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  1. Comped


    A huge shock to me as well - was waiting to see him on Broadway in something a bit more commercially palatable than his previous work.
  2. Comped

    U.S. Political Figures over 85

    Once ran into her years ago while in Somerville at a robotics tournament with my family when I was a young lad - when she learned we were Canadian (my mother apparently didn't pronounce Somerville correctly for her taste), she called us all sorts of names, and accused us of supporting genociders (I suppose the Queen/Royal Family)... According to kids I grew up with, this was not the first time that'd happened. I will not cry for this nasty woman.
  3. Comped

    Queen Camilla

    Seriously? I had no idea. Obviously Charles doesn't smoke, but he does drink a bit...
  4. Comped


    Top Chef here has had like 6 different formats throughout the last 20 years, makes MasterChef look tame in comparison...
  5. Comped

    Businesspeople, Investors, CEO's

    The suspect is still at large, and list of potential people who have a reason to do this is literally millions long. This also means that a lot of healthcare CEOs may very quickly be ordering themselves armed guards on the company dime, which might be a very good idea for their life expectancy...
  6. Comped


    Wait in the UK MasterChef has a professional version? Here in the US that's what they use Hell's Kitchen for, it's strictly amateur over on MasterChef. Top Chef for a while had a really good professional series though.
  7. Comped

    Queen Camilla

    It would be somewhat ironic if things took a turn for the worst and Charles outlived her. Would make a lot of media outlets look very stupid.
  8. Comped

    Queen Camilla

    Would make sense why they didn't want her standing out in the cold then.
  9. Comped

    Jamie Foxx

    If he was poisoned, I'm sure it would have came out by now.
  10. Comped

    Bryan Johnson (and other anti-aging people)

    To be fair anyone who goes to India will likely end up with burning in their eyes and throat because of all the pollution...
  11. Comped

    Not Really Famous, But What A Moniker!

    Very surprised he didn't have a Wikipedia page during his lifetime considering he was a regular on network financial coverage and was high up in a major global financial institution... He got a pretty good package tonight on ABC World News for example.
  12. Comped

    Queen Camilla

    They're royally related dogs!
  13. Comped

    Queen Camilla

    This is minor in comparison. Well, except in a person of her age...
  14. Comped

    Elton John

    Just gotta make sure it has one of those rolling balls on the end instead of the blunt tip like how it's sold - makes it easier to roll it over uneven surfaces than get stabbed in the ribs every time you go near bricks, cracks, or need to stop. Like this:
  15. Comped

    Elton John

    He ought to get a cane then - it'd prevent many accidents that could lead to people scoring due to his demise... I've got one myself and it's quite helpful.

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