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  1. Comped

    Queen Camilla

    Would make sense why they didn't want her standing out in the cold then.
  2. Comped

    Jamie Foxx

    If he was poisoned, I'm sure it would have came out by now.
  3. Comped

    Bryan Johnson (and other anti-aging people)

    To be fair anyone who goes to India will likely end up with burning in their eyes and throat because of all the pollution...
  4. Comped

    Not Really Famous, But What A Moniker!

    Very surprised he didn't have a Wikipedia page during his lifetime considering he was a regular on network financial coverage and was high up in a major global financial institution... He got a pretty good package tonight on ABC World News for example.
  5. Comped

    Queen Camilla

    They're royally related dogs!
  6. Comped

    Queen Camilla

    This is minor in comparison. Well, except in a person of her age...
  7. Comped

    Elton John

    Just gotta make sure it has one of those rolling balls on the end instead of the blunt tip like how it's sold - makes it easier to roll it over uneven surfaces than get stabbed in the ribs every time you go near bricks, cracks, or need to stop. Like this:
  8. Comped

    Elton John

    He ought to get a cane then - it'd prevent many accidents that could lead to people scoring due to his demise... I've got one myself and it's quite helpful.
  9. Comped

    Nobel Prize In Death

    Do you run in Nobel or scientific circles or something?
  10. Comped

    Steve McMichael

    It's happened so many times before it's not surprising at this point, unfortunately. And the media won't say shit about it - even if they should.
  11. Comped

    Bob Bryar

    Suicide? I believe he admitted last year he thought about it but decided not to because of his family. Or health complications perhaps?
  12. Comped

    Diane Abbott

    Skinner at least had a purpose during the Queen's Speech pageantry though! Which is probably the only thing most people knew him for anyway.
  13. Comped

    Crashing Companies

    Usually this is pretty good for a brand though. The revenue isn't quite as good as selling the product fully yourself, but if you excess production capacity and nobody is going to buy that much of your product, it can be a pretty good deal. In this case it doesn't seem like that worked, which could be an issue with how much they were getting from the stores.
  14. Comped

    African Leaders - Despots and Democratic

    General Butt Naked is around the same age and likely to get news coverage in the West because of his notoriety. Not sure of his health though.
  15. Comped

    Hollywood Possibilities

    In a weird way it's oddly specific but also not specific enough to give us any level of confirmation that he actually died when this person said he did...

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