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Survivors 2006

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Which of the current DL top 50 will still be breathing into 2007?


I'd hazard a guess that Muhammad Ali will see his 65th birthday in January 2007. Might not be much good if he has to thank everyone for turning up, but he'll probably be there.

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I reckon Thatcher, being used to clinging on after her best years have long gone, will, unfortunately, be still here. I hope not and am ever the optimist..........come on Thatch, red card, your time's up.... ;)

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I'd say Alfredo di Stefano, Brooke Astor, Eli Wallach, Norman Wisdom, Alex Soly, Tony Curtis and Aaron Spelling are the most likely to see 2007.


That's seven names out of 50. Out of random luck, I'll probably be wrong on one or two of them, but I'm fairly confident on them all.

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We have four centenarians on the list, surely the law of averages suggest at one to get the finger....I'll plump for Hoffman to cark it!

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Claire Raynor is just after the sympathy vote...and will outlive us all


and I wouldn't go a bundle on Liz Taylor.....

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Would be very suprised if they died in 2006:


Alfredo Di Stefano, Al Lewis, Eli Wallach, John Profumo, Norman Wisdom, Dom Mintoff, Vera Lynn, Abdelaziz Bouteflika, Claire Rayner, Mickey Rooney, Tony Curtis, Nelson Mandela, Clive Dunn


Ones I suspect will last the year out through sheer persistence:


Ronnie Biggs, Charles Lane, Albert Hofmann, Patrick Moore, Byron Nelson, Kurt Waldheim, Muhammad Ali, Margaret Thatcher, Charlton Heston & Aaron Spelling


The rest I consider good each-way bets.

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