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Banshees Scream

The Bermuda Triangle

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"Bermuda Triangle It makes people disappear

Bermuda Triangle Don't go to near

But look At it from my angle

And you'll see what I'm so glad

Now Bermuda Triangle Not so bad!"


Especially for Weatherman 90.

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With many ships and aircrafts vanishing over time what are the opinions

of the DL members?

I saw a compelling report on... I think TLC... that promulgated a convincing theory concerning gas bubbles and the flash tidals that they could create to sink ships, along with the magnetic disturbences that they cause (to mess up plane equipment).


I think there are definetely supernatural aspects of our world, but I'm a bit doubtful that The Bermuda Triangle is one of them.

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I think there are definetely supernatural aspects of our world, but I'm a bit doubtful that The Bermuda Triangle is one of them.

I'm very unsure how to define this topic which is why I created

it in the first place.


After watching many theorys I feel that there is without a doubt some sort

of energy flowing within this area. This energy which can be scientifically

explained causes all electricity to fail or not function properly. Or it's explained

somewhat but not fully. Maybe this may be more understood in the next

decade or so.


But there is much more to it then that - With ships and aircrafts vanishing

"And there were many" it may have some sort of time warp or hotspot in

that area. One man was traveling 100 miles by plane and after going through a strange electric cloud he got to the place he was going in 3 minutes.


I'm pondering on what the real anwser may be. There may be so much energy in this area that if you were to colide with it you may insindigrate. That might explain

why everything vanishes from radar.


With the man who lost time traveling shows alot of evidence of some kind atleast.

Perhaps where they look for remains and metal or peices of aircrafts is in the wrong place? Maybe these ships and planes are thrown so off course there

on miles away on the other side of the ocean? The thought that there

is another world way beyond are own is very interesting and to be honest I say it's a possibility but in this case i'm unsure. :lol:

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after going through a strange electric cloud he got to the place he was going in 3 minutes.


This "strange electric cloud"... not a purple haze, by any chance, was it? I've often made journeys feel shorter by "flying through the odd cloud" of my own. :lol:

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One man was traveling 100 miles by plane and after going through a strange electric cloud he got to the place he was going in 3 minutes.

100 miles in 3 mins would be 2,000 mph, which is doable according to the following:




However, that's once the plane is going at full speed, and given planes have to slow down it's doubtful one could actually travel 100 miles and safely reach the destination in 3 mins. Seems a list of possible explanations would include:


1) the guy's watch stopped for a few mins and he didn't notice;


2) he passed out and when he woke up it seemed like it was just 3 mins;


3) he's a complete lunatic and/or liar, like all the people who've been for trips on alien space ships, have ridden on Nessie's back, been chased by Bigfoot, etc.;


4) Star Crossed's suggestion


Don't a lot of tropical storms either originate or pass through the Bermuda triangle?

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Don't a lot of tropical storms either originate or pass through the Bermuda triangle?

You're not suggesting something as banal as tropical storms could be the cause?

What about all the space/time wormholes, anti-electricity, free-flowing energy clouds and the like?

Surely these kind of things, and space aliens and/or evil ghost ships, are far more likely to have caused a lot more disappearences than mere tropical storms.


Lloyds of London's shipping insurance lost-at-sea figures would have chalked up quite a few losses on the "storm" side over the years, (rather than the "ghost ship/wormhole/anti-electricity" side,) but I bet they're just in on the whole global conspiracy thing.

But then again, maybe not.

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after going through a strange electric cloud he got to the place he was going in 3 minutes.


This "strange electric cloud"... not a purple haze, by any chance, was it? I've often made journeys feel shorter by "flying through the odd cloud" of my own. :lol:

This strange electric cloud was described a very dark when going through

it with electricity within it. Some people may even call it a mist.


When going through this cloud all devices stop working and

it was said there was absolutely no precipitation.


As said I feel there is something unexplained in this area and I believe

if science found out how to use this energy in this area it could

possibly change our world.


(AUTEC) a goverment operation may also have some sort of involvement.

It may explain recent lights in the sky because they are testing new technology

or even testing what they have learned from UFO aircrafts. Although not to

get off topic but I would give believing in real life UFO's a chance. Even

Christopher Columbus reported seeing strange lights in the sky the night

he discovered America.


But even if it were the goverment testing it still wouldn't explain

the electric cloud. :(

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I'm no boffin, but if scientists learned how to use the energy from this area, is there not a danger that as against changing our world, it might make it disappear altogether?


Mind you, I suppose you can't get more of a change than that.

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I'm no boffin, but if scientists learned how to use the energy from this area, is there not a danger that as against changing our world, it might make it disappear altogether?


Mind you, I suppose you can't get more of a change than that.

Playing with extra-dimentional vortexes...


Surely there is a more straightforward explanation to the Bermuda Triangle.


I've heard the layout of landmasses and weather effects make everything look the same, so it's easy to get lost.


But I'm just a doctor...


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I've heard the layout of landmasses and weather effects make everything look the same, so it's easy to get lost.

Still wouldn't explain half of it..

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Surely these kind of things, and space aliens and/or evil ghost ships, are far more likely to have caused a lot more disappearences than mere tropical storms.

Or giants.



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I'm no boffin, but if scientists learned how to use the energy from this area, is there not a danger that as against changing our world, it might make it disappear altogether?


Mind you, I suppose you can't get more of a change than that.

Good point BHB - Some powers at this point in time may be very

dangerous and perhaps even science wouldn't be able to handle it.


Although if there was a way to make travel quicker


Example: To travel from America to Canada in 20 minutes? How amazing

that might be?


But i'm sure it would all have to be well tested and even if something like this

was discovered it may take many years before it would actually be put to use.

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I'm no boffin, but if scientists learned how to use the energy from this area, is there not a danger that as against changing our world, it might make it disappear altogether?


Mind you, I suppose you can't get more of a change than that.

Good point BHB - Some powers at this point in time may be very

dangerous and perhaps even science wouldn't be able to handle it.


Although if there was a way to make travel quicker


Example: To travel from America to Canada in 20 minutes? How amazing

that might be?


But i'm sure it would all have to be well tested and even if something like this

was discovered it may take many years before it would actually be put to use.

Depends how amazing Canada is I suppose...


I've heard it's very Conservative these days.

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To travel from America to Canada in 20 minutes? How amazing

that might be?

You could probably walk it in less that that, depending on how long they stop you at customs :lol:

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To travel from America to Canada in 20 minutes? How amazing

that might be?

You could probably walk it in less then that, depending on how long they stop you at customs :(

Or perhaps if you forgot your luggage in LA it wouldn't be an effort

to go back and get it since flying back from New York would only

take 15 minutes. :lol:

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Sorry. I was on the phone.


It's "less than that", actually :lol:

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Sorry. I was on the phone.


It's "less than that", actually  :(

Well since I just had lunch I accidently burned myself on a pan. :lol:


And you think talking on the phone is an excuse..

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A sceptic writes...


Bermuda Triangle?


That's nothing I read about a world that you could get to through the back of a wardrobe.


.... and then there was that Mr Benn's fancy dress shop in Festive Road....


All three are fictions; examples of wish fulfilment.

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All three are fictions; examples of wish fulfilment.

Can't say I know much about the other two but the Bermuda Triangle

is anything but fiction.


You shouldn't speak about things you know nothing about?

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The Bermuda Triangle is a complete mystery.

How a song like that, ever got to be a hit is beyond me

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The problem with the "Bermuda Triangle being a rift in normal space-time" theory is that current understanding of such singularities would suggest they can only occur in deep space, ie not near other mass-gravitational bodies.


Then again, if the BT does exist, then current laws of physics would be thrown out the window anyway.

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The problem with the "Bermuda Triangle being a rift in normal space-time" theory is that current understanding of such singularities would suggest they can only occur in deep space, ie not near other mass-gravitational bodies.


Then again, if the BT does exist, then current laws of physics would be thrown out the window anyway.

Yes - Maybe in this area space and time don't match to our own?


Honestly i'm becoming a bit confused myself. :lol:

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All three are fictions; examples of wish fulfilment.

Can't say I know much about the other two but the Bermuda Triangle

is anything but fiction.


You shouldn't speak about things you know nothing about?

That appears to be a question(?). Or has the antipodean interrogative found its way into print.


Whatever; the Bermuda Triangle has varied in size over the years to the extent that it has taken in the southern tip of Ireland. Large areas of ocean are susceptible to massive and sudden storms. Its not a mystery.


You sir are Eric van Daniken!


Actually, given the purpose of this site, is he still alive?? Where's Google.......

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Then again, you do hear of stories of people driving down country lanes etc, who seem to travel back in time.


For example, they go in a pub that seems to be set in the 1960s and drive off. Then they go back to the village a week later and it's completely different.


There have been reported cases of this.


Remember, time is merely a measure of distance between events, as opposed to locations.

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