Like 2

  4. 1 hour ago, Salmon Mousse said:


    Supporting trump is idiotic, yes, but you've been a unbelievable bellend for ages scouring the globe for any death that you believe helps support your faith in the jabs, the orange buffoon himself champions, that have done nothing, at all, to alter the trajectory of this virus.  They don't stop anyone from contracting it, they do not stop anyone from spreading it, and hospitalization numbers currently don't support that idea that they prevent the need for treatment from it.  The same people who were dying before are still dying.  That said, given that Meat Loaf admitted to being scared of the virus and that he was a walking comorbidity smorgasbord, I would find it odd if he wasn't jabbed.  You don't have to be unjabbed to be anti-mandate, you just have to not be an ignorant fascist prick.  Believe now we've both said our peace and we can move on and just continue despising either other from afar.

    I refuse to let you spread lies and then end the conversation.


    I will use U.S numbers as that is where I am from and therefor most familiar with.


    From June 2021 - September 2021 85% of those hospitalized in the U.S were unvaccinated or yet to receive two doses (Moderna + Pfizer).

    The breakdown in ages may surprise you.

    In unvaccinated, 36% were age 18-49 + 30% were age 50-69 + 29% 65+

    In vaccinated, the numbers drop to 10% + 21% + then sharply increase to 69%

    You may not be a statistics major, but tell me which numbers look better to you? Keep in only 15% of the entire country of the United States who were hospitalized with COVID-19 in a 4 month period last year were vaccinated. Of those nearly 3/4 were elderly.

    Not only that! Those who we vaccinated had, on average, 1.1 less days in the hospital than those who were unvaccinated.

    All those people in the hospital prevent others from urgent medical attention, hence lockdowns!!


    What a study more recent? Here is something from the state of Washington. Statistics are showing a trend now? Facts and logic tend to do that.


    As for talking about how the vaccine doesn't stop those from contracting it or anyone from spreading it. 

    1. Educate yourself on what a vaccine is. It is a copy of the virus. You are GIVING yourself the virus in order to provoke an immune response. The whole purpose is so that when/if you do catch the virus your body already knows how to fight it!

    2. The reason it doesn't stop those from spreading it any longer, which is a true statement...most data suggests that the vaccine no longer works as efficiently as it did at stopping the spread. This is because people chose to not get the vaccine. Omicron, Delta, etc.

    3. Here is how the coronavirus forms variants. When it goes from person to person, it mutates. Sometimes this is a small mutation, other times it is a large mutation. Sometimes it is many mutations, other times it is none at all! The original virus and variants of it did not spread as well when vaccines were first introduced. This is fact, if I need to produce data showing this just let me know! Less spreading of the virus = less mutations. Is it any wonder that these mutations have popped up in countries where the majority of people were unvaccinated? 


    There is so much information available online that disputes every single anti-vax conspiracy theory. The vaccine saves lives. If you don't want the shot? Fine that is your choice. Don't be ignorant on it though. That is what you look like, a miserable ignorant cunt who is forcing us to be locked down for another year. If you don't want the shot, accept you can't eat certain places or work one place or another. That's all these vaccine mandates really do.

    As of November 2021 the CDC says, based on data available, you are 15x more likely to die from COVID-19 as unvaccinated than vaccinated.


    Meatloaf once said, "If I die, I die, but I'm not going to be controlled." via mask and vaccine mandates. 

    News flash, he died from COVID-19. As have many with that mindset.


    I'm sure you will comment how the data lies and hospitals report more cases/deaths for money etc. etc. I'm sure with no proof or maybe from a website "www.COVID-19hoax.com". 


    Not responding to any comments on this post. Educate yourselves people. Been almost 2 years. Getting old.


    • Like 10
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    • Facepalm 1

  5. 27 minutes ago, Salmon Mousse said:

    His vaccination status was unknown.  When you're opposed to medical apartheid and recognize that masking is nonsense, though, the cunts come out in force to fap over your grave either way.


    Sad Violin.gif

    • Like 5
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    • Facepalm 1

  6. 30 minutes ago, gcreptile said:

    It's been 30 minutes since the last notable death. Bit of a quiet spell.

    It is quite shocking to go from the dry spell of 2021 (mainly the middle of the year) to the monsoon of late 2021 - early 2022.


    I wake up everyday expecting a notable death now.

    • Like 2

  7. 7 hours ago, Sir Creep said:

    This makes it sound like he won’t make the DL Cup starting gun.  


    “Pauly Shore offered an update to fans about the declining health of comedy legend Louie Anderson, who is battling cancer in Las Vegas.  Shore, 53, tweeted Thursday afternoon, revealing he just left the hospital in Las Vegas, where Anderson was surrounded by his family.  Shore ‘said his good byes’”.


    Pauly Shore is a lot of things. Reliable source is not one of them.


    That being said, I tend to agree he won't make it through the new year


    EDIT: Seems I was on wrong. Credit to SC/Pauly Shore 

  8. 6 minutes ago, drol said:

    I don't know what to think about this. Media are divided.


    Most media reassure she is recovering and will be home soon, India Today has instead gone for "Lata Mangeshkar: a Life in pictures" which means they think she is fucked.


    Inside info or just pushing their luck?

    They win either way. 


    1. She passes away soon and they already have everything written and posted. Jump on the scoop

    2. She lives a while longer and everyone is reminded of her.


    They get clicks no matter what happens. Net positive. CNN does the same thing in the U.S

  9. 5 hours ago, the_engineer said:


    Worth pointing out that china will absolutely move on Taiwan if there's a full blown war in Ukraine, it's the perfect distraction. 


    We could be back in lockdown for different reasons come later in the year. I fully believe Russia will invade Ukraine, in all honesty I just hope the UK doesn't respond.


    An alternative is Russia sends in soldiers disguised as rebels again and that would mean Russia gets their invasion and the west doesn't have to respond. Big chunks of Ukraine are already under russian control ,maybe splitting Ukraine into two countries could be a peaceful solution. Russian majority areas and Crimea one country west Ukraine another.

    I disagree. Russia is almost certain to move into Ukraine in some form or another. President Biden said as much yesterday during his press conference 


    China v Taiwan is a whole other beast and not nearly as simple. Geopolitics is a hobby of mine. I'd be willing to discuss why I think so if you're interested, it's something I've done plenty of research on. 

    • Facepalm 1

  10. 2 hours ago, TheCemetaryMan said:

    So are you. 

    As of right now Bob Saget certainly covers it.

    1. This wasn't directed towards you, but towards another useless poster on this forum. 

    2. You just responded to a 10 day old post that had no reference to you

    3. Fuck off

    • Haha 1

  11. 11 minutes ago, Great Uncle Bulgaria said:

    Is she really famous in the US? Looking at Wikipedia, most of her albums struggled to scrape into the top 100 (or even 200).

    She's had no success at all in the UK afaik, although her little sister (Crystal Gayle) had some hit singles going back 40 years or so.


    Doesn't appear to be any news that would justify her being on the list, let alone so high.

    Have you seen some of the past DL picks? She's famous enough.

    Loretta Lynn is a household name southern U.S, same with Dolly Parton or Reba McEntire

    • Like 2

  12. Just now, Phantom said:

    It couldn't have been that bad if he's discharged after just a day.

    A friend of our family had a stroke last year, they were in hospital for a week.

    He suffered from a stroke previously. IMO was more precaution than anything else

    • Confused 1

  13. 2 minutes ago, Joey Russ said:

    Feinstein, along with Chuck Grassley, just want to die in office. They don’t care what happens, they just want the senate seat. 

    Been that way for a very long time. I'd argue since the country started. Term limits and/or age restrictions easiest way to eliminated this problem IMO.

  14. 16 minutes ago, Bibliogryphon said:

    Conversely it is almost certain that Biden will make the list at some point as long as he doesn't go suddenly.


    I can't remember the last time a list did not have a US president, Vice-President or First Lady on.

    In my humble opinion, we will see quite a clearing out of high standing U.S political figures by 2025.


    I think both Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter, Dick Cheney, Bill Clinton are gone by then.


    I think there is a good chance we have quite a few surprise deaths as well. Such as former VP Quayle or Gore. Nancy Pelosi (Current Speaker of the House), along with Joe Biden OR Donald Trump. We are heading towards quite a refresh age/experience wise. In the next 10 years could be a whole new country (hopefully that's a positive thing)

    • Like 1
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  15. 14 minutes ago, TheCemetaryMan said:

    You just put anyone could go any year, 

    How many politicians are on this year's list? 

    Sounds like you are offended I put Hair sniffing Biden on the suggestion list.

    I really don't care who you suggest or about your opinion. 


    Pretty obvious Joe Biden is miles different than Jimmy Carter or Kissinger. Hell or even Clinton with his health issues. 

    • Like 2
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  16. 50 minutes ago, TheCemetaryMan said:

    Biden could go this year. 

    Anyone could go any year. 


    There is no evidence that Biden is likely to die this year. Keep your politics out of deadpooling. I agree he has issues, doesn't mean soon to die

    • Like 1
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  17. Rumors on Twitter that Adam Sandler, American Actor (Wiki), dead from suicide.


    Seems to be a hoax so far.


    EDIT: Pretty much confirmed hoax, only article on it lists him as 49, when he is 55.

    Article making claim


    EDIT #2: Seems the hoax started on the social media app TikTok.

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