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SalmonMousse last won the day on July 1 2012

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27 Excellent

About SalmonMousse

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  1. SalmonMousse

    4. Dennis Skinner

    Be more like 75% of the whole house now. I always loved a bit of the beast of Bolsover. A man of principle, even if I did not agree with many of them.
  2. SalmonMousse

    9. Linda Nolan

    Linda Nolan has been keeping us on terminal tenter hooks for 8 years now.
  3. SalmonMousse

    2. Eva Marie Saint

    Film debut was opposite Marlon in On the Waterfront and she got an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress.
  4. SalmonMousse

    27. Sir David Attenborough

    I always wanted to stalk him as he went to all the interesting places in the world.
  5. SalmonMousse

    24. Imelda Marcos

    Her description should be Ex-First Lady of Philippine Military Dictator, corrupt politician and Shoe Hoarder. Its a lot to fit in but so much more accurate
  6. SalmonMousse


    I have been here for years and have never done a team. I just have a morbid fascination and sometimes you learn interesting things about celebs you never heard of. The Death List is almost as productive as the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (Death Row). I keep an eye on that too but mostly from a professional point of view
  7. SalmonMousse

    Terry Jones

    Leave me out of it..... Another part of what made me me has passed. RIP Mr Jones.
  8. SalmonMousse

    Robert Mugabe

    dead dead dead oh happy day. current president tweeting condolences
  9. SalmonMousse

    Zsa Zsa Gabor

    Cannot believe i missed this. Been stalking her death for years. .. damn damn damn
  10. SalmonMousse

    Fidel Castro

    Do you think he will have cake or would that be a bit too bourgeoisie https://www.google.co.nz/url?q=http://www.designboom.com/design/amnesty-international-campaign-silences-dictators-in-cake/&sa=U&ved=0CA0QwW4wAGoVChMI68XDg8qlxwIVoyWmCh2Y7w5C&sig2=OemCNH4i0U90p-Ro06oXPA&usg=AFQjCNEVN2mmPeNYkUjQKS1ELpuYOvggRg
  11. SalmonMousse

    Robert Mugabe

    Interesting, there's also mention of a cabinet post that might have gone to Grace Mugabe but now someone else gets it. The succession fights are starting. Id be surprised if there wasn't a military coup when the old bastard dies. you mean a party In Zimbabwe coup/party would be the same thing. Unfortunately the poor sods that live there would be shafted either way.
  12. SalmonMousse

    Martin Crowe

    Apparently Russell Crowe has been visiting. But both the articles covering this appear to have been pulled from the Web
  13. SalmonMousse

    Martin Crowe

    Still writing his column. .. http://m.nzherald.co.nz/sport/news/article.cfm?c_id=4&objectid=11453177
  14. SalmonMousse

    Bhumibol Adulyadej

    BB won
  15. SalmonMousse

    Martin Crowe

    Get the hankies out http://m.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=11424632

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