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Rude Kid

Stiffologists of the World Unite!

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I thought I smelt something...


DWB :lol:


I thought that was in resonse to weatherman. Sorry

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I see the latest bunch of comments has finally been reviewed and released on the BBC site - they just get better...Id say the genuine post percentage is dropping fast :lol:

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As an American, I used to think the UK had a much better head on their shoulders when it comes to religious dogma. Holy crap, was I wrong! It's the same all over... "God will punish you for this," "you'll burn in hell," "judgement day," "sinful," "the good Lord," and on & on.... I should have know: human is human no matter where you live. You so-called religious people cast judgement on everyone else, yet you don't see your own foolish ways. I'm sure you love to throw these phrases around to everyone else, but never apply them to yourselves, but give it a try: "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." "Judge not, lest ye be judged." "Turn the other cheek." "Love thy neighbor." Shall I go on? Listen, just because your parents taught you to believe in a particular religion doesn't make you "holier than thou," as it were. Why do you think you're better than anyone else (oh, yes you do!)? Don't be so foolish.... You're hypocrites. And Mrs Trellis from North Wales: "why won't someone think about the children" - are you kidding me?????? Come on! You're a looney one, aren't you?! If you think that one Dead Pool website is more dangerous to children than putting blinders on them & teaching them a singular way of thinking, you are absolutely backwards! Aaaaaaaaah, I'm wasting my breath; there are those of us who get it, and those of you who don't, and the two shall never meet.

1 of 57,288,974


Now, is this one for real? I suspect that it could be! If so, I think the British SOH has side-stepped our American cousin. If it isn't for real, I think the American SOH has side-stepped me.


DWB :lol:

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I'm Sorry He Hasn't A Clue...

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It really irks me that the religious and self-appointed moral guardians complaining to the Home Office, Tony Blair, the Derby Council, etc. about such things like the DDP, are simply trying to impose their "100%-correct-censored-god-fearing view of the world" on everyone else.

It just gives me the absolute pips to hear that if you don't share their childlike black-and-white, good v's evil, simplistist view of the world, you must be 100% wrong, and they, in their own mind are 100% good, so you must therefore be 100% evil and stopped at all costs.

Anyway, that's just my point of view. If you don't agree, you can go and get stuffed, because you're dead set wrong. Bloody pervert. I'm calling the Home Office to get you put under surveillance.

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Their complaints were quite amusing. I am sure that the people at the Home Office got a good chuckle out of them.

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A unique pick in the DDP for the DL.net team for Sister Lucia - Hurrah! :P

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Don't bank on it - she still needs a UK obit, and I'm thinking she might be a bit obscure... :P:P

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Don't bank on it - she still needs a UK obit, and I'm thinking she might be a bit obscure... :P:P

Here's the UK orbit


Sister Lucia dies





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Don't bank on it - she still needs a UK obit, and I'm thinking she might be a bit obscure... :P:P

Oh, c'mon RK, that's a dead lock.

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that would have been ironic - missing out on points b/c one of our entries wasn't famous enough for the DDP. Personally, I'd never heard of Sister Lucia, and her claim to fame doesn't sound much more plausible than the plot of Independence Day. But it's nice to pick up some more points and get back in the race

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