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Worthing Paul

Polite request...

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Ah, I love the way this thread is shaping. From an innocent 2 year old request from Worthing Paul to a full blown discussion as to which famous person TLC resembles. Excellent!


A bald Brian Cant is the best so far, although I am a little concerned about TLC's fixation about wishing to look like the Red Dwarf cast. Has he also considered impersonating A. Rimmer? Gnarf, gnarf!


I am now going to spend the rest of the day gazing at TLC's pic and scouring the Interweb thingy for possible lookalikes. Ha! That's how I react to having my manuscript landing on the doormat; unread, unloved and unwanted. Again. Never let it be said that I don't know how to make the maximum use of my time...

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Don't get too excited, TLC, but I think I've found the woman for you :banghead:



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Nice one, Bou. My search so far has yielded far less amusing results, although I have found evidence of TLC's oversized digit terrorising some Korean tourists:




It's good to see that one in the yellow Winnie the Pooh hat fighting back.

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Wouldn't that be great though? If one of our erstwhile DListers posted something along the lines of:


'Well, I'm surprised you haven't twigged yet, but I'm actually Craig Charles!'


Au contraire! Mr Charles is sadly lacking in digit size by comparison. As you can see, I use it to balance my big manly chin on when posing on my torture bed. And Mr Charles is using at least two fingers if not three to casually hold that glass, when I would only use the one!


Oh yes, and I wouldn't f*cking well be seen f*cking dead in that f*cking terrible shirt.


If anyone can make me look like Danny John-Jules (without digital jiggery-pokery) I'll be mighty impressed!


Comparisons to Chris Barrie will not be appreciated thank you.





Chris Barrie has his fair share of fan girls though you know


See here



and here



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Thank you all, for my 15 minutes of DL fame! I'm so pleased you found such handsome people for me to be compared to, or to be touted as potential partners. I mean handsome both in the normal sense, and also in the same way that lonesome (sort of) means full of loneliness.... ;)


I may will regret saying this, but the one comparison I used to get occasionally when I was younger was Jimmy Sommerville, which cheered me up no end as a teenager I'm sure you can imagine. I choose to believe it was to do with the haircut. <_<


And Tin Tin. Definitely the haircut then.


Sorry Handrejka, not yet summoned up the courage to go on a website called 'rimmerworld' whilst at work. Maybe later. :)

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You may in fact be Richard Cant, son of Brian...





Personally I think you look like a young Brian Cant with somewhat less hair.


High praise I'm sure you'll agree.

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If we sift further into what we know, is it possible that Maryport is actually Adam Ant? Once famous, undoubtedly exceedingly intelligent, but not adverse, one imagines, to bursting into the Miner's Arms brandishing a shotgun and perturbing everyone with a facial tick.


I missed this first time around, I'm taller, younger and much better looking than that demented beach ball on legs. Anyway, could Adam write in Cumbrian dialec', eh? A'm no' see sure, like eh. It'd be funny mind:

see pu' i' on the jukebox an' dee us all a favour

tha' music's los' it's taste see try another flavour, like.


Loved the comment about me being highly intelligent, so did Mrs MPFC, we'll discuss it once she stops weeping with laughter.

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If we sift further into what we know, is it possible that Maryport is actually Adam Ant? Once famous, undoubtedly exceedingly intelligent, but not adverse, one imagines, to bursting into the Miner's Arms brandishing a shotgun and perturbing everyone with a facial tick.


I missed this first time around, I'm taller, younger and much better looking than that demented beach ball on legs. Anyway, could Adam write in Cumbrian dialec', eh? A'm no' see sure, like eh. It'd be funny mind


see pu' i' on the jukebox an' dee us all a favour

tha' music's los' it's taste see try another flavour, like.


Loved the comment about me being highly intelligent, so did Mrs MPFC, we'll discuss it once she stops weeping with laughter.


Okay, but what about bursting into your local with a loaded gun and perturbing everyone with your facial tick?


Mrs MPFC, shove him to the front....

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You may in fact be Richard Cant, son of Brian...


And doesn't he look pleased about being part of the Cant family? I bet that was a Bleak House....


...in fact, he looks a bit like a young lad being forced to wear an unwanted silk cravat that he got that xmas from his grandparents....and saying thank you through gritted teeth.


Can I have my photo album back please Anubis? I'll swap it for my collection of 'AtJ & sister in Deerstalker' snaps. <_<

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Okay, but what about bursting into your local with a loaded gun and perturbing everyone with your facial tick?


Ticks 'n' guns; par for the course around here in the wild west. Mebbe I'd cause consternation if I took Mrs MPFC for a drink and a snog in the corner of Workington's one and only gay pub.

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