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Happy Thanksgiving

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Oh, for the Flying Spaghetti Monster's sake, could we stop degenerating into this crap? It's just an exercise in generalization. Most people are too busy trying to feed kids and pay the mortgage to really give a damn about it anyway.


How about we all just celebrate World AIDS Day on the first and do something constructive for a worthy cause that doesn't involve a bunch of nationalistic sniping?

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I'm not eating again for a week. I too am thankful for plastic storage and am adding the folks at Alka Seltzer to my Christmas card list.



Oh, and I'm thankful for second chances and second helpings.

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All this talk of being Jaded, and that picture of the turkey made me think of this, for which I am not thankful.

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And if you had the stomach, you could go right to the farmer and do your own slaughter and prep it for the table couldn't you? But I somehow feel as if you don't have either the guts or the work ethic to do either. You'd just rather criticize a bunch of probably hard working people that you've never met. Is that about it?


Well I can't say I'm proud of this Deadsox but only last week I had my arm up a Canadian goose (that would make it American) I'd shot, drawing out its innards. Mrs Godot roasted it for lunch and I curried the rest with some partridge that I had also shot. Very good it was too. So I think I do have the stomach for a bit of slaughter and I always eat what I kill, apart from the odd fly and maybe a wasp or two.


What I do find hard to stomach, however, are your sanctimonious, holier-than-thou, happy-clappy warblings from deep in the heart of Obnoxiousville. Have a nice day!

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And if you had the stomach, you could go right to the farmer and do your own slaughter and prep it for the table couldn't you? But I somehow feel as if you don't have either the guts or the work ethic to do either. You'd just rather criticize a bunch of probably hard working people that you've never met. Is that about it?


Well I can't say I'm proud of this Deadsox but only last week I had my arm up a Canadian goose (that would make it American) I'd shot, drawing out its innards. Mrs Godot roasted it for lunch and I curried the rest with some partridge that I had also shot. Very good it was too. So I think I do have the stomach for a bit of slaughter and I always eat what I kill, apart from the odd fly and maybe a wasp or two.


What I do find hard to stomach, however, are your sanctimonious, holier-than-thou, happy-clappy warblings from deep in the heart of Obnoxiousville. Have a nice day!


Well I will admit to being surprised Godot, maybe you're not the effete little snob you appear to be. I do have a few reservations, however:

A goose would make an awfully large lunch.

If you were a hunter, you would be proud.

A "Canadian" goose would be any goose living on Canada, and I don't know if they really care about nationality. The game bird you are probably referring to would be a Canada Goose.

Your little story doesn't seem to ring true. I obviously don't know that for a fact, but you can say you shot an elephant and a polar bear and I really don't know do I?

I am am having and will have a nice day. I'm warm, safe and snug here in Obnoxiousville but the only thing I don't understand is why you don't drop in to say hello? You live here too.

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There are geese called "Canadian", regardless of where they are. I've shot many of them as a catharsis for my frustrations with our neighbors to the North. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canada_Goose

They tend to be large, though, and it would take quite the heft person to consider one for luncheon.


I kill and eat lots of animals and am only saddened that politicians aren't more palatable.

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There are geese called "Canadian", regardless of where they are. I've shot many of them as a catharsis for my frustrations with our neighbors to the North. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canada_Goose

They tend to be large, though, and it would take quite the heft person to consider one for luncheon.


I kill and eat lots of animals and am only saddened that politicians aren't more palatable.


I don't mean to quibble (with you anyway, Harry) but my point was that the name of the bird is "Canada Goose" not "Canadian Goose" as your submission clearly demonstrates. An open season on politicians would certainly be something to consider although cleaning them would be quite a chore.

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There are geese called "Canadian", regardless of where they are. I've shot many of them as a catharsis for my frustrations with our neighbors to the North. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canada_Goose

They tend to be large, though, and it would take quite the heft person to consider one for luncheon.


I kill and eat lots of animals and am only saddened that politicians aren't more palatable.


I don't mean to quibble (with you anyway, Harry) but my point was that the name of the bird is "Canada Goose" not "Canadian Goose" as your submission clearly demonstrates. An open season on politicians would certainly be something to consider although cleaning them would be quite a chore.

Yes, I made a mistake. It was a Canada goose and yes, Flanders, it was a big bird which made a good lunch for two plus cold for lunch the next day, then curried pickings for the whole family the day after. I had a pigeon as well and still have a brace of pheasant to go. Oh, and I saved a few feathers for fishing flies. I don't see why this should be hard to believe. We were shooting guns in England when the only real Americans were running around with bows and arrows - before you shot most of civilized them for which you were able to give thanks.


And another thing, I come from a town in Yorkshire that makes Maryport look like the French Riviera and was reared on muck sandwiches with added Rickets. Snobs in our town were people with indoor toilets and we didn't have one. I'm not so little either. Not sure about effete. If you mean cultured, yeah that's true, I know where Belgium is.

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There are geese called "Canadian", regardless of where they are. I've shot many of them as a catharsis for my frustrations with our neighbors to the North. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canada_Goose

They tend to be large, though, and it would take quite the heft person to consider one for luncheon.


I kill and eat lots of animals and am only saddened that politicians aren't more palatable.


I don't mean to quibble (with you anyway, Harry) but my point was that the name of the bird is "Canada Goose" not "Canadian Goose" as your submission clearly demonstrates. An open season on politicians would certainly be something to consider although cleaning them would be quite a chore.

Yes, I made a mistake. It was a Canada goose and yes, Flanders, it was a big bird which made a good lunch for two plus cold for lunch the next day, then curried pickings for the whole family the day after. I had a pigeon as well and still have a brace of pheasant to go. Oh, and I saved a few feathers for fishing flies. I don't see why this should be hard to believe. We were shooting guns in England when the only real Americans were running around with bows and arrows - before you shot most of civilized them for which you were able to give thanks.


And another thing, I come from a town in Yorkshire that makes Maryport look like the French Riviera and was reared on muck sandwiches with added Rickets. Snobs in our town were people with indoor toilets and we didn't have one. I'm not so little either. Not sure about effete. If you mean cultured, yeah that's true, I know where Belgium is.


Congratulations on knowing where Belgium is. It seems like pretty rudimentary geography, but good for you. As a point of fact, the great majority of Native Americans who were killed due to the influence of colonization died of infectious diseases brought by the Europeans, like you English. The number that were shot pales by comparison. You could look it up Mr. Burns.

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I am thankful that Thanksgiving is over.



I am thankful that I am not a New Englander.




I am thankful that when I count to twelve I don't lose track.



I am thankful that there was a sale today at Rite-Aid on garbage.


I am thankful that my fingernail which I chewed too far off on Wednesday night has stopped paining me.



I am thankful that my latest tirade against the bitch was heard by nosey neighbors.


I am thankful that there are only 12 days of Christmas and that there are less than 30 days left until they begin since then they will be over soon after that.


I am thankful that the volume was off on the television this morning when there was a Barry Manilow songfest.


I am thankful that I will be screwing that bitch landlady over very soon thanks to George Bush the first who signed the ADA which requires new establishments which are open to the public to be accessible to all-including those who cannot navigate stairs. Fool woman hired an alleged businessman who created a store with 2 steps-and no railing either. So as the holiday season approaches I will take solace in her businesses being shut for a day or 2 while the new ce-ment dries.


I am thankful that varnish starts with the letter V.


I am thankful that the mighty Jets beat the lowly Titans last Sunday.


I am thankful that the Yankees are... :crossbone: well, :) I don't quite know whatthey are :unsure: .



I am thankful that I am not the negative nelly who is beefing about me being thankful for the aforementioned items.


I am thankful that yesterday was the day before today which is the day before tomorrow.


I am thankful that I saw the movie Marty several times before I died.


I am thankful that I didn't eat the entire Monte Cristo in one night (the sandwich, not the book).


I am thankful that because some people have no sense of humor, I am now able to write my responses here without slithering towards gibberish---yes, I know, that is questionable.


I am thankful that I didn't bother voting since this will leave me in the clear if Obama flops.


I am thankful that the cable company has seen fit to give me Fox News which means I can get weekly chortles watching Mike Huckabee in his new show.


I am thankful that water still flows from the tap.


I am thankful that the store under Jerry's old apartment on Hudson Street has gone ghostly----it's a triple wide, so with the dismal economy it may stay empty a while.



I am thankful that I am too poor to have money in the stock market.


I am thankful that I just passed gas---it relieved the internal pressure.



I am thankful that I don't have a bus ticket to Fresno.

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I am thankful that Thanksgiving is over.



I am thankful that I am not a New Englander.




I am thankful that when I count to twelve I don't lose track.



I am thankful that there was a sale today at Rite-Aid on garbage.


I am thankful that my fingernail which I chewed too far off on Wednesday night has stopped paining me.



I am thankful that my latest tirade against the bitch was heard by nosey neighbors.


I am thankful that there are only 12 days of Christmas and that there are less than 30 days left until they begin since then they will be over soon after that.


I am thankful that the volume was off on the television this morning when there was a Barry Manilow songfest.


I am thankful that I will be screwing that bitch landlady over very soon thanks to George Bush the first who signed the ADA which requires new establishments which are open to the public to be accessible to all-including those who cannot navigate stairs. Fool woman hired an alleged businessman who created a store with 2 steps-and no railing either. So as the holiday season approaches I will take solace in her businesses being shut for a day or 2 while the new ce-ment dries.


I am thankful that varnish starts with the letter V.


I am thankful that the mighty Jets beat the lowly Titans last Sunday.


I am thankful that the Yankees are... :crossbone: well, :) I don't quite know whatthey are :unsure: .



I am thankful that I am not the negative nelly who is beefing about me being thankful for the aforementioned items.


I am thankful that yesterday was the day before today which is the day before tomorrow.


I am thankful that I saw the movie Marty several times before I died.


I am thankful that I didn't eat the entire Monte Cristo in one night (the sandwich, not the book).


I am thankful that because some people have no sense of humor, I am now able to write my responses here without slithering towards gibberish---yes, I know, that is questionable.


I am thankful that I didn't bother voting since this will leave me in the clear if Obama flops.


I am thankful that the cable company has seen fit to give me Fox News which means I can get weekly chortles watching Mike Huckabee in his new show.


I am thankful that water still flows from the tap.


I am thankful that the store under Jerry's old apartment on Hudson Street has gone ghostly----it's a triple wide, so with the dismal economy it may stay empty a while.



I am thankful that I am too poor to have money in the stock market.


I am thankful that I just passed gas---it relieved the internal pressure.



I am thankful that I don't have a bus ticket to Fresno.

I'm thankful for such a lovely post, Bruno. :lol:

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Tonight, I am thankful for Chardonnay and Jack Daniel's. And following a theme, who am I thankful to for them? f*****g me.

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Tonight, I am thankful for Chardonnay and Jack Daniel's. And following a theme, who am I thankful to for them? f*****g me.

Tomorrow, you will be mighty thankful for high-strength aspirin, I'm guessing.


Quite probably, along with being thankful for the van that makes humungous breakfast rolls served with a can of coke, and thankful for the fact that I can stay in bed all afternoon cursing the whole world.

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I have reviewed my posts in this thread and wish to apologize. Godot, I had no right nor justification to question your honesty. I became angry at what I perceived to be a sniping post. My comments to you were nasty and mean spirited. My being annoyed does not excuse them. What started out as a sincere expression of thanks for my blessings (or good fortune if you prefer) became something else entirely. Godot, and the rest of my DL correspondents, please accept my apology.

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Don't apologize for creating a bit of drama when it is sorely needed for entertainment purposes, deadsox, now I have to consider doing something evil to Bruno for being thankful for the Titans' loss* just to keep it going.




*I was counting on Detroit for that next weekend. Nothing like an undefeated team against a winless team for drama.

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Tonight, I am thankful for Chardonnay and Jack Daniel's. And following a theme, who am I thankful to for them? f*****g me.


Oh, I don't know, LB. You might spare some thankfulness to the winery and the distillery. The Jack Daniels distillery is a really cool place. :crossbone:

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Except you cannot legally partake in their product there. Blue laws and other relious based prohibitions drive me insane.



CA, is Tyler still "dry"?

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I have reviewed my posts in this thread and wish to apologize. Godot, I had no right nor justification to question your honesty. I became angry at what I perceived to be a sniping post. My comments to you were nasty and mean spirited. My being annoyed does not excuse them. What started out as a sincere expression of thanks for my blessings (or good fortune if you prefer) became something else entirely. Godot, and the rest of my DL correspondents, please accept my apology.

Well I guess I could overlook it just this once deadsox but don't let it happen again. Meanwhile I would like to apologise to the goose.

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I'm thankful that the JETS SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




















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Except you cannot legally partake in their product there. Blue laws and other relious based prohibitions drive me insane.



CA, is Tyler still "dry"?


I believe so, but I haven't been to Smith County in a while.

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I'm thankful that the JETS SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




















And I'm thankful that the Giants don't. :banghead:

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On Thanksgiving Day in the US, I am once again thankful for a healthy family that will gather together for a wonderful meal, for work that will sustain us and for freedom. I wish all my deathlist friends health, happiness and love.

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It's very unfortunate that back on the first Thanksgiving feast the Pilgrims and the Indians decided to have a turkey as the main course. I don't find turkey very appetizing at all. If only a few mysterious Italian chefs arrived at the scene and began making negotiations immediately starting with: Put that Turkey down! We have left over lentils and pasta waiting in the boat..

I guess a few Spanish or Jewish chefs wouldn't have been so terrible either.

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It's very unfortunate that back on the first Thanksgiving feast the Pilgrims and the Indians decided to have a turkey as the main course. I don't find turkey very appetizing at all. If only a few mysterious Italian chefs arrived at the scene and began making negotiations immediately starting with: Put that Turkey down! We have left over lentils and pasta waiting in the boat..

I guess a few Spanish or Jewish chefs wouldn't have been so terrible either. Burritos and .. potato knishes ..


Turkey is wonderful, BS, if you know how to cook it. The Wampanoags also brought venison, another favorite of mine.

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