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French Deathlist 2024

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Hit 13, I was about to post it ! Doesn’t shock le but still.

it’s between Edgar Morin and Andre Chandernargor now

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8 minutes ago, Lafaucheuse said:

He looks far better than I would expect given his recent hospital stint.

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My 14th hit, 2024 the year of French Apocalypse... This man didnt want to live a second Time with a facist government in France.

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17 minutes ago, Fantomasss said:

This man didnt want to live a second Time with a facist government in France.

Despite he was a Socialist, Roland Dumas was good friend with Jean Marie Le Pen and the Le Pen family so I highly doubt he considered Rassemblement National as fascist.

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1 hour ago, Sinbabad said:

Despite he was a Socialist, Roland Dumas was good friend with Jean Marie Le Pen and the Le Pen family so I highly doubt he considered Rassemblement National as fascist.

Oh damn, I didn't know that but I'm not surprises. I know that he was not very popular in the socialists

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58 minutes ago, Fantomasss said:

Oh damn, I didn't know that but I'm not surprises. I know that he was not very popular in the socialists

He was one of Mitterrand’s favorites, so he was rather popular among the socialists, at least in the older generation.

I never heard that his friendship with Le Pen was an issue, it was rather his embezzlement problems.

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I have a title "Roland Dumas passé l'arme à gauche"

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14th hit with the death of Raphaël Geminiani !!

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On 02/04/2024 at 12:04, Lafaucheuse said:

thing is last year was so dry in term of french deaths that a lot of lingerers are now, unsurprisingly, giving up. Condé was long overdue, so are Chirac, Marie France Garaud, Morin and Dumas. I wouldn’t rule out some other frails and ills to drop dead from nowhere (Le Pen, Delon, Laborde or Hardy). A few nonagenarian could also surprise us (Geminiani, Villalonga, Serre or Dumont) and I sense some unexpected hits such as Fontaine, Pivot, Renaud or Léaud. 

Well, now 4 gone from this prevision list, amazing list for now 

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French elders are falling like flies. Still plenty on them remain.


Geminiani was popular in Italy as Fausto Coppi was with him during the trip on which he contracted malaria. An anecdote my father in law loved to tell. And I always had to remind him Geminiani was still going.

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Incenditly he died during the Tour de France and Le Monde made an article about him a week ago 

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In future it will be difficult to do better than this year 

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2 minutes ago, Lafaucheuse said:

Incenditly he died during the Tour de France and Le Monde made an article about him a week ago 

"Geminiani meurt à son tour"

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Now at half way through the year (and potentially half way to this list's total), below are some predictions of what the rest of the year might look like for this list, in terms of hits.


Hit #15: Geneviève Page (July 19)

Hit #16: GIlles Jacob (July 24)

Hit #17: Charles Biétry (August 30)

Hit #18: André Chandernagor (August 31)

Hit #19: Jean-Marie Le Pen (September 6)

Hit #20: Alain Delon (September 21)

Hit #21: Claire Maurier (September 27)

Hit #22: Edgar Morin (October 13)

Hit #23: André Darrigade (November 14)

Hit #24: Bernadette Chirac (November 21)

Hit #25: Marthe Villalonga (November 28)
Hit #26: Anne Vernon (December 5)

Hit #27: Charles Dumont (December 17)

Hit #28: Jean-Pierre Serre (December 26)

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Before publishing Dumas and Geminiani's obits, here is how I see things considering the odds of our pick to die : 


Edgar Morin - 90% : hospitalized a few weeks ago, 103 in 2 days, odds would say he's on his way out. However, still appearing fit and sharp of mind in recent interview about legislative elections. Wouldn't bet on him reaching 104 though. 

Jean Marie Le Pen - 85% : condition has supposedly worsened recently, can't concentrate nor speak anymore. Would say he's on his way out but still, he's on the 2024 list so…

Line Renaud - 40% : old. That's all. She said she's on her way out, but she's an attention seeker. Still here and there. I think she'll reach 2025. 

Brigitte Bardot - 60% old and health issues in the last few years but still able to give interviews about Delon recently. Unless a sudden turn for the worst, I think she's safe this year. 

Alain Delon - 80% : Also supposedly on his last leg. I tend to believe it as he looked decrepit in recent pictures. Can't see him reaching 90 so it's either this year or next I'd say. 

Bernadette Chirac - 90% : frail, wheelchairbound, 91 recently, has been circling the rain for years now, as for Delon it's either this year or next but I'd say it's this one. 

Philippe Bouvard - 60% : will soon retire after 60 years on radio but still here and there, will easily see 2025. 

Edouard Balladur - 60% : as for Bouvard, one of the healthiest nonagenarian out there even though he has slow down his interviews recently. One to watch for 2025 but not now imo. 

François Cheng - 80% : looked decrepit in the last pictures we have of him and hasn't been heard of in a while now. Wouldn't be surprised if he's announced dead tomorrow. 

Geneviève Page - 60% : don't know at all and don't care much to be honest. Just old but nothing new so who knows ? 

Charles Bietry - 65% : ALS sufferer who planned his assisted suicide in Switzerland but supposedly postponed it due to its legalization in France. Hasn't been seen in years now but still able to write papers recently. Doubt his death is imminent but wouldn't rule out an assisted suicide in 2025. 

Florent Pagny - 20% : complete waste of a spot here, his cancer hasn't moved a bit, planning his comeback for 2026. Will surely see the year out and probably the next one too. 

Brigitte Fontaine - 70% : a life of abuse will catch her up at some point. Still touring apparently but now seated and looked frailer than she used too and even in the good days, she wasn't a sturdy woman. Can't see her reaching 90 and wouldn't rule out a surprise hit here.

Catherine Laborde - 70% : every time we get news from her it's always about how her condition has worsened. Not to say it's false but when will it end ? Average Body Lewy Dementia prognosis is of 4 years and she had it since 2014. The maths doesn't play in her favour. However, I can see her reaching at least 2025. 

Jacques Balutin - 50% : don't care much tbh and absolutely don't know. Barely heard of recently which is weird and 89 recently so not too promising but really don't know. 

André Chandernagor - 75% : I know he's old as hell but he looked ok last year in his photos let alone the wheelchair. Supposedly in better shape than Morin for example, whom I assume he will outlive. Will he see 2025 ? 50/50 but I'd say yes. 

Gilles Jacob - 45% : recently published a book and still giving interviews here and there. Doesn't seem to be in immediate danger and strikes me as someone who could reach triple digit. 

Claude Zidi - 25% : 90 in a few weeks and looks 20 years younger in this video from 3 days ago. Another waste of a spot here as he'll surely see the year out. He speaks and looks better than me… 

Marthe Villalonga - 65% : fast-growing Alzheimer at 91 is not good sign but she announced it late last year, so probably safe for this year ? Not too sure about it however.

Anne Vernon - 65% : gave some interviews about her centenary recently but couldn't attend her ex-husband and former pick's funeral (Robert Badinter) in February. I'd say she'll reach 101 but not too sure about the rest of 2025… 

Charles Dumont - 60% : another surprisingly healthy nonagenarian as he's frequently interviewed. Gives me the vibe of someone who could easily reach 98-99. But could also be an ''out of the blue'' hit anytime. 

Judith Magre - 60% : don't care a lot as she sounds real healthy. Still on stage at 97, giving interviews frequently. Will probably reach 2025 if she doesn't die on stage. 

Claire Maurier - 50% : Don't care either and absolutely don't know about this one. At 95 she could die tomorrow or in 2 years and it wouldn't change my life.

Jean Pierre Serre - 70% : nothing about him considering his fame and caliber is weird. But I sense a centenarian here. I'd say he's safe for the year but I wouldn't completely rule out a surprise hit here. 

Nadine Trintignant - 60% : looked frail at Françoise Hardy's funeral but still able to attend and walk by herself. Let's keep an eye on her for next year but she doesn't seem at death door yet

André Darrigade - 45% : seemed pretty healthy at Michel Jazy's funeral earlier this year, so I'd say he has good chances of reaching 2025. Probably another wasted spot here. 

Aldo Maccione - 70% : Not seen in more than ten years. Left the Ferme des Célébrités for medical reasons in 2010, was absent from the publication of his biography in 2015. And that was 10 years ago. I would say he could well be a surprise hit at some point. 

Petula Clark - 25% : won't go anywhere for a while imo. Said she could even make her comeback on stage (which I doubt but still). Will be safe until 2025 at least. 

Guy Gilbert -  30% : Sounds and looks real good in this interview from January. He will be around for a while. 

Alejandro Jodorowsky - 55% : still giving interviews, still working, pretty sharp of mind, I don't think he's in danger for this year but at 95 everything can go down quickly… 

Jean Paul Guerlain - 85% : looked horrible for years now, the man is one cough away to die. And still, he's going. I doubt he'll see his 88 birthday. 

Jean Pierre Léaud - 80% : supposedly on his last leg last year, both economically and in terms of health. He has not even been able to react personally to the funds raised for him but was said to be ''quite touched" : this is the kind of sentence we heard before (Jacques Chirac ie.) when people can barely speak… Overdue imo. 

Gérard Mulliez - 70% : nothing new on him but looked frail for years now, 93 this year and his companies just have been investigated for tax fraud. I think it's gonna be rather sooner than later. 

Gérard Hernandez - 45% : I'd say he has some life in him still ; still acting even though he was said to be frailer than usual recently. Will reach 2025 however. 

Isabelle Balkany - 20% : Safe for this year. No news on her cancers which is weird considering the Balkany's couple are major attention seeker… Maybe something is real bad but I doubt it as she's always active. 

Renaud - 40% : looks horrible at his wedding earlier this year. Just think it's not his time yet, unless some stroke or cardiac problem happens. A wasted spot here again. 


Taking everyone above 80%, I'd say the next hits will be Morin, Le Pen, Delon, Chirac, Cheng, Guerlain and Léaud. I wouldn't rule out some surprise hit like Aldo Maccione, Gérard Mulliez, Laborde, Fontaine or Serre. Chandernargor is on his own category : wouldn't be surprised at all by his demise but doesn't seem like the closest to death. 

Anyway, I think we can except 6 or 7 more hits, reaching 20 would be a great way to start our common list !


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2 hours ago, Lafaucheuse said:

Alain Delon - 80% : Also supposedly on his last leg. I tend to believe it as he looked decrepit in recent pictures.

@Lafaucheuse What is the most recent photo you have seen of Delon? I haven't anything since that photo taken on April 19.

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12 hours ago, Lafaucheuse said:

Claude Zidi - 25% : 90 in a few weeks and looks 20 years younger in this video from 3 days ago. Another waste of a spot here as he'll surely see the year out. He speaks and looks better than me… 

Thank you for the vidéo about Claude Zidi. I thought to keep him on my 2025 deathlist but finally not, he seems to be 70, I'm very surprised !

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On 06/07/2024 at 14:12, The Daredevil said:

@Lafaucheuse What is the most recent photo you have seen of Delon? I haven't anything since that photo taken on April 19.

New recents photos of Delon, they are posted here on the Instagram account of his daughter Anouchka, by herself.

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9 minutes ago, Lafaucheuse said:

nvm !

What was that?

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3rd of July 2024

Hit n°13




Roland Dumas passe l'arme à gauche 


Former president of the Constitutional Council and minister of Foreign Affairs Roland Dumas has died aged 101 to score the 13th hit of our French common list. Dumas was born in Limoges in 1922 and became a resistance fighter in his home region after the death of his father was shot by the Gestapo for being himself a prominent resistant. After the war, Dumas studied law and quickly became a political lawyer, bonding with prominent political figure of the time such as Robert Badinter (with whom he worked for a brief period) and the young François Mitterrand. He stayed close to Mitterrand and became minister of European affairs in 1983. During Mitterrand's time in office, Dumas secured top political spots such as Spokesperson of the Government (1984) and  Minister of Foreign Affairs for almost ten years (1984-1993). In 1995, Dumas became the President of the Constitutional Council until 2000, succeeding to his friend and fellow deathlist pick  Robert Badinter. Badinter 

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5th of July 2024

Hit n°14




Géminiani meurt à son tour


Bicycle champion Raphaël Géminiani has died prematurely aged 99 to provide another quick score for our 2024 list. Géminiani was born in 1925 in Clermont-Ferrand from an Italian family escaping fascism. After having worked in a bicycle shop and practicing rugby, Géminiani began his professional cycling career in 1946, following the footsteps of his own brother. His first Tour de France was in 1947 and he won overall 7 stages of the Tour between 1949 and 1955. In 1953, Géminiani won French National Road Race Championships, becoming one of the most famous and successful racing champion of the time alongside the likes of Louison Bobet, André Darrigade or Raymond Poulidor. He also won the Mountains classification in the Giro d'Italia in 1952 and 1957 and earned the nickname of "the top gun" at this time. In the latter part of his life, Géminiani became a racing coach and became an avid entrepreneur and businessman. Géminiani was selected this year at n°35 and shows that not anyone who makes it to 99 makes to to 100… His death marks another quick success before a slow period for our deathlist who sees a lot of old and frail celebs dying recently… 

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